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Table 2.1.1: Number of Cornea Transplantation and Transplant Rate per million population (pmp), 1998-2006 Year199819992000200120022003200420052006 No.

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Presentation on theme: "Table 2.1.1: Number of Cornea Transplantation and Transplant Rate per million population (pmp), 1998-2006 Year199819992000200120022003200420052006 No."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table 2.1.1: Number of Cornea Transplantation and Transplant Rate per million population (pmp), 1998-2006 Year199819992000200120022003200420052006 No. of new transplants119122126221203165184192174 New transplant rate pmp555987777 Figure 2.1.1: New transplant rate, 1998-2006 New transplant rate, pmp Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1998 1999 2000 2001 200220032004 2005 2006

2 Table 2.1.2: Types of Cornea Transplant, 1998-2006 Year1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) 2003 (N=165) 2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) TOTAL (N=1506) No.% % % % % % % % % % Penetrating Keratoplasty 114961169512095207941969715695165901739015086139793 Lamellar Keratoplasty 1154541465285105137169775 Patch Graft for Corneal 000000000000213253101 Patch Graft for Sclera 00000000000000101120 Cornea Scleral Keratopalsty 001100000010742121131 No data 43001100210000000070 Table 2.2.1: Distribution of Patients by Gender, 1998-2006 Year 1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) 2003 (N=165) 2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) TOTAL (N=1505) GenderNo.% % % % % % % % % % Male78668066816414264122601146911261115601166796064 Female41344234453679368140513172397740583354636

3 Table 2.2.2: Distribution of Patients by Ethnic Group, 1998-2006 Year 1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) 2003 (N=165) 2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) TOTAL (N=1506) Ethnic group No.% % % % % % % % % % Malay28243428413370327436523266366232613548832 Chinese47394638504092428341674158327338573357338 Indian36303529282249223517342043234121402334123 Bumiputra Sabah 00000000000011113250 Bumiputra Sarawak 000000100000425342141 Others8775655295117105 595755 No data000010422110210000101 *Others: Non Malaysian

4 Table 2.2.3: Distribution of Patients by Age, 1998-2006 Year 1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) 2003 (N=165) 2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) TOTAL (N=1506) Age group (years) No.% % % % % % % % % % 0-9435465849464638474594 10-19131117149729131682113158147221315610 20-3928243428342749225326362255305931523040027 40-593832 26403261285728513152284523422441828 ≥6036303428372974336833513156306634512947331 Mean454344454645 464445 SD21222021 2221 Median4543455046 44494345 Minimum4 months52 months5 months1 2 months Maximum829286858684868496 Age=date transplant-date birth; age if provided

5 Table 2.2.4: Primary Diagnosis, 1998-2006 Year 1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) 2003 (N=165) 2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) TOTAL (N=1506) Primary Diagnosis No. % % % % % % % % % % Keratoconus24202420151238173216181134183418331925217 Corneal scar33282520211734152814211326142010181022615 Microbial keratitis 119 91915301431152113181013711616511 Microbial keratitis+Cornea perforation 116511634242179201074664 Corneal perforation (non microbial) 657686125 6271613718920111238 Pseudophakic Bullous keratopathy 108161317132310157191219103518301718412 Other (non psedophakic) bullous keratopathy 141243191537174723251516914710618612 Failed previous graft 1412 101310178157148127147951208 Corneal dystrophy 54655412594748463106685 Congenital opacity 111111100011844211181 Others33877615714710634183418352016011 No data00221110000000000040 *1377 patients have 1 primary diagnosis, 119 have 2 primary diagnoses, 5 patients had 3 diagnoses, and 1 patient had 4 diagnoses

6 Table 2.2.5: Indications for Cornea Transplant, 2004-2006 2004 (N = 184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) Total (N =550) Indication for transplant No. % % % % Optical 12065135701227037769 Tectonic 2614231119116812 Therapeutic 271419101796311 Tectonic + Therapeutic959542224 Optical + Tectonic11111131 Optical + Tectonic + Therapeutic00110010 Optical + Therapeutic00005351 Optical + Others00001110 Others11424292 No data00001110 Table Number of cornea transplants with complete data set 200420052006Total No. % % % % Total number of cornea transplantations performed 184100192100174100550100 No. of cornea transplantations with complete data set 1387519210017410050492

7 Table Number of Cornea Transplants with Complete Data Set 200420052006Total No. % % % % Total number of cornea transplantations performed 184100192100174100550100 No. of cornea transplantations with complete data set 1387519210017410050492 Table No of Previous Grafts in Grafted Eye, 2004-2006 2004 (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Graft Number No. % % % % 0 1238917189 1589145290 1 118158 8418 2 3221 1161 3 0042 0041 4 1100 0010

