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Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 1 RELEVANCE of INTERNATIONAL TERRITORIAL PARTNERSHIP for GOVERNING CHINESE URBAN-

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Presentation on theme: "Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 1 RELEVANCE of INTERNATIONAL TERRITORIAL PARTNERSHIP for GOVERNING CHINESE URBAN-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 1 RELEVANCE of INTERNATIONAL TERRITORIAL PARTNERSHIP for GOVERNING CHINESE URBAN- RURAL DYNAMICS Federico Failla Coordinator, Governative Committee Italy - China

2 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 2 Governative Committee Italy - China Founded in 2004 from the Governements of the two countries Founded in 2004 from the Governements of the two countries The Committee has the function of coordinating the cooperation between Italy and China and deepening the contact between societies

3 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 3 International Territorial Partnership as a rule of cooperation November the 14th 2006 Memorandum of Understanding on Territorial Partnership Memorandum of Understanding on Territorial Partnership Local governements are actually involved in the activity of the Committee, thanks to the agreeement that regions and cities can play a critical role in the success of international cooperation

4 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 4 International Territorial Partnerships as a rule of the cooperation Main fields of territorial partnerships are *Land settlements and urban services *Attraction of investment *Internationalisation of small enterprises Added value for local communities, trying to reduce the gap between rural and urban areas in both Countries Added value for local communities, trying to reduce the gap between rural and urban areas in both Countries

5 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 5 Italian National Strategic Reference Framework priority 9 International opening and investments attraction Enhancing Italys capacity to attract quality resources and to improve its competitive position abroad Enhancing Italys capacity to attract quality resources and to improve its competitive position abroad Give an inter-regional and extra-national dimension to interventions programming Give an inter-regional and extra-national dimension to interventions programming

6 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 6 A strategy to promote Italian Regions internationalisation Supporting the regional programming of international initiatives through Country – projects establishing permanent partnerships with strategically selected Countries and territories i.e. Italy-China multiregional program

7 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 7 Balanced dimensional relation between countryside and cities (due to the presence of small and medium-sized towns) Effective erogation of social services to rural population through piani di bacino = unitarian planification and management structures for urban and rural population Tha Managing committee of the PdB are composed by the municipal governments of all towns concerned (both urban and rural), as well as upper territorial governments (Provinces and Regions) Usually, the decision-making procedure is characterised by an equal power for administrations with different demographic dimension Italian urban – rural dynamics

8 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 8 Italian urban – rural dynamics (ii) Balanced distribution of services Slowing down exodus from rural areas and small towns Slowing down exodus from rural areas and small towns Maintaining basical services in peripheral areas Maintaining basical services in peripheral areas

9 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 9 Italian urban – rural dynamics (iii) A new strategy for rural areas and small towns integrated development plans integrated development plans New opportunities: - better remunaration for agricultural products - return of highly qualified inhabitants - revitalised social and cultural life - attraction of economical and professional activities New needs: High capacity telematic netwoks

10 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 10 Italian-Chinese partenership for settlements n The Italian interest for the evolutive phases of the Chinese territorial system has two principal reasons: - One the one side, the regional development strategy, with internationalisation as a priority and partnership between territorial governments as the main instrument; - On the other, the inclusion of settlements programs and their infrastructures and technologies among Italian – Chinese cooperation areas

11 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 11 Relations between local governments have explored cooperation opportunities for Chinese settlement processes n Italian regions and local governments offer to Chinese local governments their competences in managing territorial development and transformations, as resulting from a long and continous process of settlements planification and management and from their capacity of programming and implementing interventions consistent with the highest standards on environmental sustainability and settlement quality

12 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 12 Subjects of the cooperation between local governments n Managing of settlement transformations n Urban planification n Environmental and energetic sustainability n Programming and implementation of infrastructural networks and urban works n Integrated programming, implementation and management of urban services n Settlements restoration n preservation of the historical heritage n Improvement of cultural and environmental resources

13 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 13 The method will be the exchange and the transfer of knowledge and experiences between institutions and productive units n The strategic step is the joined and integrated programming creation of joined programming and managing structures and instruments creation of joined programming and managing structures and instruments

14 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Governative Committee Italy-China 14 Operative model of territorial partnership o Establishing of joined structures o Methodologie of joined programming o Mission aimed at mutual understanding o Negoziation and cooperation agreements o Joined economic and financial plans o Projects implementation

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