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Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill DRAFT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Work in progress 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill DRAFT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Work in progress 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill DRAFT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Work in progress 1

2 Presentation Outlay 2 IntroductionSlide 3 CJS Expansion ProgramSlide 5 Critical Requirements of the proposed BillSlide 10 PresumptionsSlide 12 Current SituationSlide 13 to 18 Implementation of the proposed BillSlide 19 to 37 Other Systems Software UpgradeSlide 38 Budget SummarySlide 39 to 40 RisksSlide 41 Fingerprint Database InterfacesSlide 42 to 57 Way ForwardSlide 58

3 Introduction Division Criminal Record and Forensic Science Service welcomes the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill as it provides for the enhancement of the forensic investigative utilization in the united front in the fight against crime. This amendment Bill places an obligation on the Division regarding the collection, storage and maintenance of fingerprints. The Division acknowledges that the implementation of the amendment Bill is dependant upon the cooperation between the different service providers within the cluster Justice, Crime Prevention and Security and will require a coordinated implementation process. 3

4 Introduction (continued) The successful detection leading to the prosecution and conviction of offenders is significantly enhanced by forensic evidence from crime scenes that can be linked to an individual. The objective of this document is to analyse the gap between the current infrastructure and the required capacity in order to successfully implement the proposed amendment Bill. 4

5 Criminal Justice System (CJS) Expansion Program (2009/2010) Treasury allocated R 200 million as part of the CJS Review Program to the South African Police Service for the introduction of the proposed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill. Criminal Record Centre AFIS Upgrade Upgrade existing system Budget : R 135 million Contract signed 2009-08-01 Expected acceptance date 2010-08-15 AFIS upgrade acceptance not before the 2010 World Cup AFIS upgrade expected to be finalized on 2010-08-15. Current ten fingerprint search requirements to remain stable. It is expected that the current work in arrears will increase until upgrade is completed. Ten fingerprint searches in arrears to be addressed at approximately 3 000 per working day after the upgrade. Impact should be visible after 120 working days after AFIS upgrade. 5

6 Criminal Justice System (CJS) Expansion Program (2009/2010) continued Criminal Record Centre continued: Additional vehicles procured for crime scene attendance Budget : R 15 million Vehicles being delivered in batches. Cellular Telephone capacity extended Budget : R 400 000 Additional furniture procured Budget : R 4.5 million Ordered Forensic Science Laboratory DNA Investigative Sample Management R 9 million DNA Database Inter-Case Links R 5 million 6

7 Criminal Justice System (CJS) Expansion Program (2009/2010) continued Forensic Science Laboratory (continued) DNA Sample Storage R 5 million ISM Equipment FSL R 10 million DNA Training R 1 million Exhibit Management System R 5 million Furniture R 2 million DNA Equipment R 6 million TOTAL R 200 million 7

8 Criminal Justice System (CJS) Expansion Program (2009/2010) continued Initial indication by Treasury 2010/20112011/20122012/2013 Requirement R’m Requirement R’m Requirement R’m SAPS IS / ICT ISM 480 0001 300 0001 400 000 Operational Requirements Div CR and FSS 340 000540 000542 000 TOTAL820 0001 840 0001 942 000 8

9 Criminal Justice System (CJS) Expansion Program (2009/2010) continued Additional funding to be used as indicated by Information Systems Management: AFIS replacement and upgrade – to increase current capacity and refresh hardware NPIS – the procurement of software and rollout of digital capture booths FES – the procurement of live scan blocks Facial compilation and recognition – procurement of a solution and hardware Disaster victim identification – procurement and installation of a solution Operational support (SITA SLAs) – application maintenance, hosting and decentralized services Field terminals Crime intelligence A greater throughput of cases through the system 9

10 Critical Requirements of Proposed Bill: Taking and storage of fingerprints / body prints Fingerprint of all arrested persons and suspects Responsibility : Division Visible Policing Division Detective Service Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations Division Criminal Record and Forensic Science Services Detection and Identification of fingerprints Crime scene processing Fingerprint identification Responsibility :Division Criminal Record and Forensic Science Services 10

