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Where are we in class?. Supplies needed: non-food l Nonelectric clocks l Cleaning supplies l Bleach l Fire extinguishers l First aid kits l Backup generators.

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Presentation on theme: "Where are we in class?. Supplies needed: non-food l Nonelectric clocks l Cleaning supplies l Bleach l Fire extinguishers l First aid kits l Backup generators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where are we in class?

2 Supplies needed: non-food l Nonelectric clocks l Cleaning supplies l Bleach l Fire extinguishers l First aid kits l Backup generators l Flashlights l Batteries l Battery-operated radio l Blankets

3 Supplies needed: foodservice l Food (familiar) l Water l Manual can opener l Disposables l Cleaning supplies (bleach) Daily Food Storage Requirements Type of StoragePounds per Meal per Day Dry food0.80 Refrigerated0.80 Frozen0.70 Paper products0.80 (= +.3 lb above normal) Total3.10

4 Water l How much? 1.25 gallons/person/day: »1 gallon for general use »1 quart for drinking l How to purify water? »Boil for at least 10 minutes »Chlorinate: bleach containing only sodium hypochlorite: –8 drops/gallon sitting for 30 minutes –+ 8 drops/gallon for 15 minutes –Repeat until you get a chlorine smell »Use commercial purification tablets

5 Food Modify the following original hospital menu to provide acceptable meals in a situation where the hospital is without electricity due to downed power lines.

6 l Breakfast »Orange juice »Scrambled egg »Pancakes with syrup »Toast »Bacon »Milk or coffee l Lunch »Tomato Soup with Saltines »Grilled ham and cheese sandwich »Steamed carrots »Fresh fruit cup »Oatmeal cookies »Lemonade or milk l Dinner »Coleslaw »Corn chowder »BBQ chicken »French fries »Green beans with almonds »Chocolate cake »Dinner roll »Iced tea

7 In what order would you eat food on hand? 1. PHF (frig) 2. Freezer food (~2 days to thaw) 3. Dry storage All food safety principles still apply!! 1. storage 2. FIFO 3. handling 4. etc.


9 Primary source: Puckett, R.P. and L.C. Norton. (2003) Disaster and Emergency Preparedness in Foodservice Operations, American Dietetic Association. Emergency Preparedness (Foodservice)

10 l Disaster = “any event that occurs internally or externally to a facility or operation that causes great harm or sudden misfortune, resulting in the loss of property, life, or suffering of individuals” (p. 1). l Emergency = “an internal or external situation caused by a disaster or other event that affects the way business is conducted”; has potential to cause harm (p. 1). Disasters, Emergencies

11 Events can be: l Natural »weather related »earthquakes l Technological »Loss of utilities »Loss of water »Loss of capacity l Manmade »Nuclear »Biological »Chemical l Internal l External

12 Emergency preparedness l Have a disaster plan »Call lists / Fill gas tanks (remind employees) »Employee IDs l Communicate the plan l Practice/drill l Have needed supplies on hand l JCAHO: »Have supplies for 96 hours on hand (foodservice) »Have MSDS* accessible (all) MSDS=Material Safety Data Sheets (will include procedures to follow for that hazard)

13 Disaster plan “partners”: l Law enforcement l Red Cross l Civil defense units l Fire department l EMS l Other response facilities l Suppliers (have MOUs in place)

14 Things to consider? l Shelter l Water l Electricity l Sewer services l Garbage removal l Pest infestation l Manpower l Management of volunteers l Traffic control l Security l Communication l Family assistance l Accounting for all personnel l Food

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