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Published byElijah Foster Modified over 11 years ago
Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) 1 Agenda item 4: Practical training for reporting of State-of-Environment biology data Training on reporting of SoE biological elements in rivers and lakes 25-26 September 2013, Skopje and Ohrid, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
2 Examples - training data Examples from Norway: –phytobenthos in rivers (EQR) –macroinvertebrates in rivers (EQR) –macrophytes in lakes (EQR) Examples from Macedonia: –phytoplankton in lakes (additional metrics) Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
3 Outline: suggested exercises 1) Calculation of biological metrics from raw data 2) Setting ecological status class 3) Calculation of national EQR values from biological metrics 4) Calculation of normalised EQR values from national EQR values 5) Filling in EEA templates (Excel) 6) Delivering data to EEA (CDR) 7) Checking automatic feedback from EEA Optional: NIVA tools (excel sheets) developed for internal use Mandatory: EEA tools for use by all countries
Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) 4 1) Calculation of biological metrics from raw data Tools: Metric_River_Phytobenthos_NIVA.xlsx Metric_River_Macroinvertebrates_NIVA.xlsx (Metric_Lake_Phytoplankton_NIVA.xlsx) (not checked) (Metric_Lake_Macrophytes_NIVA.xlsx) How to use the tools: Check the formula in the Excel tool for metric calculation against information in the presentation.
5 Taxon listPIT indicator value Binuclearia tectorum 3,72 Lemanea fluviatilis 6,98 Chamaesiphon rostafinskii 4,37 River phytobenthos metric: PIT Background information More information: Schneider, S. & Lindstrøm, E.-A, 2011. The periphyton index of trophic status PIT: A new eutrophication metric based on non- diatomaceous benthic algae in Nordic rivers. Hydrobiologia 665:143–155. Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) PIT = periphyton index of trophic status IVi = indicator value of species i ni = number of indicator species 4,37+6,98+3,72 3 = 5,02 Example
6 River macroinvertebrate metric: ASPT Background information Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) Average Score Per Taxon: The ASPT equals the average of the tolerance scores of all macroinvertebrate families found, and ranges from 0 to 10. Tolerance scoring table and more information:
7 Four different metrics are combined into a single normalised EQR value Lake Phytoplankton metrics Background information Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) Biomass Chlorophyll a Planteplankton EQRn nEQR average nEQR Abundance nEQR nEQR Composition nEQR Cyanomax nEQR* average Species composition: PTI (Phytoplankton Trophic Index) Bloom index: Max. biomass of cyanobacteria Cyanomax nEQR is included if worse than average of nEQR for Abundance and Composition
8 TIc (Trophic Index count) represents the relationship between number of sensitive and tolerante taxa in a lake. The metric ranges from -100 (worst) to +100 (best). More information: Penning, E., B. Dudley, M. Mjelde et. al. 2008. Using aquatic macrophyte community indices to define the ecological status of European lakes. Aquatic Ecology 42: 253-264. Lake macrophytes metric: TIc Background information Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) 19.4.2012 Marit Mjelde8 N S = no. of sensitive species N T = no. of tolerant species N = total no. of species (sensitive, tolerant and indifferent)
Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) 9 2) Setting ecological status class from metric value and class boundaries Tools: Metric_[BQE]_NIVA.xlsx NO_ClassBoundaries_[date].xlsx EQR_calc_NIVA_empty_[date].xlsx EQR_calc_NIVA_answers_[date].xlsx How to use the tools: Fill in correct metric values, class boundaries and other relevant information into the empty EQR calculation sheet. Check the formula and check the "calculated" status against the sheet with answers.
10 Setting ecological status with Excel tool Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) Formula will determine the status given the metric value and the class boundaries
Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) 11 3) Calculation of national Ecological Quality Ratios (EQR) from biological metrics and reference value Tools: EQR_calc_NIVA_empty_[date].xlsx EQR_calc_NIVA_answers_[date].xlsx How to use the tools: Check the formula and check the calculated EQR value against the sheet with answers.
12 Three "methods" for calculation of EQR EQR should decrease from 1 to 0 when pressure increases from best to worst Method 1: for metrics that decrease with higher pressure Method 2: for metrics that increase with higher pressure Method 3: for both types of metrics ("Methods" are my own labels - not official descriptions) Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
13 Calculation of national EQR: "Method 1" For metrics with LOWER value at higher pressure The simplest case Example: ASPT (macroinvertebrates in rivers elv, general degradation incl. organic pressures) Formula:EQR = [observed] / [reference] Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
14 Calculation of national EQR: "Method 1" Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) "Best value" "Worst value" METRIC EQR (NATIONAL) H/G P/B M/P
15 Calculation of national EQR: "Method 2" For metrics with HIGHER value at higher pressure Example: Chl-a (eutrophication) Formula:EQR = [reference] / [observed] Not ideal solution... Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
16 Calculation of national EQR: "Method 2" Problem: When the formula is turnet "upside down", the EQR value becomes "distorted" The EQR value will "behave strangely" in the extreme ends of the pressure gradient Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) Total P Chl-a Ref Total P Ref Chl-a
17 Calculation of national EQR: "Method 3" Can be used for both types of metrics: For metrics with LOWER value at higher pressure –Example: macrophytes in lakes, eutrophication (TIc) For metrics with HIGHER value at higher pressure –Example: phytobenthos in rivers, eutrophication (PIT) Formula: EQR = [observed]-[worst possible value] [reference]-[worst possible value] Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
18 Overview of EQR calculation methods for Norwegian metrics Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) CategoryBQEMetricEQR method LakePhytoplanktonChl aMethod 2 LakePhytoplanktonPTI, Total biomass, Cyanobacteria biomass Method 3 LakeMacrophytesTIcMethod 3 LakeMacroinvertebratesMulticlearMethod 1 LakeFishWS-FBIMethod 1 Lake, riverFishFish indexMethod 1 RiverPhytobenthosTrophic index PITMethod 3 RiverPhytobenthosAcidification index AIPMethod 3 RiverMacroinvertebratesASPTMethod 1 RiverMacroinvertebratesAcidification index 1Method 1 RiverMacroinvertebratesAcidification index 2Method 1
19 Calculating national EQR with Excel tool Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) Formula will calculate the national EQR value given the metric value the reference conditions (the worst value, for "Method 3")
Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) 20 4) Calculation of normalised EQR values from national EQR values, status class and class boundaries Tools: EQR_calc_NIVA_empty_[date].xlsx EQR_calc_NIVA_answers_[date].xlsx How to use the tools: Check the formula and check the calculated normalised EQR value against the sheet with answers.
