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1 RNs Exchange Workshop, Rome, IT, 12-14 June 2008 Brief Presentation on Planning and Achievements What KariaNet is About and What it Achieved? Presented.

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1 1 RNs Exchange Workshop, Rome, IT, 12-14 June 2008 Brief Presentation on Planning and Achievements What KariaNet is About and What it Achieved? Presented by: Mustapha Malki

2 2 RNs Exchange Workshop, Rome, IT, 12-14 June 2008 KariaNet in brief 1 Title = Knowledge Access in Rural Interconnected Areas Network 1 Mandate = Strengthening Knowledge Sharing among members through an intensified use of ICTs 3 Partners = IFAD, IDRC, and 10 IFAD-funded projects in NENA 3 Years = 2005 – 2007 for the 1st Phase 5 Countries = Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Sudan, and Tunisia 2 IFAD-funded Projects per country 2 Pilot Projects = Egypt National Network and Community ICT Center 10 Project Knowledge Facilitators = 1 for each member proj. 5 components (or outputs - all integrated)

3 3 RNs Exchange Workshop, Rome, IT, 12-14 June 2008 General overview 1st year (2005) mainly devoted to the network foundation. Capacity-building on Knowledge Sharing, ICT use, and networking started in 2006, and intensified in 2007. Each year, an Annual Thematic Workshop organised, as a “face2face” Knowledge Sharing platform. Tangible efforts made in 2007 on improving documentation skills, ICT use and video making at project level. A new website redesigned and activities on content development given more attention in 2007. LET'S REVIEW THE MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS…

4 4 RNs Exchange Workshop, Rome, IT, 12-14 June 2008 Output 1 – IMS & IT Capacity Improvement   All member projects have a LAN, 8 with an ADSL Internet connection.   6 member projects have established a website; 3 have designed theirs but not yet publicised so far.   All member projects organised training to improve their staff skills on ICT use.   On-line dialogue scheme established through collaborative tools promoted by KariaNet (Dgroups, Skype, etc.).   e-Discussion forum through Dgroups called Email Learning Forum.

5 5 RNs Exchange Workshop, Rome, IT, 12-14 June 2008 Output 2 – KM and Documentation Capacity   Training of Project Knowledge Facilitators (PKF) in Knowledge Sharing and Facilitation.   1st Annual Thematic Workshop on Participatory Planning and M&E of Project Interventions (Tunisia, September 2005).   2 nd ATW on Microfinance and Rural Women (Jordan, September 2006). 9 success stories. Proceedings published in Arabic and English.   3 rd ATW on Transfer of Technology, Marketing Constraints, and Tested Solutions (Egypt, October 2007). 8 case-studies were presented by project members. Proceedings published in Arabic and English.   Regional Training Workshop on Video making for Knowledge Capture and Dissemination (Alexandria, Egypt, March 2007). 10 members projects’ staff were trained on clip taking, PC editing, and VCD production.

6 6 RNs Exchange Workshop, Rome, IT, 12-14 June 2008 Output 3 – Content Development & Networking   New website developed and publicised. Lots of resources uploaded. Training of member projects’ staff on website content management.   In addition to collaborative tools promoted by KariaNet, development forums (virtual workspace) inserted in the new website.   3 brochures prepared ICARDA: Com Dev Manual, Sheep Husbandry, and Rangelands Improvement & Management.   Reviewing Gender Mainstreaming experience in the region and changes in projects’ operations and women conditions.   Networking at national level through joint KS workshops organised by member projects in the same country.

7 7 RNs Exchange Workshop, Rome, IT, 12-14 June 2008 Output 3 – National Network in Egypt   Minister of Agriculture signed a decree on 20 January 2008 setting up governance and executive bodies of the NN (Steering Committee, Technical Committee, and Facilitation Unit).   1st meeting of TC PREN held on 28 February 2008.   1st meeting of SC PREN held on 8 April 2008.   A National Network for Knowledge Sharing on Rural Poverty Reduction (PREN) was setup in Egypt in April 2006 (Activity 3.12).   Strategy Paper and Plan of Action approved by MALR.   Training on KS and Facilitation in November 2006.   A Dgroup opened for this network.

8 8 RNs Exchange Workshop, Rome, IT, 12-14 June 2008 Output 4 – Community ICT Pilot Project   Hartha community in Jordan selected, basic analysis of KIS, Protocol signed in June 2006.   Community-Based Knowledge Facilitator (CBKF) organised many sessions of information retrieval. Community members documenting success stories.   Local Knowledge Network at Hartha community setup took place in early June 2007. Community ICT Center officially inaugurated.   “Twinning” activities started in June 2007 to link Hartha to Shegeira community, sponsored by Karak-Tafila project in Jordan.   2 awareness workshops organised in 2006   A series of training courses on computer literacy and ICT use in 2007. Courses were well gender-balanced and concerned members of different ages (up to 55 years).

9 9 RNs Exchange Workshop, Rome, IT, 12-14 June 2008 Coordination Unit & KariaNet Mediatisation

10 10 RNs Exchange Workshop, Rome, IT, 12-14 June 2008 KariaNet Self-Assessment Study: main findings   Accountable to the Design Document (70-80% implemented). Labelled as “Good Achievement”.   Implemented activities were mostly relevant to achieving the objectives.   Outputs effectively implemented and most results were achieved in spite of delays.   Some shortcomings were reported: – – Connectivity at PMU level was not complete; – – Regional website was very delayed though alternatives tools were innovatively used. – – Content development activities did not come up to expectations. – – Lack of a good management information and learning system at project management.   In terms of sustainability, the design document did not suggest strategic ways of dealing with ending IFAD- funded projects, or when KariaNet comes to end.

11 11 RNs Exchange Workshop, Rome, IT, 12-14 June 2008 KariaNet Self-Assessment Study: main learnings   Strong involvement of private sector in capacity-building and assistance on ICT use, LAN maintenance, and project websites.   Training is necessary but not sufficient. On-going coaching and support for learning by doing is needed.   Initiating learning through identification and documentation of success stories was a success. Require further development.   Annual Thematic Workshops provided opportunities for projects’ staff to meet, build relationships, and share knowledge. Impetus for continuing networking online.   The concept of PKF holds considerable promise for learning and innovation.   Collaborative e-discussions can be very useful when addressing the members’ needs and well moderated.   National networks may prove to be the anchor for stability and sustainability of knowledge networks.

12 12 RNs Exchange Workshop, Rome, IT, 12-14 June 2008 My presentation is over. Thanks for your attention.

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