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Niles Township District 219 ELL Audit Ed Murphy. How many different languages are spoken in the homes of our students? There are 78 different languages.

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Presentation on theme: "Niles Township District 219 ELL Audit Ed Murphy. How many different languages are spoken in the homes of our students? There are 78 different languages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Niles Township District 219 ELL Audit Ed Murphy

2 How many different languages are spoken in the homes of our students? There are 78 different languages reported being spoken in the homes of our students. Index

3 How many students report that a language other than English is spoken in their homes in District 219? NorthWest #%#% A language other than English is spoken in the home.124257%162964% Total # of Students in School2169 2555 Index

4 Data from the Home Language Survey for the Entire School Index

5 Largest Language Groups in District 219 Index

6 The ELL Population at Niles: As of October 20 th, 2011 there were 78 ELL students at Niles North and 139 ELL students at Niles West. As of March 11 th, 2011, there were 85 ELL students at Niles North and 176 ELL students at Niles West. Niles West saw an increase of 37 students between the end of October and the beginning of March. Index

7 The ELL Population at Niles: The largest language group is Assyrian. This is true for Niles North and Niles West. The next largest language groups are Urdu, Arabic and Korean. Index

8 The ELL Population at Niles: LanguageNorthWestTotal Spanish5611 Gujarati5813 Tagalog41014 Korean51722 Arabic12425 Urdu161935 Assyrian284977 Other214364 Total85176261 Index

9 The ELL Population at Niles: Index

10 How many students will exit the District’s ELL program at the end of the 2010-2011 school year? At Niles North about 25 students will exit from the ELL program into the general education program. At Niles West about 45 students will exit from the ELL program into the general education program. Index

11 How is D219’s ELL program structured? Intro to ELL 1-2 (4 prds) Students have no English skills. Often have experienced interrupted education. ELL 1-2 (3 prds) Students have between a 1 st and 3 rd grade reading level. ELL 3-4 (3 prds) Students have between a 3 rd and 6 th grade reading level. ELL 5-6 (2 prds) Students have between a 6 th and 8 th grade reading level. ELL Am. Lit. & U.S. Hist. (2 prds) Students have between a 7 th and 8 th grade reading level. Index

12 What sheltered classes do we offer? ELL Physical Science ELL Algebra Fundamentals ELL Biology ELL Global Studies ELL US History ELL American Literature

13 How is D219’s Bilingual program structured? Assyrian Bilingual Algebra Fundamentals Assyrian Bilingual Physical Science Assyrian Bilingual Algebra Assyrian Bilingual Biology Assyrian Bilingual Global Studies Assyrian Language

14 How is D219’s Bilingual program structured? Arabic Bilingual Algebra Fundamentals Arabic Bilingual Physical Science Arabic Bilingual Algebra Arabic Bilingual Biology Arabic Bilingual Global Studies

15 Pre-audit


17 DescriptionCourse Niles North Niles West ALGEBRA 10MA1A0188 ALGEBRA 10MA1A8010 ALGEBRA 12MA1A0322 ALGEBRA 13MA1A1324 ALGEBRA 30MA1A0911 ALGEBRA 32MA1A1101 GEOM 10MA1G8055 GEOM 12MA1G0302 MATH 13/GMMA1B0158 PRE-ADV ED1PE1A0110 2531 What is the challenge of offering some of the bilingual classes at the high school?

18 The Audit Process You will receive a letter which will request that you provide information.




22 The Audit Process You can go to the ISBE website for some resources.ISBE website

23 What happens during the Audit? Auditors will spend about one day at each school. They will give you a list of students whose folders you must pull. They will review the folders. They will interview staff. They will interview parents.

24 What happens once the Auditors have completed their Audit? You will receive a Compliance Review Report.








32 ELL Parent Center




36 Training Power Point Access to Materials

37 What happens once you respond to the Compliance Review Report? You will receive a letter stating that the case has been closed.


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