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I laughed till I cried! Reading & writing Period II.

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1 I laughed till I cried! Reading & writing Period II

2 Questions: 1.What did you do last Sunday?
2. Did your family have a good time? Talk about your families briefly.

3 My busy Sunday!

4 Let’s make a survey! In your family, Your father Your mother You
who does the housework? who is the most hard-working? who is the laziest? who is the funniest? who likes eating most? who usually makes decisions?

5 Fast reading & tick the right topic.
Reading and writing Fast reading & tick the right topic. In their letters, both Ben and Bob talk about: ( ) health ( ) problems ( ) family stories ( ) school ( ) friendship ( ) travel

6 Letters from our readers
Reading and writing Read the letters to the magazine Family Life. Letters from our readers Last week we asked our readers to write us funny stories. Bob and Ben sent us very amusing family stories.

7 Reading and writing Dear Family Life,
  My mother is a career woman, but she never forgets her household duties.   One snowy morning, she went out for her daily run. When she returned to the house, she slipped and hit her head on the driveway.   I sent her to the hospital. When we arrived, the doctor asked my mom some questions to see if she was OK. “What day is today?” he asked. Without hesitation, Mom replied, “Cleaning day.” Yours, Bob

8 Reading and writing Dear Family Life,
  My mother is a typical housewife and she does nearly all the housework. My father is an engineer and he never does any family chores.   Last Sunday afternoon my mother was ill, my father volunteered to go to the supermarket for her. She gave him a shopping list with five items: 1 orange 2 eggs 3 hams 4 eggplants 5 green peppers.   Dad returned half an hour later. He opened a large grocery bag and started to count “one orange, two eggs, three hams, four eggplants, and five green peppers”. Mom and I laughed till we cried! Yours, Ben

9 □□□ Reading and writing Read again:
Tick the things Bob’s mother and Ben’s father did. Bob’s mother Ben’s father ● went out for her daily run ● went shopping ● slipped and hit her head ● went to the supermarket ● counted what he bought ● cooked for Ben’s mother □□□

10 Reading and writing Tick the correct sentences.
Ben’s mother is a career woman. Ben’s father didn’t want to go shopping for his wife when she was ill. Ben’s father didn’t do any housework. Bob’s mother is a career woman, so she doesn’t do any housework. Bob’s mother had a small accident after her daily run. The doctor asked Bob lots of questions. ( )

11 Reading and writing Complete the summary of Ben’s story.
gave him a shopping laughed till they cried was ill started to count volunteered to go shopping   Last Sunday afternoon, Ben’s mother ______. His father ________________ _________, and his mother ________________________: 1 orange 2 eggs 3 hams 4 eggplants 5 green peppers. His father returned with a big bag and _______________. In the bag there were one orange, two eggs, three hams, four eggplants, and five green peppers. Ben and his mom ____________________. was ill volunteered to go shopping gave him a shopping list started to count laughed till they cried

12 Writing practice! Marry's funny story!

13 Reading and writing Last month, Mary’s mother was ill. And she stayed in bed. Last month / mother / ill / stayed in bed

14 Reading and writing Use the given information to describe the pictures. Mary’s mother gave her daughter a shopping list. gave / shopping list

15 Reading and writing Use the given information to describe the pictures. Mary bought vegetables and fish in the supermarket. bought / vegetables / fish / supermarket

16 Reading and writing Use the given information to describe the pictures. Mary cooked in the kitchen. She burned the fish. cooked / kitchen / burn / fish

17 Reading and writing Connect all the sentences and write a letter.
Dear Family Life,   Last month, Yours, Mary my mother was ill, and she stayed in bed. She gave me a shopping list. I went to the supermarket and bought some vegetables and fish. Then I cooked in the kitchen but I burned the fish.

18 Thank You!

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