11 Critical Requirements of Proposed Bill (Continued) Photographs Photographs of all arrested persons to be taken Responsibility :Division Visible Policing Division Detective Service Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations Division CR and FSS Head Information Systems Management Storing and management of photographs Responsibility :Division CR and FSS Head Information Systems Management Integration of databases System compatibility and integration Responsibility :Department of Police Department of Home Affairs Department of Correctional Services Department of Transport 11

12 Presumptions: During 2008/2009 approximately 2.1 million cases registered and to be stabilized over the next 5 years Objective to attend 700 000 crime scene cases at year 5 An average of 1.2 million sets of criminal fingerprints (SAPS 76) processed per annum of which 40% may be repeat offenders Minimum of 1 million suspect’s fingerprints processed per annum All arrested persons to be photographed Personnel to be appointed Current and future expenditure be provided for in the medium and long term budget vote Carry through costs to be provided for SAPS Division Training to provide facilities and support training initiatives 12

13 Current Situation (2008/2009) Criminal Record Centre 348 696 crime scenes attended to by Local Criminal Record Centers 19 029 persons identified on crime scenes by means of fingerprints 21 541 crime scenes where forensic exhibits were collected 1.1 million criminal ten fingerprint searches 1 million non criminal ten fingerprint searches Local Criminal Record Centers (Nationally) (September 2009) 91 LCRCs rendering services to 1116 Police Stations 67 LCRC Fingerprint Laboratories to process exhibits for crime scene fingerprints 887 fully qualified crime scene experts 1 246 crime scene expert trainees 1 416 trained civilian personnel 126 civilian personnel under training 832 operational vehicles 13

14 AFIS Backlog : Fingerprint search processing (September 2009) AFIS implemented in August 2002 60 537 criminal ten fingerprint searches outstanding 124 258 non criminal (fire arm searches, police clearance) ten fingerprint searches outstanding Current AFIS search capacity per day: 5 000 criminal ten fingerprint searches on the Criminal Matcher 3 750 non criminal ten fingerprint searches on the Non Criminal Matcher Upgrade to address current work in arrears will increase AFIS capacity Criminal and Non Criminal Matcher to be combined in a single matcher Increase to 12 000 ten fingerprint searches per day 14

15 Typical Local Criminal Record Centre A fingerprint section that process crime scenes for fingerprint evidence A photography section that video graphs, photographs and process crime scenes A plan drawing capability for the reconstruction of crime scenes A LCRC fingerprint laboratory where exhibits that were collected on crime scenes are being processed to find crime scene fingerprints A forensic fieldworker capability for the collection of exhibits on crime scenes that may have forensic value A criminal information system capability where the criminal information of persons are being captured for future court and criminal investigation purposes An AFIS capability for the electronic searching of ten fingerprints and crime scene prints for the identification of persons A facial identification capability where operators compiles drawings of persons from the information provided by crime scene victims and witnesses A LCRC administration section where all LCRC activities are recorded electronically and manually 15

16 Systems available to support the proposed Bill Criminal Information System (CRIM) The CRIM System manages the criminal information of accused and sentenced persons Managed by the Criminal Record Centre Indicates the availability of fingerprints on AFIS Manages Wanted Persons Indicators on AFIS Indicates the availability of photos of persons Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) The AFIS is a forensic fingerprint identification system Manages fingerprint images according to business rules Images of all ten fingers and two palms (when available) are stored for identification purposes 16

17 Systems available to support the proposed Bill National Photo Image System (NPIS) NPIS is an electronic system that stores the photographic images of persons and objects in the criminal environment Managed by ISM Identification Services NPIS not yet fully operational Selectively decentralized Main obstacle is network capacity JUDISS (Judicial Image Storage System) The JUDISS is an image capturing system utilized to capture source documents electronically Managed by the Criminal Record Centre Source documents includes fingerprint forms and sentences from courts JUDISS is limited to the Criminal Record Centre Pretoria and is still under development To be decentralized to all LCRCs in phases according network availability to facilitate document control 17

18 Systems available to support the proposed Bill Exhibit Management System (EMS) SAPS in the process to acquire a solution Urgent LCRC need to ensure exhibit integrity To be used to record, control and manage exhibits 18

