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Classroom Blogs Kimberly Sharp MEDT 8461 University of West Georgia.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Blogs Kimberly Sharp MEDT 8461 University of West Georgia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Blogs Kimberly Sharp MEDT 8461 University of West Georgia

2 What is a Blog? Short for “weblog.” A blog is a hierarchy of text, images, media objects and data, arranged chronologically, that can be viewed in an HTML browser. (Harvard, 2003) An online diary or journal.

3 How are Blogs Used? News & Entertainment: Today ShowToday Show Personal Journals: Kathy’s KidsKathy’s Kids Vacation Diaries: Amanda in Costa RicaAmanda in Costa Rica Instructional tools: Storybook Creator PlusStorybook Creator Plus Book Lists Classroom Activities: Leah DoughmanLeah Doughman Media Center Activities: Gwin OaksGwin Oaks Sharing about an illness: Grace CallahanGrace Callahan

4 Free Blogging Sites Word Press Blogger Shutterfly CarePages CaringBridge

5 What Can I Include in my Blog? Text – Homework and Projects – Class Announcements – Newsletters – Field Trip Information Photos Videos Links to Webpages

6 Privacy Issues Obtain Media Release Forms before posting any student photographs, videos or work samples. Plan to monitor all postings from all users to ensure appropriate comments. Consider whether you want your blog to be public or private.

7 Creating a Blog using Blogger Create a Google Account (gmail) Create a Blogger Account Select a Template Set Privacy and Display Settings Begin Blogging!

8 Create a Gmail Account Visit Create a gmail accountgmail

9 Create a Classroom Blog Visit Sign in using gmail username and password Click Create a Blog

10 Create a Title & Blog Address Create a Title for your Blog (i.e. Miss Smith’s Class Blog) Determine the Address (misssmithsclass) Check Availability Enter Word Verification

11 Choose a Template Choose your favorite template. Play with the Background/Layout/Advanced Options to change the appearance of your Blog. Go « Back to Blogger »

12 Design Features Click on the Design Tab to Add and Arrange Elements It may help to create a draft on paper or make a list of things you want to include.

13 Design Settings Edit the Header to include a photo if you wish. Add & Edit the Gadgets that appeal to you the most. – Pages – Text – Picture – Slideshow – Links My example: Ivy CreekIvy Creek

14 Privacy Settings Select the Settings Tab - Basic For the most privacy, say NO to: – Adding blog to listings – Letting search engines find the blog

15 Privacy Settings Select the Settings Tab – Comments ALWAYS moderate comments You can choose to be notified via e- mail when someone posts a comment on your blog.

16 Privacy Settings Select the Settings Tab – Permissions Select who can view your blog

17 Posting Content Select the Postings Tab You are ready to post! Enter a title, some text, a photo or a video. Publish Post when you are finished.

18 Publishing Your Blog Under Settings- Choose Publishing Complete the Word Verification You should only have to do this once.

19 Approving Comments Select Posting – Comment Moderation Choose to approve comments for publishing

20 Getting People to Read your Classroom Blog! Send a letter or an e-mail to your families sharing the link. Be sure to include how often you plan to post new content. Encourage them to subscribe to new postings. Show parents at an Open House. Show students the blog, have them show their parents and post a response as homework. Consider options for those who do not have internet access.

21 What if I Need Help?

22 Sources Amolo, S. (2010). Media center happenings. Retrieved from molo/2/default.aspx molo/2/default.aspx Braun, K. (2010). He fills my life with good things. Retrieved from Callahan, D. (2010). Welcome to milkpoodle. Retrieved from Care Pages. (2010). Share your story. Build your support circle. Retrieved from http://www.carepages.com Caring Bridge. (2010). Connecting family and friends when health matters most. Retrieved from Doughman, L. (2010). 2nd grade rocks at rosemont. Retrieved from Google. (2010). Blogger. Retrieved from

23 Sources (2010). Allday. Retrieved from Owens, C. (2010). Storybook creator plus and memory manager helps and hints. Retrieved from Shutterfly. (2010). Share sites: a destination for connecting and communicating. Retrieved from 91b02816d88cd 91b02816d88cd Stephens, A. (2010). Pura vida! Retrieved from Stohr-Hunt, T. (2010). The miss rumphius effect. Retrieved from book-lists.html book-lists.html Winer, D. (2003). What makes a weblog a weblog? Weblogs at Harvard Law. Retrieved from Wordpress. (2010). Retrieved from

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