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Rumyana Tonchovska, Senior Land Administration Officer - IT, FAO of the UN Gulnara Roll, Head of Housing and Land Management Unit, UNECE Kathrine Kelm,

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Presentation on theme: "Rumyana Tonchovska, Senior Land Administration Officer - IT, FAO of the UN Gulnara Roll, Head of Housing and Land Management Unit, UNECE Kathrine Kelm,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rumyana Tonchovska, Senior Land Administration Officer - IT, FAO of the UN Gulnara Roll, Head of Housing and Land Management Unit, UNECE Kathrine Kelm, Senior Land Administration Specialist, World Bank IMPROVING GOVERNANCE OF TENURE IN UNECE REGION FAO/WORLD BANK/UNECE/EU JRC PARTNERSHIP 2015 Land and Poverty Conference

2 DOING BUSINESS 2015 WHERE IS EASY TO REGISTER PROPERTY 14 UNECE COUNTRIES RANKED IN THE TOP 20 (189 ECONOMIES SURVEYED) 2 56 member countries 47 million square kilometres Countries from Europe, North America (Canada and United States), Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) and Western Asia. 1. Georgia 2. New Zealand 3. Belarus 4. United Arab Emirates 5. Norway 6. Kyrgyz Republic 7. Armenia 8. Denmark 9. Lithuania 10. Azerbaijan 10 11. Slovak Republic 12. Russian Federation 13. Estonia 14. Kazakhstan 15. Rwanda 16. Switzerland 17. Bahrain 18. Sweden 19. Oman 20. Saudi Arabia

3 The first global soft law instrument on tenure Negotiated by governments; With participation of civil society and private sector Consensus on “internationally accepted practices” that already exist. A reference for improving the governance of land, fisheries and forest tenure The overall framework for Tenure Work 3

4 Part 7 : Promotion, implementation, monitoring and evaluation Part.7, Section 26 calls on States for the implementation and encourages them to: set up multi-stakeholder platforms and frameworks at local, national and regional levels or use such existing platforms and frameworks. This process should be inclusive, participatory, gender sensitive, implementable, cost effective and sustainable 4

5 Assess reality on the ground Assess legal / policy / institutional framework Design / revise policies and laws Build capacity for implementation IMPROVED TENURE GOVERNANCE USE of the VGGT: National perspective Provide access to justice Safeguard and protect against threats Prevent disputes, conflicts and corruption VGGT IMPLEMENTATION States - Government Agencies - Civil Society - Private Sector - Academia Recognize and respect Open inclusive discussion on what rights are legitimate 5

6 VG Part 7: PROMOTION, IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING AND EVALUATION THE ROLE OF THE STATES: 26.1 In accordance with the voluntary nature of these Guidelines, States have the responsibility for their implementation, monitoring and evaluation. 26.2.....In carrying out these tasks, States may seek technical support from regional and international bodies. THE ROLE OF DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS and UN AGENCIES: 26.3 Development partners, specialized agencies of the United Nations, and regional organizations are encouraged to support voluntary efforts by States to implement these Guidelines, including through South-South cooperation. Such support could include: technical cooperation financial assistance institutional capacity development knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences assistance in developing national tenure policies and transfer of technology 6

7 Implementation Programme - 5 Pillars Awareness raising Capacity development Support to countries Partnerships Monitoring

8 10 Awareness raising workshops in progress around the globe 17 Country-level workshops requested 53 Briefings in 33 countries completed So far : Building on the consensus 1 AWARENESS RAISING AROUND THE GLOBE

9 Capacity development: Technical Guides Available/ForthcomingUnderway 1.Gender (e/s/f) 2.Governance of forest tenure 3.FPIC 4.Governance of small scale fisheries tenure 5.Agricultural Investments 6.Legal implications 7.Pastoralism & Rangelands 8.Tenure of commons 9.Enabling technologies 10.Private sector 11.Registration