19 Implementation of the proposed Bill Taking and storage of fingerprints / body prints Review policies and national instructions : Legal Services AFIS upgrade : Div CR and FSS; ISM Body Prints*: Div CR and FSS; ISM *Specifications to be developed 19

20 Implementation of the proposed Bill AFIS Upgrade Database2010/20112011/20122012/2013 Number of persons with plain impressions 3.2 million3.2 million to 7.2 million 7.2 million to 11. 2 million Number of persons with palms 3 million to 4 million4 million to 8.5 million8.5 million to 12 million Unsolved crime scene fingerprints database 1.2 million to 2 million 2 million to 2.5 million2.5 million to 4 million Unsolved palm crime scene prints database 300 000 to 1 million1 million to 1.5 million2.5 million to 4 million 20

21 Implementation of the proposed Bill AFIS Upgrade Matchers (Software)2010/20112011/20122012/2013 Ten fingerprint to ten fingerprint 8 million to 10 million 10 million to 16 million 16 million to 20 million Unsolved crime scene print to ten fingerprint 8 million to 10 million 10 million to 16 million 16 million to 20 million Slap (Plain impression)3.2 million3.2 million to 7.2 million 7.2 million to 11.2 million Palms3 million to 4 million4 million to 6 million6 million to 6.5 million Unsolved crime scene fingerprints 1.2 million to 2 million 2 million to 2.5 million2.5 million to 4 million 21

22 Implementation of the proposed Bill AFIS Upgrade Daily Processing2010/20112011/20122012/2013 Ten fingerprint searches12 000 to 16 000 16 000 to 20 00020 000 to 24 000 Crime scene fingerprint searches 1 950 to 2 3002 300 to 3 0003 000 to 3 500 Crime scene palm print searches 550 to 1 0001 000 to 1 500Review if upgrade is considered Ten fingerprint to unsolved crime scene prints 3 500 to 5 0005 000 to 7 000 To be reviewed if all crime scene prints be stored in the unsolved crime scene prints matcher 7 000 to 10 000 Palm prints to unsolved crime scene palm prints 400400 to 800800 tot 2 000 22

23 Implementation of the proposed Bill AFIS Upgrade Further decentralization2010/20112011/20122012/2013 AFIS decentralizationMaintaining existing infrastructure 35 to 67 offices67 offices to 85 offices or 91 offices dependant on CRIM decentralization 23

24 AFIS Upgrade Budget 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 Capacity extension R 242 215 150R 111 464 000R 139 100 000R 94 350 000 Development of interfaces R 27 500 000 MaintenanceR 13 558 000R 34 001 940R 45 148 340R 59 058 340R 68 493 340 TOTALR 255 773 150R172 965 940R 184 248 340R 153 408 340R 68 493 340 24

25 Implementation of the proposed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill Detection and Identification of fingerprints To attend to more crime scenes To increase fingerprint identifications To improve on the quality of crime scene processing To increase capacity 2009/20102010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 Forecasted possible LCRC crime scenes visited 432 077505 500586 567624 187659 040662 197 Projected % crime scenes to be visited 62%72%84%89%94%95% 25

26 Implementation of the proposed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill Additional Personnel required: Additional crime scene investigators 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 402600500700900 Additional administrative personnel 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 220452340431440 26

27 Implementation of the proposed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill Training for Police Act personnel Newly appointed crime scene investigators R 40 000 per person for 10 weeks 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 402600500700900 CostR 16 080 000R 26 000 000R 20 000 000R 28 000 000R 36 000 000 Current crime scene investigators to be refreshed on current – and new crime scene procedures R 8 400 per person for two weeks 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 450 7018401020 CostR 3 780 000 R 5 880 000R 7 056 000R 8 568 000 27

28 Implementation of the proposed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill Training Public Service Act (PSA) personnel Newly appointed PSA personnel R 30 000 per person for 6 weeks 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 220452340431440 CostR 6 600 000R 13 560 000R 10 200 000R 12 900 000R 13 200 000 Current PSA personnel to be refreshed R 4 615-00 per person for 2 weeks 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 130 160144112 CostR 600 000 R 738 400R 664 560R 516 880 28

