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1 Title I Treasurer and Payroll Contact Training.

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1 1 Title I Treasurer and Payroll Contact Training

2 2 Title I Payroll Budget Purchasing NCLB Law Compliance P-card

3 3 Title I Overview School Improvement Plan/Schoolwide Plan  All Title I expenditures must be documented in the School Improvement Plan/Schoolwide Plan (SIP/SWP)  All Title I expenditures must have a direct impact on improving student achievement

4 4 SIP Budget ARRA (Stimulus)

5 5 SIP Budget

6 6 Title I Overview Various Funds Fund numbers:  Title I, Part A - 4201  Stimulus Grant (ARRA) - 4920  School Improvement Grant (SIG) - 4215 or 4216  Sanction (Corrective Action) - 4214

7 7 Title I Overview Functions Title I supports four types of functions:  Function 5150 – Instructional  Function 6152 – Family involvement  Function 6402 – Staff Development  Function 7802 – Student Transportation for Tutorial How will the money be used? or What is the function?

8 8 Title I Overview Minimum Requirements  All Title I schools must expend their Parent Involvement allocation in function 6152  All schools must utilize their Title I allocation on professional development activities that address the subgroup(s) that did not make AYP

9 9 Title I Overview Reminders:  Title I allocations not used by the end of the fiscal year are returned to the District  Title I allocations generated during a specific fiscal year must be utilized during that fiscal year  It is recommended that purchases be made by January 30, 2010

10 10 FY10 Title I Unacceptable Expenditures

11 11 Title I Overview Criteria for Food Purchases for Title I Family Involvement Activities  Family involvement activities must enable parents to assist their children’s academic achievement  Teaching parents to understand the state academic achievement standards and how to monitor their children’s progress is acceptable as training  Training must be tied to curriculum such as; enhancing literacy, math, or technology skills

12 12 Title I Overview Criteria for Food Purchases for Title I Family Involvement Activities  Be identified in the school’s Family Involvement Policy/Plan as a means of encouraging or expanding family involvement  Not be part of the School Advisory Council, PTA or other committee meetings  Reasonable in cost and type of food

13 13 Title I Overview Criteria for Food Purchases for Title I Family Involvement Activities  Absolutely no food expenditures will be allowed for faculty or student events  Contact your Title I specialist to get clarification before incurring expenses

14 14 Documentation for Food Purchases for Title I Family Involvement Activities

15 15 FunctionsandAccounts Note: change to laptop account and new out-of- state travel account

16 16 Programs

17 17 Now It Is Your Turn… You want me to do what?

18 18 Fiscal Procedures Monitoring the Budget  Review Budget Overview regularly  Review Budget Transaction Detail  Refer to Title I Handbook for details

19 19 Fiscal Procedures  Title I funds may only be used to support strategies included in your SIP/SWP  Budget transfers are created in PeopleSoft  Always do a budget overview before completing a budget transfer  Be sure to “notify” your budget manager by email  Transfers are processed by Title I budget managers Budget Transfer Reminders

20 20 Fiscal Procedures Budget Transfer Reminders Budget Entry Type, choose Transfer Adjustment Choose Parent Budget Entry Type of Transfer Adjustment

21 21 Fiscal Procedures Budget Transfer Reminders In the Long Description, type in your school number and initials followed by a detailed justification for the changes

22 22 Fiscal Procedures 1a 9031 tn 4201 Create new position 1b 9031 tn 4201 Creating new math coach position, job code 50491, start date 8/12/09, part-time (.5) in-system employee 2a 9031 tn 4201 Moving funds for Out-of-County travel 2b 9031 tn 4201 Increase Out-of-County travel – 3 teachers & principal to attend ASCD 5/10/2010 3a 9031 tn 4920 We need to buy more computers 3b 9031 tn 4920 Using discretionary funds to purchase 3 computers and 3 printers for student use in science classroom Budget Transfer Reminders Long Descriptions

23 23 Fiscal Procedures To complete the Budget Lines enter your Title I funding strip: Budget Period, Dept, Fund, Function, Account, Program, Bud Mgr, Local Code, Award Year, and Amount Budget Transfer Reminders 2010

24 24 Fiscal Procedures  It is normal to receive a “security error” message  If any other error messages appear, double check your funds and entries  Notify your Title I budget manager:  Click on Notify button at the bottom of the transfer  A Send Notification page will appear  Click on Look Up Recipient and type in your Title I Budget managers name  Click SAVE Budget Transfer Reminders

25 25 Fiscal Procedures Requisitions  Confirming POs are typically not allowed  Indicate a justification for the expenditures (i.e. materials for parent workshop; Science lab materials-8th Grade)  Do not split fund items on a requisition with any other fund  Check budget before saving and submitting a requisition to your principal  After your principal’s approval, all requisitions are automatically routed to your Title I budget manager

26 26   Requisitions pre-encumber expenses   Purchase orders encumber expenses   Warehouse requisitions are not receipted   Track your requisition’s progress via eProcurement, Manage Reqs. Fiscal Procedures

27 27 Fiscal Procedures There should be no pre-encumbrances or encumbrances in your budget when the grant closes

28 28 There are three basic types of requisitions:   Market Place Request (includes Warehouse)   Desktop Requisition   Special Requests Fiscal Procedures

