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Richard M. Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 Republican Mr. Pearson.

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Presentation on theme: "Richard M. Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 Republican Mr. Pearson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Richard M. Nixon Presidency 1969-1974 Republican Mr. Pearson

2 Nixon Biography Quaker Parents: Yorba Linda, CA

3 Nixon Biography Senator Nixon & Alger Hiss Case

4 Nixon Biography VP Candidacy “Checkers Speech” “Kitchen Debate” with Nikita Khrushchev

5 Nixon Biography 1960 Election Campaign (TV Debate) 1962 California Gubitorial Campaign Loss Political Comeback 1968 Democratic Party Problems Robert Kennedy Assassination: June 5, 1968

6 Election of 1968 Richard Nixon / Republican Hubert Humphrey / Democrat George Wallace / American Independent Party

7 Vietnam War Nixon Doctrine Vietnamization of the War Invasion of Cambodia

8 Domestic Impact of the War Anti-War Protests: In Tragedy Kent St. Ohio Exposing the War: Daniel Ellsberg and the “Pentagon Papers” Nixon Continued Removal of Troops Cease Fire and Paris Peace Treaty 1973

9 Nixon Foreign Policy Détente with Soviet Union and China Dr. Henry Kissinger

10 Opening Up China: A New Policy Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai

11 New Policy with the Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev Grain Deal SALT Agreement

12 War Powers Act 1973

13 Nixon Domestic Policy: “New Federalism” Revenue Sharing Bill Conflict with Democratic Controlled Congress Inflation: Wage and Price Freeze, Gas Crisis Nixon Supreme Court Appointments

14 The Space Program U.S. Wins Space Race Apollo 11: Neil Armstrong 1 st Man on the Moon July 20, 1969

15 Consumer Rights Movement Ralph Nader: Unsafe at Any Speed “Nader’s Raiders” Consumer Protection

16 Environmental Movement Background Environmental Record in America Rachel Carson: Silent Spring 1962 Impact of Chemical Pesticides, Insecticides, and Herbicides DDT Effects

17 Environmental Movement Development Earth Day: 1970 EPA: Environmental Protection Agency: 1972 ESA: Endangered Species Act: 1973 Nixon Support Radical Environmental Groups: e.g. Earth 1st

18 Women's Rights Movement Background History Women’s Rights in U.S. Betty Friedan: The Feminine Mystique: 1963 NOW: National Organization for Women: 1966 ERA: Equal Rights Amendment (Never Passed) Advancements for Women Roe v. Wade: 1973 Title VI, Maternity Leave Rights Women Still Behind Men

19 Election of 1972 Richard Nixon / Republican George McGovern / Democrat Impact Events Help Nixon’s Reelection 26 th Amendment: 18 Year Old Vote Nixon Ends Draft Nixon Removes U.S. Troops From Vietnam

20 The Watergate Affair CREEP and the Break In: 1972 (Committee to Re-Elect the President) The “White House Plumbers”

21 The Cover-Up Investigation by the Washington Post FBI Agent Felt (“Deep Throat”) Senate Watergate Committee: Investigates the “Illegal, Improper, or Unethical Activities by the President”

22 Watergate Investigation Resignation of Vice President Spiro Agnew The Tapes U.S. v. Nixon 1974

23 Nixon Resignation: August 9, 1974

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