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Biophotonics at the Visual Optics Laboratory and at the University of Ottawa Rejean Munger, PhD C. G. and L.J Wood Chair for Vision Research Visual Optics.

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Presentation on theme: "Biophotonics at the Visual Optics Laboratory and at the University of Ottawa Rejean Munger, PhD C. G. and L.J Wood Chair for Vision Research Visual Optics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biophotonics at the Visual Optics Laboratory and at the University of Ottawa Rejean Munger, PhD C. G. and L.J Wood Chair for Vision Research Visual Optics Laboratory, U. Otttawa Eye Institute Associate Director, CRP

2 Tissue health monitoring  Tissue optical properties = Diagnostics  Colour  Intensity  Pattern  Objective, fast, reliable, inexpensive and non=invasive assessment of biological systems  Multiple markets

3 Transparency Instrument Transmitted Transmission Detectors Reference Detectors Beamsplitter Cornea Scatter Detectors Scatter Detectors

4 Transparency vs Chemical Wound * * * * * * * * * *

5 Recovery Evaluation

6 Example 2 – IOL Glistening Transparency Backscatter

7 Optical properties assessment  Detection= ± 2% change in transparency, scatter (forward, backward) and specular reflection  Application  Pre transplant assessment of tissue  Replacement of animal testing in ocular sensitivity testing  Expandable to other tissues  Early cataract detection

8 Refractive Surgery Planning


10 Wavefront sensing limitations  Wavelength  Coherence effects (double pass)  Scaling between astronomical and ocular applications  Is wavefront actual perfect correction?

11 Wavefront sensing limitations

12 Wavefront based PRK / LASIK

13 The anatomically based eye model Cornea Anterior Posterior Crysalline lens Anterior Posterior GRIN X Y Z Z - axis Aligned with normal to cornea Aqueous Humour Vitreous W = 0.7 W = 4.0

14 The Refractive Workstation Intraocular lens Refractive Surgery Contact lens Spectacles Custom eye model

15 Adaptive optics – visual performance  Correct the ocular aberrations – Measure ocular performance  Introduce know aberrations – Measure ocular performance  Map out impact of aberrations on vision  Develop “Robust” corrections  Not optimal but very good over a range of conditions  Maybe even with age related changes

16 Future? Abstract: We consider the technical possibility of an adaptive contact lens and an adaptive eye lens implant based on the modal liquidcrystal wavefront corrector, aimed to correct the accommodation loss and higher-order aberrations of the human eye. Our.rst demonstrator with 5 mm optical aperture is capable of changing the focusing power in the range of 0 to +3 diopters and can be controlled via a wireless capacitive link. These properties make the corrector potentially suitable for implantation into the human eye or for use as an adaptive contact lens. We also discuss possible feedback strategies, aimed to improve visual acuity and to achieve supernormal vision with implantable adaptive optics. On the possibility of intraocular adaptive optics Gleb Vdovin, Electronic Instrumentation, TU Delft, OKO Technologies Mikhail Loktev, Electronic Instrumentation, TU Delft, Alexander Naumov, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute 7 April 2003 / Vol. 11, No. 7 / OPTICS EXPRESS 815

17 Concept - OKO

18 Biophotonics at U. Ottawa Rejean Munger, PhD C. G. and L.J Wood Chair for Vision Research Visual Optics Laboratory Associate Director, CRP

19 Biophotonics  Focus: Develop photonics into the tool of choice for interacting with biological systems from the molecular to the macroscopic regime  Emphasis:  Autonomous non-invasive diagnostic  High throughput screening (toxic agents and pathogens)  Treatments (manipulation at the cellular level)

20 Biophotonics Novel light tissue interactions to study cellular dynamic processes Excimer and femto second lasers as advanced surgical tools Optical properties & cellular function correlation New bio-reactive materials pathogen detection and toxicity testing Resea r ch Programs Bio-medical Photonics Photonic Bio-sensing Research Directions Diagnostics Screening Treatment Goals

21 Bioactive materials Single species targeting agent Multiple species targeting multiple agents Biological system whose functionality is sensitive to agent Matrix based on biomaterial

22 Other bio-sensing structures  Zyolite nano structures  Fibre based sensing  Etc…

23 Biophotonics lanscape Regional Strategy University of Ottawa Pervasive Photonic Biophotonics Ottawa Life Science Cluster (Bio based industry) Ottawa Photonics Cluster (industry) Advanced Biophotonics Consortium Ottawa Life Sciences Council National / Provincial Vision Canadian NSERC Bio-Photonics Network Host = U. Ottawa ? PRO - OLSC - CPC Canadian Industries Canadian Universities

24 Why Ottawa?  Devices design group  Polymer chemistry  Canadian Photonics Fabrication Centre  Ophthalmic expertise  Fundamental photonics program (lasers, light controlled chemistry, molecular cooling, etc …)  Newly formed Centre for Pervasive Photonics Research

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