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What is Art??? Analyze the given subjects. Decide which objects are art and which are not. Give your reasons for making your choices. Be prepared to share.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Art??? Analyze the given subjects. Decide which objects are art and which are not. Give your reasons for making your choices. Be prepared to share."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Art??? Analyze the given subjects. Decide which objects are art and which are not. Give your reasons for making your choices. Be prepared to share your thinking. 1. Object One: Is this art? Why or why not? Explain. 2. Object Two: Is this art? Why or why not? Explain. 3. Object Three: Is this art? Why or why not? Explain. 4. Object Four: Is this art? Why or why not? Explain.

2 Write your own definition of what art is.

3 Textbook definition of ART: ART: A work of art is one person’s vision of human reality expressed in a particular artistic medium, and shared with other people. ART: A work of art is one person’s vision of human reality expressed in a particular artistic medium, and shared with other people.

4 Leonardo Da Vinci 1452-1519 Who was he? The “Renaissance Man” The “Renaissance Man” Greatest genius of all time? Greatest genius of all time? The artist who inspired the Renaissance art movement The artist who inspired the Renaissance art movement An engineer, an architect, an inventor, a mathematician, a musician, a writer (journal), a botanist, a philosopher, a scientist… a man of multiple talents. An engineer, an architect, an inventor, a mathematician, a musician, a writer (journal), a botanist, a philosopher, a scientist… a man of multiple talents.

5 Background Born the illegitimate son of a Florentine peasant. Born the illegitimate son of a Florentine peasant. During the 1460’s– apprenticed to Verrocchio ( a great painter) During the 1460’s– apprenticed to Verrocchio ( a great painter) Became established, had a studio from 1478-1482 Became established, had a studio from 1478-1482 Began moving to homes of patrons: Duke of Milan, King Francis I Began moving to homes of patrons: Duke of Milan, King Francis I

6 ART Introduced sfumato (“smoking”) technique to art. Introduced sfumato (“smoking”) technique to art. Emphasized background development Emphasized background development Developed perspective, characterization techniques. Developed perspective, characterization techniques. Created highlights with use of light. Created highlights with use of light.

7 Art Works Madonna of the Rocks 1483 & 1508 Madonna of the Rocks 1483 & 1508

8 The Last Supper

9 The Mona Lisa

10 Scientific Drawings and Anatomical sketches

11 Notebooks Drawings, sketches, notes were in 4000 pages if notebooks. Drawings, sketches, notes were in 4000 pages if notebooks. Notes on math, music, musical instruments (he made his own violin, drum, and keyboard), botany, anatomy, geology, science, and art. Notes on math, music, musical instruments (he made his own violin, drum, and keyboard), botany, anatomy, geology, science, and art. Designs included: a flying machine, a parachute, a helicopter, a pulley, diving masks and flippers, automobile transmission, a tank, a machine gun, a two wheeled bicycle, etc. Designs included: a flying machine, a parachute, a helicopter, a pulley, diving masks and flippers, automobile transmission, a tank, a machine gun, a two wheeled bicycle, etc.

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