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Marko Grobelnik Jozef Stefan Institute ( Ljubljana, Slovenia.

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Presentation on theme: "Marko Grobelnik Jozef Stefan Institute ( Ljubljana, Slovenia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marko Grobelnik ( Jozef Stefan Institute ( Ljubljana, Slovenia

2 Dealing with data Natural Language Processing Semantic Web Information Retrieval Machine Learning / Data Mining Databases Interoperability Storing / querying Text Model discovery Search Social Network Analysis Community

3  Integration of three key scientific paradigms ◦ Top-down approaches – model driven  (Semantic Web, KRR, Traditional NLP) ◦ Bottom-up approaches – data driven  (Machine Learning, Data Mining, Social Network Analysis, Information Retrieval, Modern NLP) ◦ Collaborative approaches – community driven  (Web2.0, Social Computing)  …integration of ideas from different paradigms opens possibilities to solve problems which were not easy solvable before

4 Scalability Dynamicity Context Quality Usage  Research areas (such as IR, KDD, ML, NLP, SemWeb, …) are sub- cubes within the data cube


6 Can we learn from listed technologies?


8 Can we learn from listed technologies?



11  One possible conclusion: ◦ Future lies in uncovered parts of the data cube ◦ …note that items on data cube are changing  Upcoming technology trends combine existing “healthy” technologies as building blocks

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