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Today we will try to answer these questions… 1.What is (and what isn’t) social media (SoMe)? 2.How can we use SoMe to better communicate with your audience?

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Presentation on theme: "Today we will try to answer these questions… 1.What is (and what isn’t) social media (SoMe)? 2.How can we use SoMe to better communicate with your audience?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today we will try to answer these questions… 1.What is (and what isn’t) social media (SoMe)? 2.How can we use SoMe to better communicate with your audience? 3.How much time does SoMe take to use? 4.Should we be using SoMe? 5.How much is this “SoMe” thing going to cost us? 6.Isn’t SoMe just a waste of staff time and a distraction from our core mission?

2 Where are you on the spectrum? Web 1.0 is all about “you” Web 2.0 is all about “we” Web 3.0 is the future of web interaction.

3 Social media is…

4 Content

5 Social media is… Content RELATIONSHIPS

6 Social media is… Content RELATIONSHIPS Multi-Media

7 Social media is… Content RELATIONSHIPS Multi-Media Pertinent

8 Social media is… Content RELATIONSHIPS Multi-Media Pertinent FUN!

9 Social media is… Content RELATIONSHIPS Multi-Media Pertinent FUN! NOT GOING AWAY

10 Social media is… Content RELATIONSHIPS Multi-Media Pertinent FUN! NOT GOING AWAY GROWING

11 Social media is… Content RELATIONSHIPS Multi-Media Pertinent FUN! NOT GOING AWAY GROWING SOCIAL

12 “The real value of social media is that it exponentially leverages word-of-mouth.” Source: John Hayden, Marketing Consultant

13 So why is Social Media important to us? Did You Know 4.0 The Social Media Landscape ng/social_media_marketing.php




17 Key Social Platforms Blogging Micro Blogging RSSWidgets Social Networking Chat Rooms Message Boards Podcasts Video Sharing Photo Sharing Source: Universal McCain Comparative Study on Social Media Trends (March 2008)

18 Key Social Platforms Blogs – online journals or diaries hosted on a Website and often distributed to other sites or readers using RSS (see below) Podcasts – audio or video recordings – multimedia form of a blog or other content. They are often distributed through an aggregator, such as iTunes. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) allows people to subscribe to online distributions of news, blogs, podcasts, or other information. Social Networking – systems that allow members of a specific site to learn about other members’ skills, talents, knowledge, or preferences. Wikis – systems for collaborative publishing that allow many authors to contribute to an online document or discussion. Source: How Businesses are using Web 2.0: A McKinsey Global Survey (2007)

19 Key Social Platforms Micro-blogging- A micro-blog differs from a traditional blog, in that the entry could consist of nothing but a short sentence fragment, or an image or embedded video.* Widgets- a stand-alone application that can be embedded into third party sites by any user on a page where they have rights of authorship (e.g.. a webpage, blog, or profile on a social media site).* Photo-sharing- Websites that provide a way to store, sort, search and share your photos online. ^ Video-sharing- Websites where users can distribute their video clips. User generated sites mostly offer free services whereby users can upload video clips and share it with the masses.* *Source: Wikipedia-,, ^Source: Flickr-

20 Key Social Platforms Message boards- an electronic forum for individuals with similar interests to exchange ideas, post questions, offer answers, or offer help on relevant subjects Chat Rooms- websites where a number of users can communicate in real time (typically one dedicated to a particular topic) Source: Source:

21 Source:

22 Where are you? Where do you want to be?

23 Thoughts to ponder… 1. What are your organization's goals for SoMe? 2. Who is your audience? 3. Give your audience a reason to participate! 4. It’s NOT about numbers! 5. Don’t go it alone! Source: StreamingCREATIVE (2010):

24 1. What are your organization's goals for SoMe? – Listen

25 1. What are your organization's goals for SoMe? – Listen – Connect

26 1. What are your organization's goals for SoMe? – Listen – Connect – Collaborate

27 1. What are your organization's goals for SoMe? – Listen – Connect – Collaborate – Communicate

28 1. What are your organization's goals for SoMe? – Listen – Connect – Collaborate – Communicate – Network

29 1. What are your organization's goals for SoMe? – Listen – Connect – Collaborate – Communicate – Network – Learn

30 1. What are your organization's goals for SoMe? – Listen – Connect – Collaborate – Communicate – Network – Learn – Publish

31 1. What are your organization's goals for SoMe? – Listen – Connect – Collaborate – Communicate – Network – Learn – Publish – Share

32 2. Who will you be trying to connect to? – Colleagues – Parents – Students (middle school, high school, college) – Policy Makers – Community – Potential Donors 3. Give your audience a reason to participate! Know Your Audience!

33 Source: LaDonna Coy


35 What are these groups already paying attention to? 3. Give your audience a reason to participate!

36 4. It’s Not About Numbers… The goal is to engage people in your target audience It’s better to have 20 engaged key members as fans or followers, rather than 5,000 who are inactive It IS about making people aware of your online presence and connecting with them in ways that are educational, informative, interactive, and enjoyable

37 5. Don’t Go It Alone! Social media is best as a collaborative experience Draw on the knowledge and expertise of those in your office, organization, coalition, etc… However, it can’t be faked, outsourced, or done ill-intentioned

38 Thoughts to ponder… What do you have to say? – Do you just want people to pay attention to what you are up to?

39 Thoughts to ponder… What do you have to say? – Do you just want people to pay attention to what you are up to? – Do you have a message developed?

