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Leonardo daVinci. Þ1452-1519 ÞFamily estate ÞVinci, near Empoli ÞChildhood in Vinci.

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Presentation on theme: "Leonardo daVinci. Þ1452-1519 ÞFamily estate ÞVinci, near Empoli ÞChildhood in Vinci."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leonardo daVinci

2 Þ1452-1519 ÞFamily estate ÞVinci, near Empoli ÞChildhood in Vinci

3 ÞGoes to Florence ÞApprentice (1469) ÞStudio of Verrocchio ÞCorporation of Painters ÞMember (1472) ÞCompletes First Known Drawing Þ"La valle dell'Arno" Þ"The Arno Valley" (1473) Personal Chronology

4 ÞPaintings Þ"Baptism of Christ" (1475) ÞPaints an angel ÞVerrocchio's Þ"The Annunciation" (1477) ÞPortrait of Ginevra de'Benci (1478) Þ"San Gerolamo" (1481) Þ"The Adoration of the Magi" (1481) Þ"Virgin of the Rocks" (1483-6)

5 Personal Chronology ÞLeaves Florence for Milan (1482) ÞIn the service of Ludovico Sforza ÞExplores Human Flight (1486) ÞManuscripts ÞAnatomical Drawings

6 Personal Chronology ÞDesigns Flying Machine (1492) ÞWorks on Giant Equestrian Statue ÞFrancesco Sforza (1493)

7 Personal Chronology ÞStudies Resistance of Arcades (1494) ÞVarious Types ÞPaintings ÞSecond "Virgin of the Rocks" (1494) Þ"The Last Supper" (1495) Þ"Madonna & Child with St. Anne"(1499)

8 Personal Chronology ÞMeets Luca Pacioli ÞMathematician ÞStudies Euclid (1496) ÞLeaves Milan (1499) ÞReturns to Florence ÞStops in ÞMantu ÞVenice (1500)

9 Personal Chronology ÞTitled as a Military Engineer (1502) ÞCesare Borgia ÞDesigns War Machines (1502-3) ÞDraws Topographical Maps (1502-3) ÞDraws Studies Þ"The Battle of Anghiari" (1503-6)

10 Personal Chronology ÞPaints "Mona Lisa" (1504) ÞStudies Fluid Elements ÞWater, Air and Fire (1508) ÞReturns to Milan (1508) ÞPaints "St. Anne" (1509)

11 Personal Chronology ÞAnatomical Research (1510) ÞGoes to Rome ÞSeeks Patronage of Pope Leo X (15613) ÞConstructs Mechanical Lion ÞFrancis I, King of France (1515) ÞPaints "Self-Portrait" (1515)

12 Personal Chronology ÞGoes to Court of Francis I, Amboise (1516) ÞDesigns a Palace ÞRomorantin (1517) ÞDies in Amboise ÞMay 2, 1519.

13 da Vinci’s Weapons

14 Siege Defenses ÞIdea for Pushing Away Enemy Ladders When Defending a Fortress. ÞEver Built ÞNo Evidence

15 Siege Defenses ÞRotating Poles Sweep Attackers off the Walls ÞMech. Workings ÞGrain Mill

16 War Scythe ÞChariot with Rotating Scythes ÞWreak Havoc Among Opposing Lines ÞOften Did no Less Injury to Friends

17 Multi Barrel Gun ÞLeonardo's Equivalent of Machine Gun ÞGuns are Muzzle-Loading ÞLimited Fire Rate

18 da Vinci’s Flight

19 Flying Machine Wing Mechanism ÞWing Mechanism of a Flying Machine.

20 Flying Machine Armature ÞArmature for Wing of Flying Machine ÞTesting Device ÞLifting Power of an Artificial Wing.

21 Helicopter ÞTo be Built of ÞWood ÞReeds & ÞTafetta ÞSmall Model ÞPaper ÞSpring Like Metal Shaft

22 daVinci’s Inventions

23 Sequins Making Device Several illustrations of machines for making gold sequins for clothes.

24 Spring Device ÞSystem for equalizing the release of a spring.

25 Water Lifting Device daVinci was involved in projects for irrigation, drainage & digging canals.

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