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1 23 February 2004 COST European CO operation in the Field of S cientific and T echnical Research.

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1 1 23 February 2004 COST European CO operation in the Field of S cientific and T echnical Research

2 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 2 17 May 2004 Intergovernmental co-operation –1971 –17 Scientific & Technical domains Participation –34 COST Member States + 1 Co-operating Country (Israel)34 COST Member States + 1 Co-operating Country (Israel) –International organisations and research establishments from non-COST countriesInternational organisations and research establishments from non-COST countries –The European CommissionThe European Commission COST Actions –Concerted Actions (Networks) of nationally funded R&D What is COST ?

3 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 3 17 May 2004 COST Characteristics Networking & Co- ordination Pan-European Non-competitive (pre- normative; environmental and cross-border problems; public utility) National Financing of Researchers – national responsibility Bottom-up / Flexibility A la carte participation Integration Complementarity Exploratory Commission involvement

4 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 4 17 May 2004 Advantages of COST Fosters S&T Co-operation across Europe by creating lasting networks of scientists & researchers Promotes co-operation between Candidate Countries and the EU (particularly the FP) and facilitates their integration Explores new areas of co-operative research endeavour

5 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 5 17 May 2004 COST History * 1971: Ministerial Conference, Brussels / 19 Member countries: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GR, IE, IT, LU, NL, NO, PT, SE, TU, UK, YU * 1991: Ministerial Conference, Vienna + 4 Member countries: CS, HU, IS, PL 1992 - 1993: YU HR, SI; CS CZ, SK * 1995: COST Interaction Conference, Basel * 1997: Ministerial Conference, Prague + 3 Member countries: EE, MT, RO * 1998: + 4 Observer countries: BG, CY, LT, LV * 1999: + 4 Member countries: BG, CY, LT, LV * 2000: + Israel Co-operating State * 2001: + YU * 2002: + FYR of Macedonia * 2003: Ministerial Conference Dubrovnik COST Office with ESF as implementing agent

6 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 6 17 May 2004 COST Member States The 25 EU Member States 1 EFTA Member States Iceland Norway Switzerland Candidate Countries Bulgaria Romania Turkey Other Countries Serbia and Montenegro 2 Croatia 2 FYR of Macedonia (FYROM) 2 COST Co-operating States Israel 1 from 1 May 04 2 Not Associated to FP COST Countries

7 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 7 17 May 2004 COST Domains 1971-TELECOMMUNICATIONS * -METEOROLOGY * 1972-MATERIALS * -ENVIRONMENT * 1973-INFORMATICS -TRANSPORT * 1979-OCEANOGRAPHY 1980-BIOTECHNOLOGY * -AGRICULTURE * -FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY * 1982-MEDICINE* 1983-SOCIAL SCIENCES * 1991-URBAN CIVIL ENGINEERING * 1992-CHEMISTRY * -FLUID DYNAMICS 1994-FORESTS and FORESTRY PRODUCTS * 1995-PHYSICS* -NANOSCIENCE * 2000-BIOMATERIALS * * with a Technical or other Committee

8 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 8 17 May 2004 COST- Sixth Framework Programme

9 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 9 17 May 2004 COST Financing

10 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 10 17 May 2004 COST Governance

11 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 11 17 May 2004 Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) 2 representatives per COST Country Responsible for: the overall strategy and steering of COST deciding on the launching of individual Actions approving participation of institutes from non-COST countries approving the prolongation/extension of Actions

12 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 12 17 May 2004 Up to 2 representatives per country Responsible for: selection of new COST Actions monitoring of ongoing COST Actions evaluation of completed COST Actions dissemination and valorisation of COST activities strategic developments in its domain synergies Technical Committees (TC)

13 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 13 17 May 2004 Maximum of 2 representatives per signatory country 1 representative per non-COST institution Scientific Officer Representatives of the Commission services Each signatory has one vote Responsible for : supervising and co-ordinating implementation of the Action ensuring scientific coordination at a national level Management Committee (MC)

14 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 14 17 May 2004 Working Group (WG) a small number of researchers working together per WG MC members or other scientists from the signatory countries Invited experts Members from non-COST countries

15 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 15 17 May 2004 COST Office Structure

16 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 16 17 May 2004 COST - ESF

17 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 17 17 May 2004 Number of Actions per domain 2003 (Status on 31st December)

18 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 18 17 May 2004 Proportion of Actions per domain 2003 (Status on 31st December)

19 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 19 17 May 2004 Agriculture and Biotechnology1,540,861 Chemistry 1,722,139 Environment 715,031 Fluid Dynamics 24,286 Food Technology 643,574 Forests and Forestry Products1,489,600 Materials 851,795 Medicine and Health 943,334 Metereology 670,120 Physics534,276 Social Sciences887,844 Urban Civil Engineering 680,629 Miscellaneous 262,681 TIST 1,541,795 Transport698,811 NANO STAG66,838 BIOMAT 86,385 TOTAL () 13,360,000 (Calculated using the 2:1:2 formula) COST Domain Allocation 2004 (Calculated using the 2:1:2 formula)

20 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 20 17 May 2004 Yearly Evolution of the Number of COST Actions

21 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 21 17 May 2004 COST Budget Statistics Average for Actions / Year80,000 Average / Meeting / Participant 880 Short Term Scientific Missions5,000 Average for Publications 4,000 Average for Workshops7,000 Final Evaluation up to 2,500

22 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 22 17 May 2004 Action Budget Calculation Formula Total Actions Budget -------------------------- No. Action years x Duration x (0.4 + 0.2 Sign std deviation + 0.4 Part std deviation ) Example 11,000,000 ----------------- 173.5 x 0.8 x (0.4 + 0.2 x 0.9 + 0.4 x 1.12) = 52,140

23 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 23 17 May 2004 Type of expenses covered Meetings (MC and WG) Printing of Proceedings, Final Reports, COST brochure Workshops, Seminars Short Term Scientific Missions (STMS) Evaluations Studies

24 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 24 17 May 2004 Short Term Scientific Missions Aim: to contribute to the realisation of the Actions scientific objectives. How: by allowing scientist to go to a laboratory in another COST country to learn a new technique or to make measurements using instruments and/or methods not available in their own laboratory. Means: Average contribution for a mission will not normally exceed EURO 2,000

25 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 25 17 May 2004 A. Background B. Objectives and benefits C. Scientific programme D. Organisation E.Timetable F. Economic dimension G. Dissemination Plan Additional Information (includes List of Experts) Technical Annex (MoU) - Structure

26 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 26 17 May 2004 Action Life Cycle CSO approves draft MOU Preparation (6 months-1 year) Dissemination (years) time 5 countries sign MOU 1st Draft (2 months) Implementation (4 years) Monitoring TC adopts draft MoU TC assesses proposals Assessment Evaluation 1st MC Meeting

27 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 27 17 May 2004 May participate on an Action by Action basis given: there is mutual S&T benefit the CSO approves (following MC and TC approval) participation is confirmed by an exchange of letters between the organisation and the CSO Non-COST institutions may not vote in the MC Organisations from non-COST countries

28 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 28 17 May 2004 Number of Non-COST Participation 2003 Total number of participations in running Actions: 78

29 European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 29 17 May 2004 COST Information Conference and Workshop proceedings COST Action Scientific Publications WWW pages: –Information on COST –COST Action data-base

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