29 29 Fiscal Procedures

30 30 P-card   Only Title I acceptable expenditures can be reconciled to Title I   All charges will be reviewed by Title I   Documentation may be required for some purchases   You will need to fax copies of receipts for any non- educational companies (i.e. Wal-Mart)   Reconciliations will be reversed and charged to your default account if documentation is not received by requested deadline Fiscal Procedures

31 31 Property and Equipment Fiscal Procedures  All unit items costing $250.00 through $999.99 must be labeled as Title I  A running list of these items must be maintained throughout the year (Template on department website)  All items costing $1,000.00 or more must be labeled with a red or white Property Records Tag  An accurate inventory of your equipment is essential

32 32   Miscellaneous Payment Requests are used for reimbursement to employees or internal accounts   Use PBSD 1275 Miscellaneous Payments Fiscal Procedures

33 33   Conference/workshops must be documented in your SIP/SWP   Out-of-State travel must be approved by the CAO (account 533620)   No charges should be incurred prior to CAO approval   Verify that you have funds in the appropriate account strips in your Title I budget (BT if necessary)   Include the name of the conference/workshop and the number of attendees in the budget transfer Long Description (if out-of-state, include statement that travel has been CAO approved) Fiscal Procedures Out-of-County Travel

34 34   Make travel arrangements through an agency that will send the invoice to the District or use your Purchasing Card   Reimbursement cannot be claimed for complimentary meals or for meals included in the registration fee   Documentation will be requested for P-card travel expenses Fiscal Procedures Out-of-County Travel

35 35 For reimbursement, submit the following information to Accounts Payable;   Out-of-County Travel Reimbursement Claim (PBSD 0096)   Copy of approved TDE with funding information   Registration form   Conference agenda   Original receipts: registration fee, hotel (0-balance), tolls/parking fees/rental car/taxi, airline ticket stub Fiscal Procedures Out-of-County Travel

36 36 Title I Out-of-County Travel Audit Compliance Checklist

37 37   Journal entries are required when non-allowable expenses are charged to Title I   It is the responsibility of the school to complete the required journal entry documentation   All Title I journal entries must be submitted to your Title I specialist   Journal entries submitted directly to Accounting Services will not be processed (includes Internal Accounts) Fiscal Procedures Journal Entries

38 38 Personnel Monitor the Position Status Report to verify that appropriate staff is being paid from Title I funds School Name and Number Teacher A Teacher B Teacher C Teacher D

39 39 Personnel Additional Position Detail Report training can be found on PeopleSoft by using the following steps: PeopleSoft Budget

40 40 Personnel Verify position (s) is documented in SIP/SWP. Submit budget transfer to set up salary and benefits. In the Long Description include —School name —Job code —Effective start date —Full or part-time position —In-system or out-of-system employee After confirmation from your budget analyst that position is set up, complete a Job Action Request (PBSD 0012) for each person moving into the position(s). Check Position Status Report to verify person(s) has been placed in the correct position and correct combo code is assigned to the position.  All positions must be in the SIP/SWP  Be sure to use an appropriate job code when setting up the position

41 41 Personnel   All salaries are tied to a combo code Combo Codes  The school is responsible for verifying that the combo code is linked to the correct account  The school is responsible for substitute costs for Title I paid teachers

42 42 Personnel Miscellaneous Jobs  Part-time in-system and stipends are considered miscellaneous jobs  Function 6402 – Learning Team Meetings and trainers  Function 6152 – Childcare and translating  Miscellaneous Employee Payment (PBSD 1767) is only used for non-instructional payroll and staff not assigned to your school

43 43 Personnel Miscellaneous Jobs  Payroll is processed through T and L in PeopleSoft  Contact your budget analyst for combo code if not in your drop-down menu

44 44 Time Reporting Codes

45 45 Personnel   Extra Duty Days are used when an employee continues with their regular job   Stipends are paid for attending a workshop or training   Part-time in-system for work outside the contract day, for example tutoring, parent activities, staff development activities

46 46 Personnel   Tutorial payments are paid through temporary job screens   Teacher rate is $20.44 an hour   Non-instructional staff earn their regular hourly rate   Contact budget analyst for a bucket position   Complete a Job Action Request (PBSD 0012) for all employees   Clean up bucket positions by completing Termination of Employment (PBSD 1176) Tutorial

47 47 Personnel

48 48 Personnel   Excel spreadsheet on department website   Documentation of tutorial must be kept in the audit files   Sign-in sheets available on department website

49 49 Personnel   Split-funded personnel will receive a PAR to complete twice a year   Employee Job Action Requests (PBSD 0012) required for all reoccurring positions   Verify your positions and personnel on the Position Status Report   Budget department sets up positions and Compensation moves the employees into the positions

50 50 Personnel Highly Qualified Personnel   All teachers of core subject areas are to be highly qualified before they are hired   All paraprofessionals providing instructional support must be highly qualified, such as those who assist with classroom management, provide instructional assistance in a computer lab, provide instructional support in a library or media center, or provide instructional support services   Non-instructional staff who are not highly qualified cannot work in a tutoring program (i.e. media clerk)

51 51 Now It Is Your Turn… Crack the Code

52 52 Department of Federal and State Programs Available Resources Any Questions? Who are you going to call?

53 In-service Points   Be sure you have signed in on the Staff Development sign-in sheets   Complete Follow-Up Activity and return it to Linda Brockelbank by September 18, 2009 53

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