29 Implementation of the proposed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill Training Profiles: Training for crime scene investigators Fingerprint course Advanced crime scene course Photography, Plan drawing etc Forensic Training program for LCRC personnel Adjudication Panel (Fingerprint Expert Status) AFIS Expert Course Training for civilian personnel CRIM System Course Circulations : Wanted Persons Course AFIS Operators Course 29

30 Implementation of the proposed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill Additional accommodation needed for personnel and storage Calculated at an average of R 70-00 per square meter per month. 150 square meter per LCRC; 8 square meter per new person; 1000 square meter for CRC archive 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 R 16 479 120R 19 711 440R 17 950 800R 19 913 040R 21 310 800 CostR 16 479 120R 19 711 440R 17 950 800R 19 913 040R 21 310 800 30

31 Implementation of the proposed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill New Local Criminal Record Centers to be established to enhance service delivery New LCRC Service Points A service point is created to provide limited LCRC functions at lower level to address response time to crime scene attendance. New LCRCs 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 22222 CostR 11 000 000 New LCRC Service points 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 33333 CostR 162 000 31

32 Implementation of the proposed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill New LCRC Fingerprint Laboratories The cost for these fingerprint laboratories includes the standard lay out and furbishment Fingerprint laboratories can be static or mobile A mobile fingerprint laboratory is in essence similar to the static laboratory but can be deployed to serious crime scenes for fingerprint exhibit processing on site Maintenance for additional fingerprint laboratories Static Fingerprint Laboratories 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 66 Mobile Fingerprint Laboratories666 CostR 15 000 000 R 21 000 000 Maintenance of LCRC Fingerprint Laboratory equipment 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 R 600 000 32

33 Implementation of the proposed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill Basic Furniture for new appointees LCRC fingerprint equipment and digital camera for new crime scene investigators Set of furniture Desk, chair and filing cabinet at R 6000-00 per person 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 6211 1028401 1321 340 CostR 3 726 000R6 612 000R 5 040 000R 6 792 000R 8 040 000 Equipment per investigator at R 12 400-00 per person 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 402650500700900 CostR 4 984 800R 8 060 000R 6 200 000R4 522 000R 11 160 000 33

34 Implementation of the proposed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill Additional specialized cameras This is a digital camera that is capable of capturing a panoramic view of crime scenes Specialized camera at R 950 000 per camera 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 22222 CostR 1 900 000 34

35 Implementation of the proposed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill Additional computer equipment for new civilian personnel Additional computer equipment for JUDISS To be a once off installation project Mainframe computer and printer combination at R 11 200-00 per person 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 220452340431440 CostR 2 464 000R 5 062 400R 3 808 000R 4 827 200R 4 928 000 2 Scanners and 1 workflow server per LCRC 20 scanners for CRC R 14 000-00 per scanner and R 14 500-00 per server 2010/2011 R 3 867 500 for LCRCs R 280 000 for CRC Cost R 4 147 500 35

36 Requirements to enhance capacity in support of the implementation of the proposed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill Additional vehicles needed Operational vehicles are needed to attend to crime scenes Specialized crime scene vehicles are used to attend to serious crime scenes and are specially equipped with advanced crime scene processing resources Administrative vehicles to be utilized in the administration of LCRC activities Operational vehicles 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 200325250350450 Specialized crime scene vehicles33333 Administrative vehicles1016131617 CostR 39 600 000R 59 250 000R 47 550 000R 63 000 000R 78 150 000 36

37 Implementation of the proposed Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill Operational expenditure *Projection according to slide 25 Average costs per case investigated @ R 105-00 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 R 53 077 500R 61 589 535R 65 539 635R 69 199 200R 69 530 685 Disposable protective clothing and SHE requirements @ R 50-00 R 25 304 800R 29 358 100R 31 239 150R 32 981 800R 33 139 700 Petrol to attend to cases 70 km’s per case @ R 2.0833 per running kilometer travelled R 37 716 987R 85 538 923R 91 025 231R 96 107 878R 96 568 413 CostR 116 099 287R 176 486 558R 187 804 016R 198 288 878R 199 238 798 37

38 Other System Software Upgrades Action2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 CRIMR 2 500 000 JUDISSNo budget allocation. ISM enterprise license NPISNo budget allocation. ISM in process to implement Body PrintsNot budgeted for. It is expected that a business consultant be appointed by SA Business Against Crime to assist with the compilation of the functional design 38

