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By Taylor Ivy, Mark Sarosky, Elliott Bays, Ovidiu Ravasan, and Dave Martin SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS AND ETHICS OF THE INTERNET.

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Presentation on theme: "By Taylor Ivy, Mark Sarosky, Elliott Bays, Ovidiu Ravasan, and Dave Martin SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS AND ETHICS OF THE INTERNET."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Taylor Ivy, Mark Sarosky, Elliott Bays, Ovidiu Ravasan, and Dave Martin SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS AND ETHICS OF THE INTERNET


3 THE PROS Easily access information from anywhere More ways to communicate with friends, family, and colleagues Entertainment is easier to obtain Efficiency Freedom of expression

4 THE CONS Information can be inaccurate Reliance on internet to much Illegal uses (Ex. P2P) Security(Ex. Viruses, privacy invasion) Procrastination(Ex. Facebook, e-mail, other distracting websites) More work expected from employees Constantly innovating making it hard to keep up

5 INHERENT RISKS OF INTERNET USE Open availability of personal information Very easy to track and monitor individuals Spam Ads/Unwanted programs Possibility of spyware/viruses/other malicious code Poor restrictions on unethical content Addictive behavior/Escapism through the internet

6 ETHICS The End User vs. The Internet Service Provider(ISP)

7 ETHICS? Also known as moral philosophy Ethics deal with the concepts of good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, justice vs. crime, etc.

8 ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF INTERNET USERS Internet users must not use the internet to gain access to or steal any type of private information from another individual Internet users must not use the internet to steal or modify software, music, or movies without the consent of the original author Internet users must not use the internet to slander other individuals or threaten/intimidate their fellow users Internet users must not use the internet to commit fraud or facilitate unscrupulous business practices

9 END USER ETHICS CODE I.Don’t internet bully. II.Do your own work on the computer. III.Don’t gain unauthorized access to other’s files IV.Don’t embezzle using technology V.Don’t pirate software or illegally download files VI.Don’t copy other people’s work VII.Think before you act. VIII.Respect people’s privacy.

10 BUSINESS AND INTERNET PRIVACY One of the main ethical implications of the internet is the proper use and protection of personal information. The internet is an exceptional tool for the fact that it can facilitate banking, sales, and nearly every other facet of business. It is the ethical responsibility of those who do business through the internet to protect the personal information of those who choose to make purchases online. Practices such as selling the personal information of customers are unethical and should be treated as such Business and the government have an ethical duty to provide proper notification or advanced warning before accessing, storing, sharing, altering, or using personal information or tracking the location of an individual, whether for business reasons or otherwise

11 ETHICS OF INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS What is an Internet Service Provider (ISP) ISP is a company or organization that provides Internet connectivity to organizations, businesses and individuals. An ISP can offer a combination of services such as, cable, telephone, Internet access, registration of domain names, hosting, web hosting, e-mail, VoIP (voice over IP), and support for many other applications. ISP can offer one or more forms of Internet access, ranging from traditional modem dial-up service to DSL and cable modem broadband.

12 ETHICS OF ISPS CONT. Some of ISPs policies are concerned with 'cookies,' collection of personal information - what, how and usage, third party sites, security of information, regulation of children's access to the Internet, globalization issues and legal issues, illegal downloads. Not all ISP’s are created with the same characteristics. Some are very good, some are very bad, and some are both good and bad.

13 WHAT IS PROHIBITED CONTENT? ISP prohibits child pornography, material containing excessive violence or sexual violence, detailed instruction in crime, depictions of bestiality, violence or drug use, material that advocates the doing of a terrorist act, sharing illegal content, etc.

14 OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES Providers have to protect the users’ information. Example: credit card, address or personal information. Consider the use of law enforcement or civil action against spammers, and hackers when appropriate. ISP uses cookies to collect non-personally identifiable information ISPs to take appropriate steps to protect the public from prohibited content. Provide the services that they are advertising.

15 SOLUTIONS TO INTERNET ETHICAL PROBLEMS There are many tools available to make ethical internet usage possible Spam blockers, Anti-virus software, and other computer security programs prevent malicious programs from causing harm in the internet community Parental controls are also gaining popularity as a means of screening the content that is able to be accessed from an end user standpoint. Ultimately the responsibility for ethical and safe internet use lies with both the end users and service providers, who must work together to create an internet environment that is safe and free from unethical content as defined by traditional societal roles

16 SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY There must be use for the technology Getting work done, solving equations Must prove to be capable of making life easier Web 2.0 Applications online such as social networking sites(Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Video sharing(Youtube, Skype, Face Time) Capability of searching for anything Google, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, Youtube, Phone Contacts eBooks(Kindle, Nook, etc)

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