40 Thoughts to ponder… What do you have to say? – Do you just want people to pay attention to what you are up to? – Do you have a message developed? – Are you looking for feedback on a service or product?

41 Thoughts to ponder… What do you have to say? – Do you just want people to pay attention to what you are up to? – Do you have a message developed? – Are you looking for feedback on a service or product? – Have you already created some media (PSAs, documentaries, podcasts)?

42 Thoughts to ponder… What do you have to say? – Do you just want people to pay attention to what you are up to? – Do you have a message developed? – Are you looking for feedback on a service or product? – Have you already created some media (PSAs, documentaries, podcasts)? – Are you looking for help crafting an effective prevention message?

43 Search… Discover… Listen… What information is already out there… – On your organization? – On your area of interest?


45 Setting Alerts

46 Managing Alerts

47 Real-time search for user- generated media (including weblogs) by tag or keyword. Also provides popularity indexes.

48 PageRank A method (patented by Google) to determine the importance of contents on a webpage indexed by a search engine


50 51% of social network users have 2 or more online profiles Savvy social network users are on more than one SoMe site Source: Pew Internet & American Life Report (January 2009)

51 Key Social Platforms Blogging Micro Blogging RSSWidgets Social Networking Chat Rooms Message Boards Podcasts Video Sharing Photo Sharing Source: Universal McCain Comparative Study on Social Media Trends (March 2008)

52 Social Media Options/Tools Social Networks – Facebook – Myspace – LinkedIn

53 Facebook’s Main Page

54 Example of a Group’s Page 04922#!/pages/Parenting-Awareness- Michigan/344643609571

55 Another Example!/pages/Prevent ion-Network-Michigan/340383004922

56 MySpace’s Main Page

57 Wikis


59 Easy Setup Get started with your wiki in under a minute. Just create an account and wiki and you can begin working. Start editing your page immediately or watch one of our tours to learn to add text and images to your page, change your permission settings, and more. Easily Collaborate with Others Invite people to your wiki with our invitation system and begin collaborating right away. Or set up accounts for your students or colleagues in bulk and have their accounts ready for them. Discussion Forums We provide discussion forums for each wiki page. You can change your settings to have just one discussion for your entire wiki or turn them off completely. Public, Protected, or Private Wikis Determine who can access your wiki by setting your wiki permissions. Make it open to the public, protected from editing by non-members, or completely private.

60 Social Bookmarks Similar to “Favorites,” social bookmarking is a method for cataloging, organizing, and sharing your favorite websites/online resources



63 RSS Readers

64 Google Reader Home Page Searching The Feeds

65 Blogs

66 Subscribe Here!


68 Podcasts


70 Photo-sharing

71 Flickr Success Story! Oxfam America created a Flickr Photo Petition to advocate that Starbucks allow poor Ethiopian coffee farmers the opportunity to make more profits. Source:\

72 Video-sharing

73 You Tube’s Home page

74 You Tube Example

75 Vimeo’s Home page

76 Vimeo Example

77 Where Do We Start? Consider existing social media use guidelines (or create one if needed) – Will your group, organization, agency, etc. need approval to use social media at work? – What are some examples?


79 Where Do We Start? Consider existing social media use guidelines (or create one if needed) Decide how you will handle negative feedback (it’s inevitable!)

80 /document/AFD-091210-037.pdf

81 Where Do We Start? Investigate existing social media use guidelines (or create one if needed) Decide how you will handle negative feedback (its inevitable!) Consider the time commitment needed to use social media effectively

82 ONE WEEK OF WEB 2.0 Source: Image from

83 Where Do We Start? Investigate existing social media use guidelines (or create one if needed) Decide how you will handle negative feedback (its inevitable!) Consider the time commitment needed to use social media effectively Pick one thing to begin with  Try it!

84 5 RULES OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR NON- PROFITS AND EVERYONE ELSE 1) Listen – Social Media is not about you. It’s about people’s relationships with you. Listen before you speak. Source: Primal Media

85 5 RULES OF SOCIAL MEDIA 2) Get involved – Social Media is about conversations and building relationships. It takes effort. Don’t just talk about yourself. Ask questions, engage people and link. Most of all, inspiring. Source: Primal Media

86 5 RULES OF SOCIAL MEDIA 3) Give up control – You can’t control the conversation. If you want people to spread your message, you have to trust them. Listen. Inspire. Engage. Let go. Source: Primal Media

87 5 RULES OF SOCIAL MEDIA 4) Be honest – You can’t spin the truth with Social Media. Be open, honest and authentic in everything you say and do. Source: Primal Media

88 5 RULES OF SOCIAL MEDIA 5) Think long term – Don’t expect immediate, easily measurable results. It takes time to build trust and make connections. Source: Primal Media

89 Still confused?

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