39 Budget Summary Main Cost Driver 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 AFISR 255 773 150R172 965 940R 184 248 340R 153 408 340R 68 493 340 TrainingR 27 060 000R 43 940 000R 36 818 400R 48 620 560R 58 284 880 AccommodationR 16 479 120R 19 711 440R 17 950 800R 19 913 040R 21 310 800 New LCRCsR 11 000 000 New LCRC Service PointsR 162 000 New LCRC Fingerprint LabsR 15 000 000 R 21 000 000 Maintenance Fingerprint Laboratories R 600 000 FurnitureR 3 726 000R 6 612 000R 5 040 000R 6 792 000R 8 040 000 Specialized CamerasR 1 900 000 39

40 Budget Summary Main Cost Driver 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 EquipmentR 4 984 800R 8 060 000R 6 200 000R 4 522 000R 11 160 000 Computer EquipmentR 2 464 000R 5 062 400R 3 808 000R 4 827 200R 4 928 000 JUDISSR 4 147 500 VehiclesR 39 600 000R 59 250 000R 47 550 000R 63 000 000R 78 150 000 Operational ExpenditureR 116 099 287R 101 963 162R 108 498 694R 114 554 393R 115 102 989 CRIMR 2 500 000 TOTALR 497 348 357R 527 397 838R 632 418 250R 648 426 411R 599 208 807 40

41 Risks Communication Network capacity Budget allocation Inter departmental delay 41

42 Fingerprint Database Interfaces Available Fingerprint Databases: SAPS AFIS HANIS eNatis Correctional Services The characteristics and application of the databases with the view of accessing the data for crime solving purposes 42

43 Description of available fingerprint databases SAPS AFIS Department of Police 6.4 million sets of fingerprints and 850 000 persons with palm prints Rolled impressions of all 10 fingerprints Both palms of a person including writers palms Capable of searching single fingerprints and sections (small parts) against AFIS database Filter criteria used to decrease number of candidates Cold searches with no filter criteria possible Crime scene prints searches possible on fingerprints and palm prints 43

44 Description of available fingerprint databases HANIS Department of Home Affairs 33.5 million person’s fingerprints 10 fingers are archived and 2 thumbs stored in the matching repositories Two index fingers as a back up in the matching repository Thumb prints used for searching purposes in combination with the identification number to determine identity No or limited cold search capability Capacity of 30 000 transactions per day No crime scene fingerprint search capacity is available 44

45 Description of available fingerprint databases eNATIS** Department of Transport 10 million person’s fingerprints National and international entries Two thumb prints 2 thumb prints stored in the matching repositories Thumb prints used in combination of filter criteria to identify a person No cold search capability No crime scene fingerprint search capacity is available ** To be confirmed 45

46 Possible approaches: To Interface Fingerprint Databases Option 1 : Department of Home Affairs Requirements Interface with SAPS AFIS Home Affairs to provide the standard for the interface Home Affairs to provide the message protocol and compilation Home Affairs to provide for the search capacity Crime Scene Prints 1: N All finger print data to be available in the matcher repository Not more than 1000 searches per day for year 1 after the upgrade of HANIS From year two searches to exponentially increase as SAPS capacity increases Search results to be provided to SAPS for validation Finger print data and reference number to be displayed Candidate list to comprise of 50 persons Inclusion of palm prints to be decided 46

47 Possible approaches: To Interface Fingerprint Databases Option 1 : SAPS Requirements Provide for interface requirements Provide for separate workflow Redesign internal process flow Provide for additional work stations at remote sites Set the standard for the crime scene prints to be searched Provide for a stable network link to HANIS via SITA Personnel infrastructure to perform validations Provide a centralized link to acquire particulars from HANIS on identified persons Memorandum of understanding regarding the quality of stored fingerprint images 47

48 Possible approaches: To Interface Fingerprint Databases Benefits in option 1 Access to national fingerprint data to improve on crime scene fingerprint identifications No synchronization between systems required Data ownership will not become an issue No influence on HANIS personnel SAPS to perform validation Validation will not change HANIS data HANIS can structure the search requests Challenges of option 1 No control over fingerprint database quality To be a costly exercise No SAPS control over accuracy of search algorithms Network capacity SITA resources 48

