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School Bus Stop Arm Passings: A Decade of Trying, Learning and Trying Some More Derek Graham State Director, North Carolina NC Department of Public Instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "School Bus Stop Arm Passings: A Decade of Trying, Learning and Trying Some More Derek Graham State Director, North Carolina NC Department of Public Instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Bus Stop Arm Passings: A Decade of Trying, Learning and Trying Some More Derek Graham State Director, North Carolina NC Department of Public Instruction


3 Nicholas “Nick” Adkins McMichael High School – Rockingham County, NC

4 The Motorist Judy Earline Stillwell

5 Remembering Nick Adkins

6 Stop Arm Violation Task Force zDepartment of Public Instruction zGuilford County Schools zWake County Schools zWilson County Schools zGovernor’s Highway Safety Program zHighway Patrol zInstitute for Transportation Research and Education (ITRE) zDivision of Motor Vehicles

7 Data Gathering - First Statewide Count zApril 15, 1997: 114 districts - nearly 13,000 buses z2,636 Violations zStatewide each Spring since yData gathering is very important yIF IT’S NOT WRITTEN DOWN, IT DIDN’T HAPPEN!


9 Public Service Announcement THE BUS STOPS HERE….

10 NHTSA Best Practice Guide

11 Operation Stop Arm zStepped up enforcement zPress conference to describe what we were getting ready to do zDisplayed the bus-mounted camera

12 Operation Stop Arm zLittle media response zTV in one location; newspaper only in the other

13 Public Awareness



16 Trooper R. A. Hood

17 Valuable Insights zInvolve key agencies before starting zTraining of bus drivers zGather data to identify problem areas zMake use of technology zRelationship with law enforcement zRemember that data? Make sure it is good and share it with law enforcement zPublic awareness is effective

18 Getting the Word Out - The Role of the Media zTelevision Advertising zRadio Advertising zEXPENSIVE zCan’t do it - or can’t do it alone zGENERATE THE NEWS yAnnual Counts ySpecial blitzes

19 Dalton Folwell May, 1999 zCrossing the street to board the bus – struck and killed by oncoming motorist (female from Central America not aware of stopping requirements)

20 Local Task Force Can Be Very Effective and Develop Energy – Needs a Champion zDA’s office zJudges zLaw Enforcement zSchool Transportation Department

21 Stop Arm Task Force


23 zIdentify proper partners zKeep it simple zMeet regularly and keep making progress!

24 Operation Stop Arm N.C. State Highway Patrol February 7-11, 2005

25 Trooper Activity zFollowed more than 1400 school buses (>10% of the fleet) zRide-alongs on 163 school buses

26 2800 Charges z1133 Speeding z606 Seat Belt and Child Seat z236 Improper Driver’s License z29 Passing Stopped School Bus z27 DWI z4 DWI under age of 21 z778 Other

27 Continuing Efforts – Technology zBus Routing Data zEquipment on Buses zCameras z GPS

28 NC Law Enforcement Stop Arm Violations GIS Map Week of January 10th thru 13th 2000 Legend VIOLATIONS STREET NAMES CITY LIMIT

29 Brighter, Strobing Lights

30 Will they last? zData seem to show a reduction in violations with brighter strobing lights. zWill they begin to eventually blend into the background?


32 Global Positioning Systems Automatic Vehicle Locating zVerify operation of stop arm, lights, brakes, speed, etc at bus stop where violation occurred zProvide data to law enforcement for areas of concentration

33 Driver Intervention – The Best Technology ? zAll the technology in the world is not going to prevent the thousands of daily stop arm violations zMost deaths are students K-3 zWho is there with that student?

34 Driver Signal – So That Students Know When to Cross zLiability for the driver / district yYes……so? zReinforcement, day after day, so that it becomes second nature to the student to WAIT before crossing




38 Digital Camera Systems

39 License Plate Enhancement

40 Here’s Why We Need to Keep Fighting the Fight

41 Terrence Howard Chatham County February 20, 2002 Struck and killed by oncoming motorist. Bus had not come to a complete stop.

42 Priscilla Norton Robeson County April 16, 2003 zHigh school student zExiting the bus when a motorist (66 year old female) went around the bus on the right side (brake failure)

43 Ana Maria Sola Rowan County November 5, 2003 Crossing the street to catch the bus. Struck and killed by oncoming motorist. Student on his way to school.

44 Sheila Hernandez Robeson County January 13, 2004 Boarding the bus when a truck slammed into the back of the bus.

45 Miguel Posada Robeson County October 19, 2004 Crossing the street to catch the bus. Struck and killed by oncoming motorist (substitute teacher)

46 Education zNeed to continually search for opportunities to tell the story so that motorists will THINK zCNN Piece


48 What’s the Silver Bullet? zIf there is one it is the district CHAMPION. yThat person in the school district that will xDevelop relationships with law enforcement xLook for and activate partners xTry new technology xGet the word out

49 Will We Stop All Violators? zNope

50 Is It Worth Trying? zYou Bet THEIR Life it is!!

51 School Bus Stop Arm Passings: A Decade of Trying, Learning and Trying Some More Derek Graham State Director, North Carolina NC Department of Public Instruction

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