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HISTORY OF KOREAN By: Sun Woo Kim. HISTORY OF KOREAN History of Korean Have you studied about “HISTORY OF KOREAN”? Well if you didn’t studied about HISTORY.

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2 HISTORY OF KOREAN History of Korean Have you studied about “HISTORY OF KOREAN”? Well if you didn’t studied about HISTORY OF KOREAN then You’ll learn about the HISTORY OF KOREAN today.

3 HISTORY OF KOREAN Long time ago, there was a man named Sejong The Great. Sejong The Great made Korean. At ancient time Korean was called (Hanja). The Korean language may be written using Chinese words ("Hanja") and a native Korean alphabet known as "Hangul”. Korean has 40 alphabet. In $10 bill in Korea there is a picture of Sejong The Great

4 HISTORY OF KOREAN Long time ago Korean used a Chinese word. EX : 铅笔 means pencil. In modern time we called (HANGUL) so in Korean 연필 means pencil. 铅笔 = 연필 = PENCIL


6 This is the picture of Korean alphabet.

7 HISTORY OF KOREAN Where is Korea? Korea is in between Japan and China

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