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Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #1 Chapter Topics Aggregate Supply Aggregate Demand Equilibrium Output in Short and Medium Run.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #1 Chapter Topics Aggregate Supply Aggregate Demand Equilibrium Output in Short and Medium Run."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #1 Chapter Topics Aggregate Supply Aggregate Demand Equilibrium Output in Short and Medium Run The Effects of a Monetary Expansion A Decrease in the Budget Deficit Changes in the Price of Oil

2 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #2 The AS-AD Model Determination of Output in the short-run and medium-run Requires equilibrium in the goods, financial, and labor markets Aggregate supply focuses on equilibrium in the labor market Aggregate demand focuses on equilibrium in the goods and financial markets

3 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #3 Aggregate Supply Captures the effects of output on the price level It is derived from equilibrium in the labor market

4 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #4 The Determination of Aggregate Supply Aggregate Supply Recall: The nominal wage (W) = P e F(u,z) Price level (P) = (1+  )W P = P e (1+  ) F (u,z)

5 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #5 According to: Aggregate Supply P = P e (1+  ) F (u,z) The price level (P) is a function of: P e : The expected price level u:The unemployment rate

6 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #6 The price level as a function of output instead of the unemployment rate Aggregate Supply

7 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #7 Aggregate Supply-The price level as a function of output instead of the unemployment rate Observations 1.A higher expected price level leads, one for one, to a higher actual price level. 2.An increase in output leads to an increase in the price level.

8 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #8 Aggregate Supply Higher P e  higher P P e  W  P  W=P e F(u,z)  (P e  W  ) P=(1+µ)W  (W  P  )

9 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #9 Aggregate Supply Higher Output  higher P Y  NP  u  W  P  Y=N  (Y  N  )

10 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #10 Aggregate Supply Higher Output  higher P W=P e F(u,z)  (u  W  ) P=(1+u)W  (W   P  )

11 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #11 AS Aggregate Supply Output, Y Price Level, P YnYn PePe Graphically : P > P e P < P e A Two characteristics : 1. Given P e an increase in Y increases P 2. At A: Y = Yn & P = P e Observation: Y > Y n then P > P e Y < Y n then P < P e

12 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #12 AS´ (P e´ > P e ) AS (P e ) Output, Y Price Level, P YnYn PePe A Aggregate Supply P e´ A´ Observation : Given Y n : changes in P e shift the AS curve Illustrating the impact of an increase in P e

13 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #13 Aggregate Demand Aggregate Demand: Captures the effect of the price level on output Is derived from equilibrium in the Goods (IS) and financial (LM) markets

14 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #14 Aggregate Demand Goods Market (IS): Financial Market (LM):

15 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #15 LM´ (P´ > P) LM (P) Output, Y Interest Rate, i IS Y i A Initial Equilibrium Aggregate Demand IS – LM Equilibrium A´ i´ Y´ falls to LM shifts to LM´ (P ´ > P) Equilibrium to A´ i to i´ & Y to Y´ Assume P increases to P´ & M is fixed

16 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #16 LM (P) IS Y i Interest Rate, i Output, Y Interest Rate, i Output, Y A AD Aggregate Demand Y A P LM´ (P´ > P) A´ P´ Y´ Deriving Aggregate Demand (AD) Y´ i´ A´

17 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #17 LM (P) IS Y i Interest Rate, i Output, Y AD Y Interest Rate, i Output, Y P A A IS´AD´ Aggregate Demand Greater Consumer Confidence Shifts AD Y´ A´ Y´ i´ A´

18 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #18 IS LM (P) Y i Interest Rate, i Output, Y AD Y Interest Rate, i Output, Y P A A AD´ Aggregate Demand LM´ (P) Contractionary Monetary Policy Shifts AD Y´ i´ A´ Y´ A´

19 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #19 Aggregate Demand Aggregate Demand: Y is a decreasing function of P Shifts in IS or LM shift AD

20 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #20 Equilibrium Output in the Short and the Medium Run

21 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #21 Equilibrium Output in the Short and the Medium Run AS Output, Y Price Level, P AD Y A Equilibrium P PePe YnYn B Observation: Equilibrium Y may be greater than or less than Y n

22 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #22 If equilibrium Y is greater than Yn, will the economy automatically move to Yn over time? Equilibrium Output in the Short and the Medium Run What do you think…

23 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #23 P e = the price level last year P t = price level in year t P t-1 = price level in year t-1 P t+1 = price level in year t+1 Equilibrium Output in the Short and the Medium Run The dynamics of output and the price level Assume: Therefore: P t e = P t-1

24 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #24 Equilibrium Output in the Short and the Medium Run The dynamics of output and the price level Given: Note: P t e = P t-1 µ, z, M, G and T are assumed to be constant

25 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #25 AS (t) Output, Y Price Level, P AD (t) YtYt P e t+1 = P t A YnYn Equilibrium Year t At A: Y t > Y n P t > P e t = P t-1 P e t = P t-1 B AS´ (t+1) Equilibrium Output in the Short and the Medium Run Equilibrium Year t + 1 At A´: Y t+1 > Y n A´ P t+1 Y t+1 P t+1 > P e t+1 The dynamics of output and the price level B´ AS shifts to AS´

