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Hello ASM World: A Painless and Contextual Introduction to x86 Assembly rogueclown DerbyCon 3.0 September 28, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello ASM World: A Painless and Contextual Introduction to x86 Assembly rogueclown DerbyCon 3.0 September 28, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello ASM World: A Painless and Contextual Introduction to x86 Assembly rogueclown DerbyCon 3.0 September 28, 2013

2 who? security consultant by vocation mess around with computers, code, CTFs by avocation frustrated when things feel like a black box

3 what is assembly language? not exactly machine language…but close – instructions: mnemonics for machine operations – normally a one-to-one correlation between ASM instruction and machine instruction varies by processor – today, we will be discussing 32-bit x86

4 why learn assembly language? some infosec disciplines require it curious about lower-level details of memory or interfacing with an operating system it’s fun and challenging!

5 how does assembly language work?

6 hello memory what parts of computer memory does assembly language commonly access? how does assembly language access those parts of computer memory?

7 where is this memory? what one “normally” thinks of as memory – RAM – virtual memory CPU – registers

8 computer memory layout heap – global variables, usually allocated at compile-time – envision a bookshelf…that won’t let you push books together when you take one out stack – local, contextual variables – envision a card game discard pile – you will use this when coding ASM. a lot.

9 registers memory located on the CPU registers are awesome because they are fast. registers are a pain because they are tiny.

10 registers general purpose registers – alphabet soup eax, ebx, ecx, edx can address in parts: ax, ah, al – stack and base pointers esp ebp – index registers esi, edi

11 registers instruction pointer – eip – records the next instruction for the program to follow other registers – eflags – segment registers

12 instructions mov – moves a value to a register – can either specify a value, or specify a register where a value resides syntax in assembly – Intel syntax: mov ebx, 0xfee1dead – AT&T syntax: mov $0xfee1dead, %eax

13 instructions interrupt – int 0x80 – int 0x3 system calls – how a program interacts with the kernel of the OS

14 instructions mathematical instructions – add, sub, mul, div mov eax, 10 cdq; edx is now 0 div 3; eax is now 3, edx is now 1 – dec, inc – useful for looping mov ecx, 3 dec ecx; ecx is now 2

15 jumps jge, jg, jle, jl – work with a compare (cmp) instruction jz, jnz, js, jns – check zero flag or sign flag for jump

16 instructions stack operations: push and pop mov eax, 10 push eax; 10 on top of stack inc eax; eax is now 11 push eax; 11 on top of stack pop ebx; ebx is now 11 pop ecx; ecx is now 10

17 instructions function access instructions – call places the address of the next instruction on top of the stack moves execution to identified function – ret returns to the memory address on top of the stack designed to work in tandem with the “call” instruction…but we’re hackers, yes?

18 sections of ASM – constant variables initialized at compile time.bss – declaration of variables that may are set of changed during runtime.text – executable instructions

19 $%&#@%^ instructions: how do they work?

20 putting it together time to take a bit of C code, and reimplement it in assembly language!

21 where does shellcode come in?

22 what is shellcode? instructions injected into a running process lacks some of the luxuries of writing a stand-alone program – no laying out nice memory segments in a.bss section – basically, just one big.text section

23 a first stab at shellcode… this is going to look mostly familiar, except for how data is handled.

24 why did it fail? bad characters – shellcode is often passed to an application as a string. – if a character makes a string act funny, you may not want it in your shellcode 0x00, 0x0a, 0x0d, etc. – use an encoder, or do it yourself

25 try that shellcode again…

26 where can i learn more about assembly language?

27 suggested resources dead trees – “Hacking: The Art of Exploitation” by Jon Erickson – “Practical Malware Analysis” by Michael Sikorski and Andrew Honig – “Gray Hat Python” by Justin Seitz

28 suggested resources the series of tubes – – quick and dirty opcode reference – – Netwide Assembler documentation system calls – Linux: /usr/include/asm/unistd.h man 2 $syscall – Windows: 0508%28vs.85%29 – Windows API reference

29 how to find me Twitter: @rogueclown email: IRC: #derbycon, #misec, or #burbsec on Freenode or, just wave me down at the con

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