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Metropolregion H-BS-GÖ The knowledge network in the metropolitan area Hannover-Braunschweig-Göttingen Dr. Arno Brandt Brussels, 11. October 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Metropolregion H-BS-GÖ The knowledge network in the metropolitan area Hannover-Braunschweig-Göttingen Dr. Arno Brandt Brussels, 11. October 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metropolregion H-BS-GÖ The knowledge network in the metropolitan area Hannover-Braunschweig-Göttingen Dr. Arno Brandt Brussels, 11. October 2006

2 Metropolregion H-BS-GÖ Overview 1.Introduction 2.Knowledge economy and metropolitan regions 3.Innovative potential and network analysis of the cooperative relationships within the metropolitan region Hannover- Braunschweig-Göttingen 4.Results of the network analysis 5.Proposals for action

3 Metropolregion H-BS-GÖ Introduction NORD/LB is a state bank of the federal states of Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt The Regional Economics Department of the NORD/LB works on the following business areas: –management and marketing concepts for regions –cultural tourism –economic development projects Target groups: board of management and other units of the NORD/LB, saving banks, ministries and local government

4 Metropolregion H-BS-GÖ Knowledge Economy and Metropolitan Regions A transition from the industrial society to a knowledge-based society can be observed Knowledge is becoming the most important resource Metropolitan regions are the nodal points of this new knowledge economy Metropolitan regions present a pool of resources in terms of highly qualified labour, supplier markets, and well-endowed communication and transport infrastructure They offer ideal location qualities for high-grade services such as research and development or the media and creative industries and provide a diversity of cultural facilities

5 Metropolregion H-BS-GÖ Percentage of personnel active in research and development of the total amount of employees (2003) Quelle: Eurostat Lyon Barcelona Milano Munich Paris Hannover, Braun- schweig, Göttingen Öresund Stockholm 2,3 2,9 2,6 1,5 0,7 Randstad Madrid 2,0 1,4 Vienna 1,5 Rome 1,1 1,5 1,1 1,5 Bremen/ Oldenburg 0,7

6 Metropolregion H-BS-GÖ Background information on the project Networking structures of the regional players are significant for the quality of a regional innovation system The NORD/LB was commissioned by the Metropolitan Region of Hannover-Braunschweig-Göttingen to draw up a network analysis The analysis serves to register the existing cooperations among the scientific facilities and between these facilities and companies The objective is to ascertain in which areas of competence there is not yet adequate coorperation and in which of the nodal points of the network promotional strategies can be applied 496 economically relevant university and extra-university research facilities in the metropolitan region have been questioned; rate of return: 81 %

7 Metropolregion H-BS-GÖ Results of the network analysis ….. International cooperations of the scientific institutes of the metropolitan region Hannover-Braunschweig-Göttingen (2006) Number of connections to the 6 world regions North America179 43 Latin America 64 Middle East, Africa Asia/ Pacific Region126 Central and Eastern Europe101 Western Europe609

8 Metropolregion H-BS-GÖ Results of the network analysis ….. Regional network in the competence field Process Engineering Institutions questioned with strong supra- regional connections Institutions questioned Other institutions within the region Companies within the region Intensive cooperation Selective cooperation Cooperation in matters of education Indicators: Size of the network: 202 Network density: 58 % Network cohesion: 5 Connection level to industry: 48 % Supra-regional connectivity degree: 43,2 % Number of central actors (network nodes): 13 Number of isolated actors: 0

9 Metropolregion H-BS-GÖ Results of the network analysis ….. Regional network in the competence field Information & Communication Technology Institutions questioned with strong supra- regional connections Institutions questioned Other institutions within the region Companies within the region Intensive cooperation Selective cooperation Cooperation in matters of education Indicators: Size of the network: 102 Network density: 31,9 % Network cohesion: 7 Connection level to industry: 49 % Supra-regional connectivity degree: 34,5 % Number of central actors (network nodes): 4 Number of isolated actors: 4

10 Metropolregion H-BS-GÖ Proposals for action A number of scientific institutions do not cooperate within the region, yet they are strongly networked at supra-regional level make the knowledge embodied in these establishments accessible for the entire region Cooperations in some competence fields do not extend across the entire metropolitan region develop projects, which support networking activities throughout the whole region Isolated actors can be identified within the competence fields integration of those actors into the network through project Network nodes within the metropolitan regions can be identified they play an important role as strategic partners in a successful cluster policy Build up a regional knowledge management

11 Metropolregion H-BS-GÖ Thank you for your attention!

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