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Arrival Information  Doors open 8:25  Students in homeroom by 8:35  Students dismissed at 3:15  Half-Day dismissal at 12:25  Enter and exit at front.

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Presentation on theme: "Arrival Information  Doors open 8:25  Students in homeroom by 8:35  Students dismissed at 3:15  Half-Day dismissal at 12:25  Enter and exit at front."— Presentation transcript:


2 Arrival Information

3  Doors open 8:25  Students in homeroom by 8:35  Students dismissed at 3:15  Half-Day dismissal at 12:25  Enter and exit at front doors only  Parent drop off in driveway; can only drop on Crosswicks after all buses have departed  CHILD program at CBS A.M. at MIS P.M.  Band/Strings Drop off by Gymnasium Door Arrival Information

4 What’s the same?

5  Art  Vocal Music Concert (December)  General Music Class  Library  Health  Physical Education  Spanish  ELPAT (PEP at PMS/CBS)  Lunch and Recess  Speech/OT/PT  Basic Skills Intervention What’s The Same?

6 What’s new?


8  New Friends!  New Teachers!  Lockers  Technology/Computer class  Instrumental Music  Band  Strings  Newspaper Club  Student Council  Other New Clubs on the horizon!  Buddy Classes  Service Projects What’s New?

9 PTO Sponsored Events

10  Lenape Lifeways  Science Assembly  Grade 5 Trip to Franklin Science Institute  Snacks for NJ ASK Testing  Grade 4 Trip to Sayen Gardens  Field Day  End of Testing Laser Show Assembly  T-Shirts!  Snacks for Events PTO SPONSORED EVENTS

11 Fall and Spring Book Fair School Store and Pretzel Sales Back To School BINGO Halloween Dance (Grades 4 and 5) Trenton Devils Ice Hockey Game Trenton Thunder Baseball Game International Sports and Skating Center MacFarland’s Got Talent Grade 5 Spring Fling End of Year Picnic Fundraising, Fundraising, Fundraising! PTO Events

12 Guidance

13 Ms. Meg Perrine, School Counselor Anti-bullying: From Bystander to Upstander - HIB Laws C.H.A.R.A.C.T.E.R. Individual Counseling Group Counseling – “Lunch Bunches” Peer Facilitators Study Skills Conflict Resolution GUIDANCE

14 Summer Skills

15 Transition from third grade to fourth grade can be termed a transition from learning to read to reading to learn. Read along with your child – ask them to paraphrase what they have read and discuss it. Students lose skills over the very long summer vacation Combat: Read, read, read Math Facts Have your student complete summer exercises Does your child need a phone in Intermediate School? Monitor your children’s computer use Social Networking can lead to bullying! SUMMER SKILLS

16 Summer Reading

17 Mrs. Christine Corcoran  500 minutes for the summer  Goal: about - 10 minutes per day (you may choose to skip some days) Can do it in 9 days with 1 hour in 8 days and 20 minutes on the last day  One writing assignment  Parents need to initial reading minutes and submit paper  Papers will be given to third grade teachers mid-June; will be available on the MIS website SUMMER LANGUAGE ARTS

18 Grading System- Reading Divide minutes on a 500 pt scale to see grade: Example 450 minutes x 100 ÷ 500 = grade of 90 500 or more minutes = A+ 100% 450-499 minutes = A- 90% 400-449 minutes = B- 80%350-399 minutes = C- 70% 300-349 minutes = D- 60% Less than 300 = F Grading System – Writing P Advanced Proficient = 100P Proficient = 85 pts PP Partially Proficient = 70 pts SUMMER LANGUAGE ARTS GRADING

19 Communication

20  E-Mail  Parent Placement Surveys  Sent home with grade 3 in May – more available tonight  Please return these pages tonight, or send them in an envelope to your school labeled “MIS Main Office.” Your child’s teacher or office will forward them to us! COMMUNICATION

21  Summer Reading will be sent home June 13 and available on the internet in June  Supply lists will be sent home and available on the internet in June  Class Assignments sent home at the end of August  There will also be an opportunity on Wednesday, September 4 between 1 and 2 p.m. for students to find their homerooms, to introduce themselves to their fourth grade teacher and to drop off any school supplies TRANSITION


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