26 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #26 AS Output, Y Price Level, P AD YtYt PtPt A YnYn AS´´ Equilibrium Output in the Short and the Medium Run AS´ Y t+1 PnPn A´ A´´ P t+1 The dynamics of output and the price level Equilibrium after Y + 1 Output continues to fall Medium run equilibrium at P n, Y n Aggregate supply continues to shift to AS´´ Price level continues to increase

27 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #27 Equilibrium Output in the Short and the Medium Run The dynamics of output and the price level Two Observations Short Run:Output can be above or below Y n Medium Run: Prices adjust to return output to Y n

28 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #28 AD AS Output, Y Price Level, P YnYn PnPn A AD´ The Effects of a Monetary Expansion YtYt A´ PtPt A´ equilibrium (Y t > Y n ) AS´´ A´´Pn´Pn´ AD shifts to AD´ M: Y t = Y(, G, T) AS shifts to AS´´ Equilibrium Y n at P n 10% increase in M leads to 10% increase in P

29 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #29 LM (P n ) YnYn PnPn AS AD IS Interest Rate, i Output, Y Interest Rate, i Output, Y A inin YnYn A LM´ (P´) A´ YtYt itit LM´´ (P n ) i Y1Y1 B AD´ The Effects of a Monetary Expansion Looking Behind the Scene: IS-LM Y1Y1 P´ A´ AS´ P´ n A´´ LM (P n ´´)

30 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #30 The Effects of a Monetary Expansion A Summary The Neutrality of Money Short-run:  M  Y  and P  The relative change in P and Y depends on the slope of AS Medium run:Prices continue to increase until P and Y return to their original level, i.e., money is neutral

31 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #31 How Long Lasting are the Real Effects of Money? The Taylor Model

32 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #32 How Long Lasting are the Real Effects of Money? The Mishkin Model Quarters02461216 Effects on output Anticipated1. Unanticipated2.

33 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #33 A Decrease in the Budget Deficit AD´ AS´´ AD AS Output, Y Price Level, P YnYn PnPn A Y1Y1 A´ P´ A´´ P n ´´ Assume: G & T as constant Equilibrium from A to A´ AD shifts to AD´ Y falls to Y 1 Short run P falls & AS shifts to AS´´ Equilibrium at A´´ P at P n ´´ & Y at Y n Medium run

34 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #34 AD AS YnYn PnPn A IS LM A i YnYn Output, Y Price Level, P Interest Rate, i Output, Y AD´ Y1Y1 A´ P´ IS´ Y´ i´ B LM´´ i´´ A´´ AS´´ P n ´´ A´´ LM´ Y2Y2 A´ i1´i1´ A Decrease in the Budget Deficit The Dynamic Effects of a Decrease in the Budget Deficit

35 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #35 A Decrease in the Budget Deficit Budget Deficits, Output, and Investment -A Summary Short Run Will lead to a decrease in output and investment assuming no complementary monetary policy Medium Run Y returns to Y n Interest rate is lower Investment increases Long Run I increases Y increases

36 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #36 Real Wage, W/P WS PS ( ) unun Unemployment Rate, u A PS´ ( ´ > ) Changes in the Price of Oil Effects on the Natural Rate of Unemployment un´un´ A´ Assume an increase in the price of oil

37 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #37 AS´ AS Output, Y Price Level, P AD A P t-1 YnYn Changes in the Price of Oil The Dynamics of Adjustment AS´´ A´´ P t+n A´ P´ Y´ When oil prices increase: Y n decreases to Y n ´ AS shifts up A to A´ short-run change A to A´´ medium-run change increases B Y´ n

38 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #38 Changes in the Price of Oil The Effects of the Increase in the Price of Oil 1973-1975 197319741975 Rate of change of petroleum price (%)10.451.815.1 Rate of change of GDP deflator (%) Rate of GDP growth (%)5.8-0.6-0.4 Unemployment rate (%) Source: Economic Report of the President, 1997.

39 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #39 Why Has Japan Done So Poorly in the 1990s? Japanese Macroeconomic Variables 1992-1998 1992199319941995199619971998 Output growth (%) Inflation* (%) Budget surplus (% of GDP)1.5-1.6-2.3-3.6-4.3-3.3-6.1 Short-term interest rate4. *Inflation: Rate of change of the GDP deflator. Source: OECD Economic Outlook December 1998. Has it been the result of a shift in AD or AS?

40 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #40 The AD-AS Model Conclusions Short RunMedium Run OutputInterestPriceOutputInterestPrice LevelRateLevelLevelRateLevel Monetary expansionincreasedecreaseincreaseno change no change increase (small) Deficit reductiondecreasedecreasedecreaseno change decrease decrease (small) Increase in oil pricedecreaseincreaseincreasedecreaseincreaseincrease

41 Chapter 7: The AS-AD ModelBlanchard: Macroeconomics Slide #41 The AD-AS Model Shocks and Propagation Mechanisms The economy is impacted by AD and AS shocks The shocks have dynamic effects on P and Y The dynamic effects or propagation mechanisms vary in accordance to the shock

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