8 Table Ocular Co-morbidity, 2004-2006 2004 (N=138) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) Total (N=504) Ocular co-morbidity No. % % % % Any ocular co-morbidity (a to c below)886410354784526953 a) Superficial cornea vascularisation44574861417213362 b) Deep cornea vascularisation42553949223910348 c) History of glaucoma2933363533429836 d) Current ocular inflammation41475049405113149 *Patient might have multiple ocular co-morbidities

9 Table Pre-operative vision, 2004-2006 2004 (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Unaided VA No. % % % % 6/632001141 6/911111131 6/1200213251 6/1800110010 6/24325342122 6/36436353153 6/60751681710408 5/6011000010 4/6032112161 3/6021112151 2/6011213261 1/60439574204 CF47344724442513827 HM47344624372113026 PL139158116398 NPL21110031 Others00110010 No data00382037217515

10 Table Source of Donor Cornea Tissue, 2004-2006 2004 (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Source of donor No. % % % % Local2014191035207415 USA956913369965532464 Sri Lanka22163820412410120 Others00002*120 No data11210031 If Local, ethnic group:  Malay004211357  Chinese14708421234 46  Indian52573722633446  Others00000000  No data15000011 *Others (specify): Taiwanese Chinese

11 Figure Source of Donor Corneal Tissue, 2004-2006 Percentage (%) Year 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Local USA Sri Lanka 200420052006

12 Table Distribution of Donors by Age Group, 2004-2006 2004 (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Age, years No.% % % % 0-921322171 10-19644295194 20-3911874 6296 40-59 52388946804622144 ≥60 67498946724222845 Mean 56585557 SD 15141615 Median 59585658 Minimum 8363 Maximum 78797879 Table Preservation Media, 2004-2006 2004 (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Preservation mediaNo.% % % % Optisol GS11080147771267238376 MK Medium2216371940239920 Moist Chamber433274143 Others001*00010 No data21421171 *Others (specify): Eusol-C

13 Figure Preservation Media, 2004-2006 Percentage (%) Year 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Optisol GS MK Medium Moist Chamber 200420052006

14 Table Cause of Death in Cornea Donors, 2004-2006 2004 (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Cause of deathNo.% % % % Cardiac / Circulatory System47354926583315431 Cerebrovascular System171225131165310 Malignancy1914311624147415 Trauma / Accident201413719115210 Respiratory System15118485316 Others1712211126156413 No data32452328167615 Table Distribution of Patients by Type of Surgery, 2004-2006 2004 (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Type of surgeryNo.% % % % Penetrating Keratoplasty12088173901508644388 Lamellar Keratoplasty107137169398 Patch graft for cornea213253102 Patch graft for sclera00101120 Cornea Scleral Lamellar Keratoplasty642121102

15 Table Type of Combined Surgery, 2004-2006 2004 (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Combined surgery No.% % % % No. of patients with combined surgery31222714422410020 (a) Glaucoma surgery263112577 (b) Cataract Extraction16521348225251 (c ) IOL14451037245748 (d) Cataract extraction and IOL1032830163834 (e) Retinal Surgery + Internal Tamponade13142544 (f) Anterior vitrectomy92931151217 (g) Others51683081921 *Patients may have more than one combined surgery

16 Table Recipient Cornea Trephine Size, 2004-2006 2004 (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Graft size, mmNo.% % % % 2 11112141 3 00112131 4 11211141 5 00000000 5.5 11000010 6 32005382 6.25 00110010 6.50 215242112 6.75 11322161 7 2518361824148517 7.25 107 5148347 7.50 362618924147815 7.75 10711563275 8 191474137398 8.25 434253133 8.50 646321143 8.75 00110010 9 863211122 9.25 00000000 9.50 00210020 9.75 00000000 10 11000010 No data 1078142694016032 Mean 7.5 0.9 7.5 2 10 7.3 1 7.3 2 9.5 7.2 1.1 7.3 2 9 7.3 SD 1 Median 7.5 Minimum 2 Maximum 10

17 Table Difference in Trephined Sizes of Recipient and Donor Corneas, 2004-2006 2004 (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Difference in Graft size, mmNo.% % % % Same size 978484255 0.25 2921191029177716 0.5 87628444653723647 0.75 11001120 1 11001120 2 11000010 Not available 1078142704016132 Table Suture Technique, 2004-2006 2004 (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Suture TechniqueNo.% % % % Interrupted only 13296139731227039378 Continuous only 00005351 Combined 641891710418 No data 00351830176513

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