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How to Make Money with Your Ready2Go Teleseminars Due to the interactive nature of these calls, you must dial into this number: 712-432-0600, 496087# You.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Make Money with Your Ready2Go Teleseminars Due to the interactive nature of these calls, you must dial into this number: 712-432-0600, 496087# You."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Make Money with Your Ready2Go Teleseminars Due to the interactive nature of these calls, you must dial into this number: 712-432-0600, 496087# You CANNOT access the audio through your computer

2 - Finding Balance - The Leader in You - Transitions and Transformations - Confident You - Visioning and Goal Setting - Stress Management - Effective Communication - Conflict Resolution - Mind Management - Emotional Intelligence - Strengths and Talents - Making Choices - Law of Attraction - Courage, Risks and Rewards - Motivation (yourself and others) - Authenticity - The A to Z’s of Success - Empathy - Money matters (coming soon)

3 Wellness …add an open and a close Your topic

4 Relationships …add an open and a close Your topic

5 Becoming Your Best You …add an open and a close Your topic

6 Setting and Achieving Goals Empowering a Bigger Life The Inner Game Success Strategies …add an open and a close

7 Transitioning through Change …add an open and a close Your topic

8 Making Money With Your Teleseminars

9 Teleseminars are like… Attract Nurture Convert Serve

10 $ $ Touches

11 Strategy for Using Teleseminars to Grow Your Business 1.Identify a market 2.Go to where your market is 3. Attract their attention 4. Invite them: - to get on your list - to teleseminar

12 12 Identify a Population Who is my ideal client?

13 People who have back pain Athletes who have back pain Bikers who have back pain Narrow Your Population

14 Strategy for Using Teleseminars to Grow Your Business 1.Identify a market 2.Go to where your market is 3. Attract their attention 4. Invite them: - to get on your list - to teleseminar

15 15 Access Your Market -Where are they? - How can I access them where they are?

16 Linked in Newsletter FaceBook Speaking Website Signature box of email Community Boards Yahoo Groups Teleseminar promotion services Your Blog or Blog Contributor Joint call Colleague sends email Copyright 2010 Ready2Go Marketing Solutions, Inc. No copying, distribution or usage without express permission from Ready2Go Marketing Solutions, Inc., under penalty of law. Twitter Advertise Email Campaign Through Access Points

17 Strategy for Using Teleseminars to Grow Your Business 1.Identify a market 2.Go to where your market is 3. Attract their attention 3. Invite them: - to get on your list - to teleseminar

18 Attract Their Attention 1. What is their greatest problem? 2. Why are they having this problem? 3. What do they needs? 4. What are my solutions to their needs?

19 Strategy for Using Teleseminars to Grow Your Business 1.Identify a market 2.Go to where your market is 3. Attract their attention 4. Invite them: - to get on your list - to teleseminar

20 Transitioning through Change Your topic OPEN CLOSE PROMO PAID TIPS OPEN

21 Make Money in 30 Days

22 Week 1 & 2 – post/send tips Week 3 - post tip -promote & host teleseminar -convert to paid program Week 4 - post tip -promote & host teleseminar -convert to paid program

23 SCENARIO #1A Host TWO teleseminars per month Have 2 group coaching calls in between to discuss learnings, homework and commitments from prior workshop Program length: 3 months 6 teleseminars + 6 coaching calls Program investment: $299 per month 20 people in the program = $6k mth = $17,940k for 3 mths 50 people in the program = $15k mth = $44,850 for 3 mths

24 SCENARIO #1B Host TWO teleseminars per month Have 2 group coaching calls in between to discuss learnings, homework and commitments from prior workshop Program length: 6 months 12 teleseminars + 12 coaching calls Program investment: $299 per month 20 people in the program = $6k mth = $35,880k for 6 mths 50 people in the program = $15k mth = $89,700 for 6 mths

25 Perseverance

26 SCENARIO #2 Host a 10 week program with -An introduction call -4 training teleseminars -4 coaching calls in between -Closing call -Program investment: $697 -20 people in the program = $13,940 for 10 weeks -50 people in the program = $34,850 for 10 weeks

27 Perseverance

28 SCENARIO #3 Host a 7 week program with -Introduction call -5 training teleseminars -Closing call Program investment: $997 (bonus in 2 private coaching sessions - $XX Value) 20 people in the program = $19,940 for 7 week program 3x per year = $59,820 4x per year = $79,760

29 Perseverance

30 SCENARIO 4 Host 1 training teleseminar per month Provide coaching questions for them to answer and offer support (Set this program up on a platform like Jigsawbox or Coaches Console) Program duration: 12 months Program investment: $97 per month 20 people in the program = $1,940k month = $23,000 year 50 people in the program = $4,800 month = $48,000 year 100 people in the program = $9,700 month = 116,400 year *Do a promotional teleseminar or promotional email campaign and set a goal to recruit 10-20 people per month into the program. Copyright 2012. Do not duplicate or redistribute without express permission of Ready2Go Marketing Solutions, Inc.

31 Perseverance

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