49 Possible approaches: To Interface Fingerprint Databases Estimated cost to be incurred by the Department of Home Affairs Option 1 Estimated cost to be incurred by the Department of Police Option 1 Creation of crime scene fingerprint search capacity and storage of al ten fingerprint images in the matcher repository 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 R 100 000 000R 10 000 000 CostR 100 000 000R 10 000 000 Creation of interfaces. Change the internal workflow procedures. 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 R 20 000 000R 2 000 000 CostR 20 000 000R 2 000 000 49

50 Possible approaches: To Interface Fingerprint Databases Option 2 : Department of Home Affairs Requirements HANIS to provide all fingerprint data to SAPS in NIST format HANIS to provide for real time update interface to SAPS AFIS Regular synchronization between the systems will be required Option 2 : SAPS Requirements Provide for the capacity to accept 35 million sets of finger prints Maintain a separate forensic criminal and forensic civilian database Provide for the real time update interface architecture Provide for new records received from HANIS (Growth on AFIS) Provide for additional AFIS support, administration and maintenance 50

51 Possible approaches: To Interface Fingerprint Databases Benefits in option 2 Access to national fingerprint data to improve on crime scene fingerprint identifications SAPS responsible for quality of duplicate database Data Ownership will not be come an issue No influence on HANIS personnel SAPS to perform validation Challenges in option 2 SAPS to manage and maintain two separate systems Synchronization with HANIS No duplicate record management Cost to implement and maintain Duplication of same databases in different systems 51

52 Possible approaches: To Interface Fingerprint Databases Estimated cost to be incurred by the Department of Home Affairs Option 2 Estimated cost to be incurred by the Department of Police Option 2 No palm prints included Creation of interfaces for real time database update. 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 R 20 000 000R 2 000 000 CostR 20 000 000R 2 000 000 Creation of interfaces for updates of database. Creation of storage for 30 – 40 million persons. Provide for a crime scene search capacity of 1 000 per day 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 R 144 000 000R 14 400 000 CostR 144 000 000R 14 400 000 52

53 Action Plan for Database Integration 2008/2009 ActionResponsibility Option 1 or 2 Amendment of current legislationDoP; DoHA; DoJ Determine business requirementsDoP; DoHA Compile procedures and process flowsDoP; DoHA Compile technical specificationsDoP; DoHA Request for consolidated budgetDoP; DoHA Tender preparation and publicationDoP; DoHA Awarding of the tender and appointment of vendorDoP; DoHA 53

54 Possible approaches: To Interface Fingerprint Databases eNATIS ** SAPS Interface to eNATIS SAPS to provide eNATIS with the interface protocol SAPS to provide the NIST compilation standard SAPS to provide the wanted person information Finger print information and wanted flag SAPS to provide daily updates of wanted person information SAPS to develop the communication interface eNATIS Interface to SAPS** eNATIS to develop the interface according the standard and protocol Provide for communication link to receive updates ** To be confirmed Total cost for the development of the interface. 2010/20112011/20122012/20132013/20142014/2015 R 10 000 000R 1 000 000 CostR 10 000 000R 1 000 000 54

55 Action Plan for Database Integration 2008/2009 ActionResponsibility eNATIS Amendment of current legislationDoP; DoT; DoJ Determine business requirementsDoP; DoT Compile procedures and process flowsDoP; DoT Compile technical specificationsDoP; DoT Request for budgetDoP; DoT Tender preparation and publicationDoP; DoT Awarding of the tender and appointment of vendorDoP; DoT 55

56 Possible approaches: To Interface Fingerprint Databases Department of Correctional Services SAPS not aware of a national fingerprint system at DCS Possibility of inmate tracking SAPS requests to participate if a national system based on fingerprints is to be developed 56

57 Possible approaches: To Interface Fingerprint Databases Option 1 and 2 are medium term solutions. Option 1 is recommended as an interim to progress to the ideal. Ideal Situation: A single system with one database for government Preferred single registration event with update and merge capability Departments manage own alpha data and registration detail One common identifier per person in the database Each department to determine own business and search requirements 57

58 Way Forward Final decision on the approval of the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill Review implementation plan 58

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