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NJEDge.Net’s Collaborative Faculty Development Initiative Copyright Ellen Spaldo and Sheri Lynn Prupis, 2004. This work is the intellectual property of.

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1 NJEDge.Net’s Collaborative Faculty Development Initiative Copyright Ellen Spaldo and Sheri Lynn Prupis, 2004. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors.

2 NJEDge.Net’s Collaborative Faculty Development Initiative

3 New Jersey’s College & Universities integrating technologies into instruction, research and public service through an enhanced statewide data/video network NERCOMP – March 22, 2004 Sheri Lynn Prupis, Educational Technologist, NJEDge.Net Ellen Spaldo, Ph.D., Asst. Professor of Communication and Director of Writing, School of Art & Media Studies, Fairleigh Dickinson University

4 About NJEDge.Net Statewide Network Infrastructure – VPN –Provides a “Virtual Private Network” for the membership with defined “communities of interest” supporting classes of service. Designed to support new forms of inter-institutional collaboration Leverage collective buying power of the membership to achieve economies of scale

5 Network Resources Broadband ISP (2 Tier 1’s – Qwest & Level 3) Private MPLS-based IP/VPN (OC-192) Sophisticated video conferencing & distance learning capabilities Centralized streaming video resources Provide regional access to Internet2 (SEGP) Interoperability with the K-12 Video Portal (Access New Jersey) Shared Access to Satellite Uplink/Downlink

6 Network Capabilities Support new forms of inter-institutional collaboration and statewide applications: –New joint programs between institutions –Resource sharing (expertise & equipment) –Shared applications & site licensing –Coordinated faculty development efforts –Joint development of optimal environments for teaching and learning.

7 Network Capabilities Cont. “Extending the reach” of higher ed to: –Off-campus learners –K-12 –Corporate and community constituents Support research and development partnerships with industry

8 Efficiencies/Economies of Scale ISP Services / Voice Services Coordinated software site licensing Large-Scale Network Attached Storage New joint statewide applications services: –Network Authentication - Shibboleth –Academic web services – Courseware portals –Administrative student services applications Sharing of expensive scientific instrumentation



11 Advantages Simplifies network architecture Reduces management complexity Increases reliability and redundancy (OC-192) IP/VPN makes it easy to grow capacity Significant cost savings Ability to converge voice and data Support for BGP & EIGRP will scale state-wide gaining application efficiency

12 Advantages Support for guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) Enhanced network security through creating private communities of interest Cost effective Internet allows increased bandwidth Extensive statewide videoconferencing capabilities Internet2 offers a bridge to the rest of the world and opens new collaborative research models Increased opportunities for Grant $$

13 K20 Initiative Cascading Portals connecting Access NJ & NJEDge.Net Trial K-12 with NJEDge.Net New K20 Consortium Established in 2002 Focus outreach and connectivity to K-12s, Museums, Libraries Aim to bridge K-12 to Higher Ed Increased opportunities for joint funding, student attraction, learning and education

14 Building Community Organize statewide working groups –Distance Learning Academic Advisory Board (DLAAB) Collaborative Faculty Development Initiative (CFDI) –Educational Activities Task Force (EATF) –Data Resources Group (DRG) –Video Resources Group (VRG) –Network Authentication & Security

15 Distance Learning Academic Advisory Board (DLAAB) Plays a leadership role in bringing together collective expertise of faculty Stimulates and coordinates distance learning initiatives Promotes the meaningful infusion of technology into higher education curricula Focuses on educational technology –teaching and learning –faculty development and support –curricular innovation

16 Activities of DLAAB Faculty Colloquium Series: –Informal sessions where faculty, librarians, academic administrators, and IT staff from higher education institutions and from K-12 sector come together –Guest speaker or panels of experts in distance learning and educational technology share ideas and information –Lively discussion with colleagues from across the state –Free to faculty, administrators, and staff of New Jersey educational institutions –Conducted simultaneously at multiple sites via the NJEDge.Net video portal –Delivery via the Web also planned for future sessions

