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Ren Jun Tao Ling Ren Jun School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University Lanzhou, Gansu Province, People’s Republic of China.

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Presentation on theme: "Ren Jun Tao Ling Ren Jun School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University Lanzhou, Gansu Province, People’s Republic of China."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ren Jun Tao Ling Ren Jun School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University Lanzhou, Gansu Province, People’s Republic of China Tao Ling School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University Lanzhou, Gansu Province, People’s Republic of China Environmental Ecology A study of interrelationships

2 Preface The critical importance of environmental ecology and its studies cannot be disputed as we enter the twenty-first century environmental ecology

3 Preface The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992

4 Preface Environmental ecology includes the study of the relationships between abiotic, biotic and human, the ecological effects of pollution,disturbance, and other stressors.

5 Chapter 1 Introduction to Ecology, Environmental Science and Environmental Ecology

6 1.1 What is Ecology? 1.1.1 Conception and scope of ecology Ecology is the ideal science for the naturally curious naturally curious The term ecology comes from the Greek oikos meaning "house “ or our environment Ecologists always ask Why?

7 Ecology: study of relationships between organisms and the environment. Importance of understanding the relationships between organisms and the environment.organisms and the environment Ecologist study these relationships between organisms and environment over a large range of temporal and spatial scales using a wide variety of approaches.

8 1.1.2 Scientific method of ecology The ecology of forest birds: Using field studies to test theory or find law and relationships



11 1.1.3 Relationship between ecology and environmentalism Ecology is a science; environmentalism is a concern In 1798, the English scientist Thomas Malthus expressed doubts about the ability of agriculture to feed a rapidly growing human population

12 1.1.3 Relationship between ecology and environmentalism In 1962, Rachel Carson published Silent Spring, a book that described the dangers of pesticides and the consequences of chemical pollution to our environment The greatest value of the environmental movement is that it has increasingly sensitized our society to the relationship that exists between ourselves, nature, industry, and development

13 1.2 What is Environmental Science? Environment (from the French environner: to encircle or surround) can be defined as (1) the circumstances or conditions that surround an organism or group of organisms, or (2) the complex of social or cultural conditions that affect an individual or community

14 Environmental Science: The scientific study of the influence of human actions on natural processes


16 Environmental Impact Environmental impact refers to the alteration of the natural environment by human activity Resource depletion and pollution were the two basic types of environmental impact


18 What is Environmental Ecology Environmental Ecology: The study on the impacts of pollution and other stresses on ecosystem structure and function.

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