21 Example of normalised EQR Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) NATIONAL EQR NORMALISED EQR
22 Calculation of normalised EQR Generel formula for normalised EQR: (cb = class boundary for the status of the given EQR value) = ([EQR] - [Lower EQR cb]) x ([Upper nEQR cb] - [Lower nEQR cb]) + [Lower nEQR cb] [Upper EQR cb] - [Lower EQR cb] = ([EQR] - [Lower EQR cb]) x 0.2 + [Lower nEQR cb] [Upper EQR cb] - [Lower EQR cb] Normalised EQR should not exceed 1 –values >1 are rounded down to 1. Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
23 Calculating normalised EQR with Excel tool Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) Formula will calculate the normalised EQR given the (national) EQR the status class the class boundaries in EQR scale and round values >1 down to 1.
Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) 24 5) Filling in EEA templates Tools: Templates Rivers.xls and Lakes.xls (can be downloaded from DD). Data in Excel files delivered 2012 from Norway and Macedonia: NO_Phytobenthos_Rivers_2011.xls, Prespa_Lake_2010.xls, Ohrid_Lake_2011.xls (can be downloaded from CDR). How to use the tools: Transfer data delivered in 2012 into the templates for 2013. Make sure that data are put into the correct tables and columns. (NB: There are changes in the template format from 2012 to 2013).
25 Download most recent EEA Excel template Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
26 Fill inn the relevant tables Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
27 Use of excel templates from EEA Always download and use most recent version Do not change format (sheets, columns, headings, etc.) Report both data and class boundaries in the correct scale (EQR) Excel template does not contain any built-in tools for calculation or checking of consistency with DD Deviations from DD can be discovered by automatic quality assessment (QA) directly after delivery to CDR Automatic feedback should be checked; if necessary correct and redeliver data Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
28 Examples of filled in EEA templates Biology in rivers - EQR values –Phytobenthos, Norway –Based on data delivered in 2012 (NB: not the same data as used in the EQR calculation tool) –Rivers_NO_PB_test_errors.xls –Rivers_NO_PB_test_correct.xls Biology in lakes - additional data –Phytoplankton, Macedonia –Based on data delivered in 2012 –Lakes_MK_PP_additional_test.xls Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
29 6) Uploading data to CDR (test site) Test data delivery: Username: reporter, Password: r Tools: Templates that you have filled in, or the existing test datasets: Lakes_MK_PP_additional_test.xls (Data reported 2012) Rivers_NO_PB_test_correct.xls (Data reported 2012) Rivers_NO_PB_test_errors.xls (Data reported 2012, manipulated) How to use the tools: Deliver the files as they are, or add/change records first. Check feedback, and correct records if necessary.
30 Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) Data should be uploaded to correct country
31 Make a new envelope for uploading test data delivery Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) Include your initials in the envelope name
Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA) 32 7) Checking automatic QA feedback
33 Test delivery: Lakes_MK_PP_additional_test.xls Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
34 QA test results for Lakes_MK_PP_additional_test.xls Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
35 QA test results for Rivers_NO_PB_test_errors.xls Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
36 QA test results for Rivers_NO_PB_test_errors.xls Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
37 Suggested exercises: Summary and overview NB: Use of NIVA tools for Steps 1-4 is optional, can also be done manually
38 Excercises: overview of steps and tools 1)Calculate metric values –Check formulae and results in Metric_[BQE]_NIVA.xlsx 2)Use metric value & class boundaries to set status class 3)Use metric value & reference conditions to calculate (national) EQR 4)Use (national) EQR, status class & class boundaries to calculate normalised EQR For steps 2-4: –Get class boundaries and reference conditions for each metric (and each waterbody type) from file NO_ClassBoundaries_[date].xlsx –Enter values into EQR_calc_NIVA_empty_[date].xls –Check results against EQR_calc_NIVA_answers_[date].xls Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
39 Excercises: overview of steps and tools 5)Fill inn EQR values and additional lake metrics in EEA Excel templates –Download rivers.xls, lakes.xls from –Get data from files NO_Phytobenthos_Rivers_2011.xls, Prespa_Lake_2010.xls, Ohrid_Lake_2011.xls –Fill inn tables of templates: Stations[...], Biology[...], ClassificationSystem[...] 6)Upload filled-in templates to Reportnet –Log in to as reporter (r) –Create your own folder under Macedonia or Norway –Upload Excel file 7)Check the automatic feedback –If necessary, correct and re-deliver the Excel files Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
40 If you find errors in any of the excel tools, please let me know! If the automatic QA routines fail in any way, please let me know! Event, date: Reporting of SoE biology, 25-26.09.2013 Author: Jannicke Moe (NIVA)
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