17 Sample Colloquium Topics 1999 – 2004 –OWLs (Online Writing Labs) –Support for Student Multimedia Projects –Internet Plagiarism –Connect the Dots: Learning Objects - Libraries - Learning Styles –A Taste of MERLOT and Other Vintages –Three Scoops: Unique Approaches to Distance Learning in NJ –Corporate Perspectives on Distance Learning –Evaluation Strategies in Online Courses –From e-Business and Economics to Athletics and Chorus! Curricular Infusion: A Closer Look –Exemplary Collaborative Projects: Higher Education and K - 12, featuring the Center for the Improvement of Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) –The Interactive Physiology Syllabus –New Millennium Faculty: Some Forecasts –Interactive Television in Distance Learning: The Iowa Model

18 Collaborative Faculty Development Initiative (CFDI) Faculty and staff of New Jersey institutions of higher education will work together to develop an inter- institutional, collaborative approach to faculty development. Several NJ institutions will collaborate to identify desired units of faculty development related to distance learning and the infusion of technology into curricula. Individual institutions will contribute one or two units of face-to-face and/or online faculty development modules or materials that will then be available to faculty from all member institutions of NJEDge.Net.

19 Benefits Effective practices and recognized standards Cost savings Minimizing redundancies Maximizing existing expertise Statewide recognition of an institution’s expertise and innovation in the field of educational technology Opportunities for faculty to share information and insight across institutions Opportunities for grants Coordination with current initiatives and grants already underway at participating institutions.

20 Concerns Efforts should begin modestly, building on resources that already exist, and gradually moving into such areas as storage of shared learning objects and hosting of online faculty development courses. Group needs to be mindful of the intellectual property concerns of institutions and individuals, both faculty members and staff who create faculty development courses and other products. Begin with those individuals and institutions that are willing to freely share their products. Technical issues.

21 Initial Participating Institutions Atlantic Cape CC Bergen CC Berkeley College Brookdale CC College of NJ College of St. Elizabeth Drew U Essex CC Fairleigh Dickinson U Georgian Court U Gloucester CC Hudson CCC Kean U Mercer CC Monmouth U NJVCCC Raritan Valley CC Rutgers U St. Peter’s College Stevens Institute of Technology Thomas Edison State C UMDNJ William Paterson U of NJ

22 Wish List 1.Internet search skills Integrated with libraries Include development of a Virtual Reference Desk Include links to existing repositories 2.Authoring tools 3.Course management systems Introductory, intermediate and advanced levels 4.Instructional design Include methodology and pedagogy 5.Instructional design support

23 Wish List, continued 6.Education about the paradigm shift, the changing roles of the instructor 7.Development of discipline-specific training and resources 8.Development and sharing of learning objects 9.Intellectual property and academic integrity Include legal issues regarding students, their work, and their privacy. 10.Training in basic tools such as word processing, Excel, and PowerPoint

24 2003 – 2004 Offerings TESC allowed ten (10) participants from NJEDge.Net member institutions to enroll in the online Certificate for Distance Education Program (CDEP) at 50% discount, and sponsored one (1) of those 10 at 100%, so that enrollment was free to that individual - (Ongoing). Berkeley College sponsored a Wimba workshop on incorporating voice into online courses - (February).

25 2003 – 2004 Offerings Fairleigh Dickinson University offered basic workshops, some with special topics- (Ongoing): –Create Interactive Lectures with MS PowerPoint –Uncover the Hidden Potential of MS Word: Special Topic — How to grade students’ papers in electronic format using the Track Changes feature. –Learn the Essentials of MS Excel: Special Topic — Create a grade book for each of your classes. –Optimize Your Internet Skills –Windows XP File Management and Data Backup –Web Page Design with MS FrontPage spr04/cfdi_spring_04.htm

26 2003 – 2004 Offerings William Paterson University of New Jersey –Blackboard Institute (Spring and Summer) –Final Cut Pro (TBA) Monmouth University –Selections from ITS Faculty Resource Center (TBA) St. Peter’s College and WPUNJ –Managing online discussion forums (TBA)

27 Roles of NJEDge.Net Interpersonal networking Inter-campus Extranet Publicity through extensive listserves Facilitation Coordination One-stop online registration Budget support when necessary Interface with NJVU Online Faculty Resource Center initiative

28 Next Steps Manage demand and expectations of CFDI –Part of overall strategic planning - NJEDge.Net Prioritization of initiatives Staffing Develop/share more cutting-edge workshops Comprehensive website for CFDI Assessment of CFDI

29 Contact Us! Ellen Spaldo – –201-692-7155 Sheri Prupis – –973-596-5490

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