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Starting with Performance Management and Ending with Feedback Leslie Hubble, Division of Student Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "Starting with Performance Management and Ending with Feedback Leslie Hubble, Division of Student Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starting with Performance Management and Ending with Feedback Leslie Hubble, Division of Student Affairs

2 Performance Management Understanding the “Nuts and Bolts”

3 What is Performance Management? Performance Management Competency Model Leadership Development Goal Setting Behavioral Norm 360* Feedback Performance Improvement Process Coaching Performance Appraisal RecognitionTeam Audit

4 Performance Planning  “Planning" refers to setting performance expectations and goals for individuals to channel their efforts toward achieving departmental and/or organizational objectives.  It also includes the measures, or “metrics,” that will be used to determine whether expectations and goals are met.  Effective performance planning requires clear communication of performance standards, goals and objectives. Involving employees in the planning process helps them to better understand their goals and responsibilities as they relate to the success of the organization.  Performance planning is fundamental to effective management.

5 Why do performance planning?  Contributes to the success of the department/college/organization  Helps employees understand the importance of their job and how it relates to the broader organizational objectives  Builds the partnership between the supervisor & the employee  Sets the stage for success…  Identifies what the employee must do to be successful, including development activities  Identifies what supervisor must do to help employee be successful  Simplifies performance evaluation by creating a shared understanding of performance "surprises"

6 Classic Performance Management 1. Write position description. 2. Write a performance plan. 3. Write a performance evaluation. 4. Write goals for performance improvement. 5. Update performance plan. 6. Return to Step 3 and Repeat.

7 SMARTER Goals 1. S pecific 2. M easurable 3. A cceptable 4. R ealistic 5. T imely 6. E xtending capabilities 7. R ewarding

8 Creating Goals with Metrics

9 Example: Goal setting – Metrics for “Strong” Rating

10 Competencies  Universal  Teamwork  Safety  Diversity Commitment  Job specific  Behaviors that contribute to an employee’s success in the job. Choose up to 5 competencies that are most relevant to the job.  Supervisor Competencies  Two universal required competencies for any person with supervisory responsibility who writes and conducts performance evaluations

11 Career Development  Supervisor’s Responsibility  Provide continuous feedback to employee  Make training available  Provide adequate resources  Address programmatic or process inefficiencies  Employee’s Responsibility  Attend trainings  Identify needed resources  Maintain dialog with supervisor

12 Tools for Performance Planning  Instructions for preparing Online Performance Plan  Instructions for Writing a Position Description  Instructions for Completing the Performance Plan (Form P112 & P112S)  Anyone who starts on or after July 25 th will need a performance plan for cycle.  VT Performance Management Website: dex.html

13 Tips and Tricks for Planning/Evaluation Process  Undertake performance planning in PARTNERSHIP with the employee  Your role in the meeting with the employee is to guide the discussion, NOT control the discussion  The employee should end up doing most of the talking, since s/he is likely to know the job and his/her needs best

14 Performance Evaluation Ratings – 4 Tiers can be used Model PerformanceStrong PerformanceDeveloping PerformanceUnacceptable Performance Outstanding Performance that considerably and consistently exceeds expectations. Good, solid performance. Fully meets expectations and may, on occasion, exceed expectations in this area. May partially meet performance expectations but needs improvement. Deficiencies must be outlined and steps to improve performance in this area must be clearly detailed in the Supervisor Summary Performance is well below an acceptable level in this area. See Human Resources if employee has overall rating of “Unacceptable.” Employee will need Performance Improvement Plan.

15 Performance Planning/Evaluation Tool 1. Access via Hokie Team  wbis.P_WWWLogin wbis.P_WWWLogin 2. Click on Hokie Team 3. Click on Performance Planning and Evaluation Tool

16 Online Performance Management Tool  In the online performance management tool you will see the Performance Plan Main Menu. You will create or edit your plan from here.

17 Online Performance Management Tool  Once you have routed performance plan to Reviewer and Employee for review and plan has been approved, you will want to go to the Performance Evaluation Menu from the main menu.

18 Online Performance Plan Status Not sure of current status? You can look up online. Performance Plans have the following statuses: Performance Plan Statuses  No plan exists  Employee editing  Supervisor created plan  Employee complete  Copied from previous year  Copied from employee  New version created  Supervisor editing  Employee reviewing  Supervisor approved  Reviewer reviewing  Reviewer approved  Employee approved  Employee reviewed and approved a paper copy  Employee refused to sign a paper copy Performance Evaluation Statuses  No evaluation exists  Employee editing self evaluation  Supervisor created evaluation  Employee self evaluation complete  Supervisor editing  Evaluation sent to reviewer  Evaluation sent to budget authority  Budget authority approves  Senior management approved  Supervisor released to employee  Employee approved  Employee reviewed and approved a paper copy  Employee refused to sign a copy

19 Copy Last Year’s Performance Plan or Create a New Plan Plan A  Copy Last Year’s Performance Plan  Select Copy to Next Plan Year Plan B  Create a New Performance Plan  Click on Create/Edit a New Plan

20 Create Goals/Competencies Create Goals  Use the SMART techniques we discussed and create 1-3 Goals with Metrics Create Competencies  Select up to 3 competencies that best represent this position.

