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APA (5 th ed.) Style Guide How to Create Reference List Entries and How to Cite Them in a Paper Business Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "APA (5 th ed.) Style Guide How to Create Reference List Entries and How to Cite Them in a Paper Business Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 APA (5 th ed.) Style Guide How to Create Reference List Entries and How to Cite Them in a Paper Business Resources

2 Overview Purpose of a style guide –standardize –easier to identify the resources used –provides validation to the research Somewhat arbitrary –APA does not always “make sense” but …

3 Overview If there is a question about how to do either a citation or a reference, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is the reference source. APA has a Web site that can also be useful


5 Academic Search Premier Can you pick out the pieces? –Authors? Date? Article title? Periodical title? Volume [issue]? Pages?

6 ABI/Inform Global Can you pick out the pieces? – Authors? Date? Article title? Periodical title? Volume [issue]? Pages? Can you pick out the pieces? – Authors? Date? Article title? Periodical title? Volume [issue]? Pages?

7 Canadian Business and Current Affairs Can you pick out the pieces? – Authors? Date? Article title? Periodical title? Volume [issue]? Pages? The countdown continues Kevin Libin, Jason Kirby, Andy Holloway. Canadian Business. Toronto: Aug 5-Aug 18, 2003.Vol.76, Iss. 14/15; pg. 71Canadian BusinessAug 5-Aug 18, 2003

8 Structure of a reference: Online Periodical If you use a periodical database to get an online, full-text version of the article [HTML, PDF], you need to add some more information. Retrieved month, day, year, from source. –when YOU retrieved it

9 Structure of a reference: Online Periodical


11 Leeds, R. (2003). Breach of trust. Harvard International Review, 25, 76- 83. Retrieved January 9, 2004, from the Academic Search Premier database.

12 Structure of a reference: Periodical [paper copy] Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of periodical, xx, yyy-yyy. includes items published on a regular basis –journals, magazines, scholarly newsletters, etc. hanging paragraph format

13 Structure of a reference: Periodical [paper copy] Leonard, D., & McAdam, R. (2003). Corporate social responsibility. Quality Progress, 36, 27-33.

14 Structure of a reference: Nonperiodical Author, A. A. (year). Title of work. Location: Publisher. items published separately –books, reports, brochures, manuals, and audiovisual media

15 Structure of a reference: Nonperiodical Sonnenberg, F. K. (1994). Managing with a conscience. New York: McGraw-Hill.

16 Structure of a reference: Part of a Nonperiodical Special consideration –initials of editors go BEFORE surname –insert (Ed.) or (Eds.) after last editor followed by comma –book title italicized with initial capital, capital after colon, and capital for proper nouns [including abbreviations] –page number of chapter

17 Structure of a reference: Part of a Nonperiodical Tushman, M. L., Newman, W. H., & Romanelli, E. (2002). Convergence and upheaval. In H. Mintzberg & J. B. Quinn (Eds.), Readings in the strategy process (pp. 394-400). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.

18 Structure of a reference: Brochure

19 Courtplex Fitness Centre. (2004, Winter). Group Fitness Schedule [Brochure]. Kelowna, BC: Author.

20 Structure of a reference: Brochure

21 Coldwell Banker Commercial - Horizon Realty. (n.d.). Mill Creek Commerce Park [Brochure]. Kelowna, BC: Author.

22 Structure of a reference: Videotape Doubletalk Productions ( Producer), & Shepard, K. (Director). (2001). Who stole my cheese? [videotape], United States: Doubletake Productions.

23 Structure of a reference: Online Document Author, A. A. (year) Title of work. Retrieved month, day, year from source. electronic sources include aggregated databases, Web sites or Web pages, newsgroups, Web- or e-mail based discussion groups / newsletters

24 Structure of a reference: Online Document

25 MacDonald, C. (n.d.). Creating a code of ethics for your organization. Retrieved January 13, 2004, from http://www. –Note that this source has no date [n.d.] and that it does NOT end with a period

26 Structure of a reference: Online Corporate Web Site

27 WestJet. (n.d.). Home page. Retrieved February 8, 2004, from http://c0dsp.

28 Online database :Hoover’s Company Records

29 Reference: Database ( Hoover’s) Caione,R. ( 2006) General Electric Company. Retrieved March 1, 2006, from Hoover’s Company records. In text: ( Caione, 2006)


31 Citing a source in the paper 1. One work by one author Author’s name given in the body of your paper: – Leeds (2003) reported… Author’s name not given in the body of your paper but rather in parentheses: – In a study on the comparison process (Leeds, 2003)…

32 Citing a source in the paper 2. Citing a secondary source In Smith’s 1998 study (as cited in Leonard & McAdam, 2003)… Research (Smith, 1998, as cited in Leonard & McAdam, 2003) has shown … –Do NOT include Smith (1998) in the reference list. DO include Leonard and McAdam (2003).

33 Citing a source in the paper 3. Direct quotations For direct quotations, include the page number of the quote Stereotypes have been defined as “generalized and usually value-laden impressions that one social group uses in characterizing members of another group” (Lindgren, 2001, p. 1617).

34 Citing a source in the paper 4. Electronic sources without page numbers Use the paragraph number, preceded by the paragraph symbol - ¶ - or the abbreviation para. If the paragraph number is not visible, cite the heading and the paragraph number following it. (Myers, 2000, ¶ 5) (Butler, 2000, Conclusion, para. 1)

35 Citing a source in the paper 5. Personal communications (e.g., letters, phone calls, interviews, e-mail messages, memos, irretrievable documents) J. L. Lowther (personal communication, June 12, 2004) (J. L. Lowther, personal communication, June 12, 2004) –Do NOT include personal communications in the reference list. Cite them in text only.

36 Structure of a reference and citation: Census Material Reference: Statistics Canada. (2002). Survey of household expenditure, 2002 (62F0026MIE). Ottawa, Ontario: Author. Citation: (Statistics Canada, 2002)

37 Structure of a reference and citation: Legislation Reference: Competition Act, R.S.C. 1985 c.27 s.6 Citation: (Competition Act ), 1985

38 Structure of a reference and citation: Annual report Reference: WestJet Airlines. (2002). Annual report to shareholders, Calgary, AB: Author. Citation: (WestJet Airlines, 2002)

39 Structure of a reference and citation: Online documents - Same author Health Canada. (n.d.a). Physical activity in Canada. Retrieved January 31, 2004, from fitness/work/activity_e.html Health Canada. (n.d.b). Supporting material Retrieved January 31, 2004, from http:// supp_material_e.html Citation: Health Canada (n.d.a) reported that... Citation: (Health Canada, n.d.a

40 Conclusions Take close look at handout –pay particular attention to the last page reference list of a paper –hanging paragraph format –double space entire paper, including reference list

41 Conclusions Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5 th ed.) –available in the Reference Collection of Library Individual professors may have particular preferences –consult with them on how they might want the references presented

42 Prepared by Garth Homer, Statistics, Data, and Government Information Librarian, O.C. Jan Gattrell, Public Services Librarian, UBC-O Consultant - Jan Cioe, Psychology Dept. UBC-O Okanagan College 2005

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