10 e-learning Coming later Introduction to the responsible governance of tenure Addressing corruption in the tenure of land, fisheries and forests Addressing disputes and conflicts over the tenure of natural resources Tenure issues in the context of natural disasters Monitoring and promoting policy change Planning and administering for better governance of tenure Markets and investments Making tenure rights more secure Assessing country situation with respect to the VGGT Gender and land E-learning Available in English, French and Spanish

11 Monitoring LGAF as VGGT M&E tool LGAF as VGGT M&E tool GDWGL UNECE methodology for Benchmarking land administrations as VG M&E tool (testing planned in 2015) UNECE methodology for Benchmarking land administrations as VG M&E tool (testing planned in 2015)

12 Partnerships Plus Partnerships with stakeholders developed through the FAO Office for Partnerships (OPC) GDWGL

13 FAO/WB/UNECE/EU JRC JOINT ACTIVITIES IN 2014 AWERENES RAISING  World Bank Land and Poverty conference in Washington, March 2014  EU 2014 INSPIRE conference in Alborg, June 2014 – Joint FAO and World Bank session on Technology Contribution to improve governance of tenure in Eastern Europe and Central Asia  UNECE Workshop "The Socioeconomic Potential of Land Administration Services", Copenhagen, May 2014  Joint UNECE/WPLA, World Bank and FAO workshop on "Benchmarking of land administration systems and implementation of Land Governance Assessment Frameworks (LGAF) in the UNECE region”, Baku, November 2014  Joint EU JRC, World Bank and FAO Workshop on Spatial Data Infrastructures and Open Data in Central and Eastern Europe in Belgrade, Serbia, November 2014 13

14 FAO/WB/UNECE/EU JRC JOINT ACTIVITIES IN 2014 CAPACITY BUILDING AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING... Joint webinars  Using UAS for fast and low cost spatial data capturing – in English  Gender and Land – FAO/WB/Landesa – in English  Monitoring VG implementation at country level – in Russian and in English (sharing best practices from Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova) – participants from UNECE region and Africa Joint Innovation projects:  Improving Governance of Land Tenure: Unmanned Aerial Systems improve development projects  Land and Gender: Improving data availability and use in the Western Balkans Joint EU JRC/FAO/World Bank Workshop on Spatial Data Infrastructure and Open Data 14

15 FAO/WB/UNECE/EU JRC JOINT ACTIVITIES IN 2014...CAPACITY BUILDING AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING Joint papers and videos:  “Drones for Peace” at the 2014 World Bank Land and Poverty conference;  Article “Albania uses UAS for development projectsin”, Geospatial World magazine;  A leaflet describing the Gender program in the Western Balkans with links to the available articles and gender disaggregated reports form six countries:  Video for potential use of UAS for decision makers and project managers;  Video for potential UAS operators, such as private surveyors, local municipalities or other technical staff;  Video with a general Overview of the innovation UAS project in Albania: This video presents the project and key benefits;  A documentary video “Understanding customs and peoples’ lives Land and gender in the Western Balkans”  15 interview clips with Gender teams form 6 countries  Delegation from Nicaragua paid a visit to Croatia and Macedonia in September 2014 15

16 FAO/WB/UNECE/EU JRC JOINT ACTIVITIES IN 2014 MONITORING AND EVALUATION VOLUNTARY GUIDELINES IMPLEMENTATION  Joint UNECE/FAO/World Bank workshop on benchmarking land administration systems and the implementation of the Land Governance Assessment Framework in UNECE region  Using LGAF as VG monitoring tool – methodology developed and tested in 3 UNECE countries and two webinars organized to present the experience 16

17 FAO/WB/UNECE/EU JRC FUTURE SUPPORT 1. Promoting awareness among all stakeholders; 2. Promoting regional, sub-regional and national networks of stakeholders; 3. Support to mainstreaming land policies and governance of tenure in the strategies and programs of the institutions at headquarters, regional, sub-regional and national levels; 4. Capacity building; 5. Identifying, documenting and disseminating successful and innovative experiences and good practices in the region and across regions; 7. Promoting the monitoring and evaluation of land policies and governance of tenure. 17

18 Thank you for your attention Newsletter on the Responsible Governance of Tenure Subscribe at: Websites

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