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Managing your professional relationships. Managing relationships is the ART OF THE POSSIBLE.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing your professional relationships. Managing relationships is the ART OF THE POSSIBLE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing your professional relationships

2 Managing relationships is the ART OF THE POSSIBLE

3 You don’t get along. You don’t get along. A personality clash! A personality clash!

4 Different teaching philosophies?

5 Different Different management management styles? styles?

6 Class Objectives DifferentObjectives

7 So, you don’t have the ideal situation What do you do? How can you live with it?

8 1. You get to your school and the classroom is a mess! There aren’t any basic items and the computer is broke! What do you do?

9 2. Your apartment is great! But you have to pay 130,000 won a month for “maintenance fees”. You are upset. This wasn’t in the contract! What do you do?

10 3. Your coteacher is nice and helpful. Unfortunately, his/her English is very poor and they won’t help you in class. Usually they just sit at the back or sometimes don’t even come to class! This bothers you a lot. What do you do?

11 4. You have planned a great lesson but at the last minute, your coteacher comes and says that class is cancelled. The students have to study for a Korean language test. This happens often and some classes you don’t see very often. You are frustrated. What do you do?

12 5. You have a good relationship with your students. They are very eager to learn and love your class. Unfortunately, whenever there is a small classroom management problem, your coteacher jumps up and scolds the student harshly. He/She also translates into Korean for the students constantly. You don’t like this. What do you do?

13 6. You have to teach at a winter camp. Your school wants a 30 page book of lessons in 3 days. You can’t believe it! What do you do?

14 7. Your coteacher says you have a “demo” lesson in 2 weeks. They want to script and practice with the class over and over. You disagree and feel like a “parrot”. What do you do?

15 8. You are teaching some extra after school classes. You’ve asked constantly about when you will be paid. You can’t get a straight answer and don’t even know how much you are going to be paid. What do you do?

16 9. You think that you should be paid more than you are getting. You asked your coteacher about it but haven’t got an answer. What do you do?

17 10. You don’t want to eat the Korean cafeteria food at your school. Your coteacher has already arranged it. What do you do?


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