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An Overview on Vietnam - Korea Relation Dang Thi Tuyet Dung Institute for Northeast Asian Studies.

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1 An Overview on Vietnam - Korea Relation Dang Thi Tuyet Dung Institute for Northeast Asian Studies

2 2 Content I. Political and Diplomatic Relation II. Economic Relation III. Culture and Education Exchange

3 3 + Before 1975: no relation + 1975-1991: some non-government relations, most in trade. + 22-12-1992: Establishment of diplomatic relation. Since then develop well. I. Diplomatic Relation

4 4 + Often exchanges of high level leaders of both side: - Vietnamese leaders visited Korea: 1993: Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet; 1995: General Secretary of the Communist Party Do Muoi 1998: President of the National Assembly Nong Duc Manh; 2001: President Tran Duc Luong 2003: Prime Minster Phan Van Khai 2004: President of the National Assembly Nguyen Van An 2005: President Tran Duc Luong attended APEC in Seoul

5 5 - Korean leaders visited Vietnam: 1994: Prime Minister Lee Young Duk 1996: Korean Predient Kim Young Sam and President of the Korean Parliament Kim Soo Han 1998: Korean President Kim Dae Jung (ASEAN - 6) 2002: Prime Minister Lee Han-dong 2003: President of the Korean Parliament Park Quan Yeng 2004: Korean President Roh Moo Hyun (ASEM 5) 2005: Prime Minister Lee He Chan 2006: President of the Korean Parliament Kim Won Ki; President Roh Moo Hyun (APEC)

6 6 - Visits by Foreign Ministers and other ministers or equivalent were very often. -Particularly, since 2001 the relation between the two countries has been raised to comprehensive partners in the 21st century. In short, the political and diplomatic relation between the two countries has been develop very well over the past more than a decade.

7 7 2. Economic relations + ODA: Vietnam has been always number 1, 2 or 3 country who received the largest amount of ODA from Korea. By the end of 2006, the accumulated amount of grant aid is more than USD 60 million and of soft loan is USD 169 million. Some of the most important project used grant aid from Korea such as the College of Information Technology Da Nang (USD 10 million) and the Multi functions hospital in the Central (USD 30 million).

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14 14 Korea’s Tourists to Vietnam Table 4: Major markets for Vietnam’s tourism (in thousand people) 2001 20022003200420052006 China673724693633752456 South Korea75105130323317339 U.S.A.230260219253334322 Japan153280210238321312 Taiwan200211208240286230 Australia6896-161145138 Cambodia767084122187135 France861128786124107 Thailand324140718497 Singapore323537827881 Total233026282429292828632953

15 15 + The Agreement of Culture was signed in August 1994 together with many agreements in youth exchanges and education have been signed since then. + Exchanges of cultural activities, arts, exhibitions, films and live shows have been undertaken very often: pop musis and the NANKA performance are a typical examples. + Many Vietnamese people, especially the young like very much the Korean movies, musics and fashions. There has been really a Korean wave in Vietnam. + The number of Vietnamese students who want to study Korean language has been on an increasing trend. + The number of Vietnamese students who come to Korea to advance their study increased. 3. Cultural and education relation

16 16 Korean studies in Vietnam have developed very well, particularly since the establishment of Korean study programs at the National University of Hanoi and the National University of HCMC in 1995, and the establishment of the CKS within the National Center for Social Sciences and Humanities (now VASS) in 1998. Since its establishment, each year the CKS publishes at least one book on Korea, making very good contribution to the understandings about Korea of the Vietnamese people. The Review of Northeast Asian Studies now is a good review for printing articles on Korean studies. Particularly, since 2004 the CKS has conducted the “Korean Studies Workshop for High Schoolteachers in Vietnam”. This is a very effective way to provide the knowledge on Korea for the Vietnamese people. Since this year, a website on Korean studies is also published.

17 17 In short, the relationship between Vietnam and Korea has been developed very well in many aspects. Korea has made very significant contributions to the development of the Vietnamese economy. The two countries have many similarities in culture and the people of the two countries have understood each other better. In the context of ASEAN+1, ASEAN + 3, APEC, East Asian economic integration, and particularly when Vietnam has already become a member of the WTO, we have every evidence to expect that the cooperation between the two countries will further develop in the years to come.

18 18 Thank you for your attention!

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