21 Create/Edit Career Development  Add training or development that you would like employee to work in the new performance cycle.  Outline how you will support them in this process.

22 Creating Evaluations  Purpose of an evaluation is to document how well an employee has met expectations defined in a performance plan. There should be no surprises at evaluation time.  Supervisor may use self-evaluation to complete or they may choose to create evaluation without the self-evaluation.

23 Online Performance Evaluation Status Not sure of status of your evaluations? You can check the status in the online system. Performance Plan Statuses  No plan exists  Employee editing  Supervisor created plan  Employee complete  Copied from previous year  Copied from employee  New version created  Supervisor editing  Employee reviewing  Supervisor approved  Reviewer reviewing  Reviewer approved  Employee approved  Employee reviewed and approved a paper copy  Employee refused to sign a paper copy Performance Evaluation Statuses  No evaluation exists  Employee editing self evaluation  Supervisor created evaluation  Employee self evaluation complete  Supervisor editing  Evaluation sent to reviewer  Evaluation sent to budget authority  Budget authority approves  Senior management approved  Supervisor released to employee  Employee approved  Employee reviewed and approved a paper copy  Employee refused to sign a copy

24 Overall Ratings - Review  Model Performance – Outstanding performance that results in extraordinary and exceptional accomplishments with significant contributions to goals of the Organization, Department or Senior Management area. Model Performer overall rating should outline what the employee did to exceed expectations. P141 is no longer needed to issue an overall Model rating. (A+ to A)  Strong Performance – Good solid performance. Fulfills position requirements and goals and may on occasion generate results above those expected of the position. (A- to C-) Majority of staff employees will fall into this category.  Developing Performance – Performance leaves room for improvement. Employee requires either additional development in certain areas and/or not responding to coaching for performance improvement. It should not be for a new hire that is learning at the rate that you expect. Developing overall rating should outline deficiencies in supervisor summary. (D+ to D-)  Unacceptable Performance – Performance is well below the minimum position requirements. Contact HR - Requires immediate review and action including a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). P142 or written notice should be active in file for employee. (F)

25 Use Self Evaluation OR Create New Performance Evaluation A – Self Evaluation  If the employee completed self- evaluation online, the employee’s evaluation will show with their comments or ratings. B – No Self Evaluation  Status will say No Evaluation exists. Supervisor will enter the actual results and rate employee on each goal and/or competency.

26 Overall Rating – Reviewer Reviews Overall Rating/Finalize and Send to Reviewer  Enter Overall Rating and Comments as Supervisor in Summary. Once finished click on “Save.” Then click on View Evaluation. You can then print a.pdf copy of the evaluation. Once you have finished reviewing, you can go back to any section to make changes or you can Finalize and Send to Reviewer. Reviewer Reviews  Once the Reviewer reviews they can send back to Supervisor for further edits. If Reviewer is satisfied, they will approve evaluation and it will go into Sent to Budget Authority mode. This mode is set in case pay is linked to performance. It places the evaluation in a holding place until all evaluations are completed. DSA HR can release from Budget Authority if not linked to pay.

27 Release to Employee Senior Management Approved  Once the evaluation is Released from the Budget Authority, Supervisor will receive an e-mail that evaluation can be released to employee. Supervisor will schedule a time to meet with employee. Employee Approved  After Supervisor has met with employee to go over evaluation, the evaluation can be released in system to the employee. Employee can either approve online or Supervisor can click on alternative sign off. It is only complete if it says either Employee Approved or Employee Reviewed and Approved a Paper Copy.

28 FEEDBACK Using the “Nuts and Bolts” to Construct Performance Management that Works

29 So, First … Answer These Questions  The biggest problem with being a manager is to get your people to.  The biggest problem with being an employee is to get my manager to understand.

30 10 Dimensions of The Feedback Instrument 1. Have a plan. 2. Be specific. 3. Focus on behaviors. 4. Time and place. 5. Balanced feedback. 6. Relevant feedback. 7. Effective techniques. 8. Effective style. 9. Describe feelings. 10. Listening skills.

31 The Feedback Bucket What can fill a feedback bucket? What can empty a feedback bucket?

32 Four types-of-feedback model. Supportive Feedback Behavior Repetition Corrective Feedback Behavior Change Abusive Feedback Contempt Insignificant Feedback Minimum Response Feedback Bucket

33 Clues to empty-bucket behaviors  Low production/performance.  Can’t get along with others.  Demonstrates low initiative.  Body language signals.

34 Methods to plug holes in a bucket. 1. Develop emotional maturity. 2. Give quality feedback. 3. Offer praise/recognition. 4. Celebrate achievements. 5. Delegate decision making.

35 Developing respect and trust. Communication = Understanding = Respect = Trust

36 Questions and Comments

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