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« Board sports » cluster. A world market, thriving from 3 regions.

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Presentation on theme: "« Board sports » cluster. A world market, thriving from 3 regions."— Presentation transcript:

1 « Board sports » cluster

2 A world market, thriving from 3 regions

3 Territory and Industry Headquarters of the first 7 companies in the world The highest concentration of shapers Representation of all the leaders in terms of publishing, communication and events dedicated to board sports activities 3 high standard professional organisations A regional and national support policy to structure the sector A world class reference for board sports economy and surf tourism Nb 1 in Europe : 1 Md, 400 companies, 3 000 jobs

4 Research and development Transfer- Training INDUSTRY RESEARCHTRAINING Board sports cluster booming research, high potential in the private sector creative transfer centres : design, materials, process traditional training and specialised training: sport engineering, additional training in industrial design, textile design, audiovisual and international business

5 Challenges to conquer new markets in Europe and Asia to be different in terms of technology, technicity of the products and graphics to develop environmental values and lifestyles to communicate on new dedicated media to structure the sector with facilities, research- development centres and training

6 Objectives Leading position in Europe in terms of brand strategy World class cluster in terms of creation and innovation Leading position in Europe in terms of volume of activities and SME establishment

7 Strategy and co-operation projects Textiles Accessories Graphics Shape Ecological process Environment Technical innovation Get the technical product to be a shop-window for the standard range * ex : clothes as communication media Authenticity and respect for nature * ex : high- performing ecological board Creation EventsCommunication Impulse creation and communication *ex. : board sports TV Brand policy

8 Projects of structuration Developing equipment for international visibility Dedicated business parks Quiksilver Campus Surf City Skate Park, Flow Park … Economics International meeting of board sports design Training Platform of numerical design Research/Transfer Infrastructures

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