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Part of a national network The mission of the Great Plains Fire Science Exchange is to enhance fire science delivery by using new and existing mechanisms.

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Presentation on theme: "Part of a national network The mission of the Great Plains Fire Science Exchange is to enhance fire science delivery by using new and existing mechanisms."— Presentation transcript:


2 Part of a national network

3 The mission of the Great Plains Fire Science Exchange is to enhance fire science delivery by using new and existing mechanisms and outlets for outreach across the Great Plains and to stimulate communication among the fire community to bridge the gap in information sharing.

4 Mission extension Present the science to the GP fire community and make it accessible Connect the GP fire community Enhance the knowledge and understanding of fire in the Great Plains for those outside of the Great Plains. GP SW Southern Rockies Midwest Oaks and tallgrass Boise

5 Neutral science partner: Management based on sound science Principles Be inclusive

6 Staff Sherry Leis: Program Leader, fire ecologist Carol Blocksome: Outreach Specialist, Rangeland Extension Rachel Peterson: Social Media Specialist Tom Bragg: Co-PI, advisor Who are we?

7 Where we are? Portions of 10 states (36.9 million acres) Map boundaries help us focus, but we work across boundaries.

8 Funding Joint Fire Science Program, 2-3 yr cycles 2014-16: $400,000

9 A little about me Degrees B.S. Beloit College M.S. Oklahoma State University Area of emphasis: grassland disturbance ecology especially fire and grazing Worked to help managers understand the impacts of their fire management.

10 Who are we? Board of Directors: distributed across the region and diverse backgrounds. The Nature Conservancy Universities/field stations Landowners Burn associations USGS Extension NRCS FWS ARS

11 Public land managers Fire science and information needs Private land managers Researchers Practitioners Policy makers Public safety officers Media and the public Contractors Great Plains Fire Community Fire Operations and VFDs Who do we serve? American Indians

12 Grassland emphasis Endangered ecosystems Endangered ecosystems Tallgrass, shortgrass, mixed grass, shrubland, sagebrush step, savanna (unique communities and management cultures) Prescribed fire associations almost entirely grassland focused Prescribed fire associations almost entirely grassland focused

13 How much fire?, but….. The Flint Hills burns ~35% annually. (Goodin and Moehler) In NE in 2012, nearly 500,000 acres burned by wildfire alone. 4 million acres burned by wildfires in TX in 2011 In the south, 88 million acres in the WUI No one knows Burned area using Landsat data

14 Texas compared to the rest of the GP Its not enough….

15 Priority topic areas **

16 How we are addressing information needs? Online resource center Partner with eXtension online forum Sponsor training exchanges Support landowner and manager attendance at Patch burn working group meeting. Developing workshops, symposia, and syntheses Rolling research needs up to JFSP

17 Video Production YouTube channel includes videos and recorded presentations

18 Demonstration sites

19 Engaging extension and operations

20 Patch burn grazing working group Focused on interaction of fire and grazing Great Plains based Listserve and annual field meeting Landowner friendly Learning opportunity Grad. student and researcher participation

21 Engaging the research community

22 What we are not: A source for operations/equipment funding. A research group A source for insurance, although we may be able to share what we learn about the issue in the region. Fire advocacy group

23 Working Together  Learn: through our science summary products educate yourself and share with your networks.  Tell us what information you need.  Don’t conduct research, but we can relay to researchers what your needs are.  We can coordinate training as long as there is a fire science emphasis.

24  Try out our products and give feedback.  Accurately record the burning you do and aggregate it in ways that others can use.  Let us know how you can help us. You have skills and knowledge to share. You can be leaders in the region.  Participate. What can you do?

25 Report operations/safety record PBAs PBAT Regional Coalition. Be good examples of fire management for local neighborhoods. Engage volunteer fire departments (GPE can help provide resources for those conversations/meetings) PBAs and PBAT can identify groups that need fire science and provide those to GPE. Field trips

26 Propose a state prescribed fire or wildland fire day at the capital. Encourage the formation of Firewise or Fire Adapted Communities (and tell us about it). Vote.


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