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Data user perspective: Transport data for policy assessment Svend Tøfting – Aalborg University North Denmark Region ITS Denmark.

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Presentation on theme: "Data user perspective: Transport data for policy assessment Svend Tøfting – Aalborg University North Denmark Region ITS Denmark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data user perspective: Transport data for policy assessment Svend Tøfting – Aalborg University North Denmark Region ITS Denmark

2 Aalborg University 14.000 students graduate 700 Civil Engineers annually

3 Svend Tøfting

4 North Denmark Region - 0,6 mio. inhabitants

5 The regional role

6 The regional Public Authority –11 municipalities Planning –regional developing plan Supporting Regional Public Transport –20 m € annual Secretariat for the regional Growth Forum –Regional business developing plan –10 m€ regional founding – 20 m€ EU-fonding The regional role

7 North Denmark Region and ITS 2002: Member of ERTICO 2002: ITS North Denmark 2003: ITS Center at Aalborg University 2004: ITS Denmark 2007: European ITS Congress 2008: Regional ITS Strategy 2010: ITS-Platform - IMIKASK

8 The North Denmark Region is to be : the Danish ITS region where new technologies are developed and tested before they are implemented throughout the country The regional strategy in North Denmark Region

9 The frame for use of data a strategy for use of data the customer? –users –public authorities –companies - universities technical possibilities organization resources / founding / business case

10 existing demonstration projects data types the vision ITS strategy

11 Two examples from North Denmark region IMIKASK – on demand public transport

12 IMIKASK Intelligent traffic in the KASK area - on demand Public transport

13 IMIKASK – the vision The vision –The traveler can use the mobile phone to book a trip, get info on this before and after the trip and pay for the trip as if it is done to a company independent of the transport company, authorities, administrative regions or countries

14 The Vision


16 Integrated travel planner

17 ITS-platform for the traveler in the future – the smart phone


19 ITSPlatform - Project scope 19 Budget – 5m€ - 2010-2013 Development of next generation OBU for cars Development of open back-end database platform Testing at 500-1000 cars (from mid 2011) Applications Parking – the car pays automatically Traffic info Running Log Tracking by theft Traffic Statistics for Public Authorities Open platform for development of new applications - all are welcome

20 20

21 Trafic statistic – traveltime Kick off møde ITS Platform - Harry Lahrmann - www.itsplatform.dk21

22 Trafic statistic - speeding overview Kick off møde ITS Platform - Harry Lahrmann - www.itsplatform.dk22 Hastighedsfordeling Rød: 85 % fraktil mellem 10 og 20 % over hastighedsgrænse 85 % 15 %

23 Trafic information – dynamic queue information Kick off møde ITS Platform - Harry Lahrmann - www.itsplatform.dk23


25 ITSPlatform Budget 34,7 mio - founding –25% Regional founding –25% EU founding –10 % Aalborg University –20 % Gatehouse –20 % Inntrasys Period: april 2010 – september 2013 partners –AAU, Gatehouse, Inntrasys –Danmarks Radio, Aalborg kommune, Beredskabscenter Aalborg, Vejdirektoratet, Nets –Brains Business, Telenor, Molex

26 The frame: ITS testsite North Denmark 26 New projects

27 Data collection Travel planner – data GPS Blue tooth data

28 Use of Bluetooth in traffic planning Traveltime Resting time Routing

29 Bluetooth - how it works Road Segment Travel time Car X

30 Forbindelsesvejen Nørresundby, Humlebakken Aalborg Forbindelsesvejen Aalborg

31 Pilot Setup Sensor Details Easy to deploy, covers multiple lanes (pilot had 4 lanes) Dedicated HW, 3 radios Permanent power / Periodic power / Battery operation Readings sent in real time to server via 3G Time in range of sensor recorded e.g. 8 s at 100 km/t Direction at sensor can be detected when speed is low Sensor error rate less than 4% on highways Works under all weather conditions

32 Driving Times


34 Resting places South Middle North Resting place Made for Road Directory Duration one 1 week Analyze resting time For trucks Speed measurement Resting time

35 Messages from ITS Denmark right now for the ITS strategy

36 Messages 1 More focus on public transport as a part of the transport chain

37 Messages 2 to day 1,2 person in every car Support systems in order to get more passengers in cars

38 Messages 3 One open replaceable information platform in all cars More focus on standardization and open platforms Cooperation between car manufactures and suppliers for the after marked

39 Messages 4 - Focus on smart phone (personal angel) Route guidance from start to end Intelligent information Booking Personal agent helps you Reliable service

40 New Danish ITS-strategy

41 ITSDanmark Proposed activities from ITS Denmark Automatic speed control More passengers in public transport Faster busses Digital roadmap ITS on roads e-call – implementation co-modal dynamic information IT based car sharing new multimodal transport model for DK Roadpricing ?

42 New ITS actionplan big demonstration projects more ITS on roads information to the users more data – (e.g. OD for freight) more knowledge co-operation

43 ”Just in time” big demonstration project – app. 20 m€ dynamic information before, under and after your trip –collection of all data –co-modality dynamic information –dynamic calculation of travel time –free distribution –platform for apps development

44 Dynamic data public transport data –planes –trains –busses GPS data (fleets, private cars) video detection loops bluetooth data

45 The roles Triple helix – co-operation between –Public authorities strategy founding – owner –private sector advisor developer –universities research

46 ITSDanmark Thats IT(S)

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