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Chapter 14 Review. This intellectual movement tried to apply the wisdom of the ancients the Renaissance world. a.Humanism b. Patron c. Perspective d.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14 Review. This intellectual movement tried to apply the wisdom of the ancients the Renaissance world. a.Humanism b. Patron c. Perspective d."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14 Review

2 This intellectual movement tried to apply the wisdom of the ancients the Renaissance world. a.Humanism b. Patron c. Perspective d. Satire

3 Answer a. Humanism

4 This multitalented man dissected corpses to learn more about human anatomy for his artwork. a. Michelangelo b. Thomas More c. Leonardo DaVinci d. Shakespeare

5 Answer c. Leonardo DaVinci

6 The Renaissance began in which area of Europe? a. Francec. Germany b. Italyd. England

7 Answer b. Italy

8 A religious teaching that God determines who will gain salvation. a. Perspective b. Utopia c. Humanism d. Predestination

9 Answer d. Predestination

10 12. Renaissance art reflected the humanist interest in a.individual achievement b. government by kings c. the theaterd. communism

11 Answer individual achievement

12 The use of ridicule or scorn to expose the vices or misbehaviors of others. a.Humanism b. Patron c. Perspective d. Satire

13 Answer d. Satire

14 In 1450, Johann Gutenberg invented one of the most important creations that helped spread the Renaissance through northern Europe, the: a. compassc. clock b. printing press.d. telegraph.

15 Answer b. printing press.

16 This man began the Protestant Reformation when he nailed his 95 Theses to a church door in Germany to protest practices of the Roman Catholic Church: a. John Calvin c. Henry VIII b. Martin Lutherd. Jan Hus

17 Answer b. Martin Luther

18 Members of the Society of Jesus were called a. Witchesb. Saints c. Jesuits c. Protestants.

19 Answer c. Jesuits

20 An ideal or perfect society is a. Florenceb. Utopia c. Afterlifec. Home

21 Answer b. Utopia

22 The Roman Catholic Church reacted to Luther’s ideas by a.Sentencing him to death b. Excommunicating him c. Adapting his ideas to Catholic religion d. Making him a saint.

23 Answer b. Excommunicating him

24 Reformation is a. the European movement calling for the expansion of the military b. a call for a new government c. a system of religious tolerance d. the European movement calling for reform within the Roman Catholic Church

25 Answer d.the European movement calling for reform within the Roman Catholic Church

26 Roman Catholic Church leaders met to discuss the major issues challenged by the Protestants at the: a.Council of Augsburg b. Council of Worms c. Council of Nantes d. Council of Trent

27 Answer d. Council of Trent

28 Two ways that the Renaissance spread was through artists traveling across Europe and a.Socialism b.Indulgences c. Predestination d. the Printing Press

29 Answer d. the Printing Press

30 True or False Don Quixote is often called the first European novel..

31 Answer True

32 True or False The Courtier, published by Castiglione, discusses the qualities of the ideal Renaissance gentleman.

33 Answer True

34 True or False Henry VIII had 10 wives.

35 Answer False

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