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GlueX Collaboration Meeting February 20 - 22, 2014 12GeV Trigger Electronics R. Chris Cuevas Hardware Status ( A top down view,, )  Global Trigger Processing.

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Presentation on theme: "GlueX Collaboration Meeting February 20 - 22, 2014 12GeV Trigger Electronics R. Chris Cuevas Hardware Status ( A top down view,, )  Global Trigger Processing."— Presentation transcript:

1 GlueX Collaboration Meeting February 20 - 22, 2014 12GeV Trigger Electronics R. Chris Cuevas Hardware Status ( A top down view,, )  Global Trigger Processing  Installation & Commissioning  Summary

2 2 Trigger Hardware Status Trigger Supervisor ( TS ) - Complete Boards have been thoroughly tested and delivered Revisions to firmware are minor iterations are a result of testing improvements Production boards are being used in Global Test Stand for a variety of verification testing of firmware and CODA libraries. Functional hardware verification with Trigger Distribution(TD) boards complete. TS firmware supported with CODA3 libraries Trigger Supervisor Input/Output (TSIO) – Complete Rear transition board tested with Densishield cable from GTP William Gu

3 TI – TD Trigger Interface – Trigger Distribution - Complete All production modules have been delivered and pass acceptance 10 TI boards have been modified to be used as TI-”Master” units - (2) TI “Master” boards have been configured for the FCAL. Six crates to each “Master” and additional transceiver will be added to connect to Global Trigger input(Fiber) -(2) TI “Master boards have been installed for BCAL also The TI Master boards have been modified and tested thoroughly. TD firmware and TI firmware versions are stable and supported with CODA3 libraries  *New* feature added to TI-TD fiber optic link. ROC ID information is transferred so the fiber link source and destination is available for verification. 3 Trigger Hardware Status William Gu B. Moffit

4 GLOBAL TRIGGER PROCESSOR 4 Channel QSFP Fiber RJ45 Ethernet Jack 4x 8-Channel LVPECL Trigger Outputs to TS High Speed Densi-Shield® Cable assemblies Altera FPGA Stratix IV GX DDR2 Memory 256 MB Gigabit Links to SSP VXS “Switch” card S. Kaneta B. Raydo C. Hewitt 4 JTAG 2 Production Boards delivered Passed acceptance testing Production design includes: -QSFP fiber port -Front panel I/O -Front panel RJ45 Ethernet -1Gb Ethernet Significant testing with full VXS crate. All Gigabit Links work as expected.

5 Linux OS on the GLOBAL TRIGGER PROCESSOR 5 B. Raydo C. Hewitt Global Trigger Processor ( GTP ) - Complete Boards have been thoroughly tested and delivered Significant firmware activities include effort for new embedded Linux OS Production boards are being used in Global Test Stand for a variety of verification testing of firmware and CODA libraries. Functional hardware verification with SubSystem Processors in VXS crate. All boards included for full Hall D Global Trigger test in the lab. The GTP transceivers (Altera) have been tested with the SSP at 5Gb/s GTP firmware released for development of CODA3 libraries GTP manual updated.  Linux Kernel is a stable release (3.12)  Significant support for Altera FPGA  Linux runs on the Altera NIOS II processor

6 Linux OS on the GLOBAL TRIGGER PROCESSOR 6 B. Raydo C. Hewitt 1Gb Ethernet

7 Hall D Global Trigger Logic SSPs GTP to TS B. Raydo 7

8 SSPs GTP to TS B. Raydo 8

9 SSPs GTP to TS B. Raydo 9

10 SSPs GTP to TS B. Raydo Sub-Detectors 10

11 SSPs GTP to TS B. Raydo Very good example of production hardware tested with full crate All VXS Gigabit input streams tested Fully verified with existing TI and SD Clock, Sync and Trigger signals 11

12 Sub-System Processor Ben Raydo 8 12 Xilinx Virtex V ‘TX150T VXS ‘P0’ VME64x ‘P2’ VME64x ‘P1’ 8 QSFP Fiber Transceivers From 8 Front End Crate CTP

13 SubSystem Processor ( SSP ) - Complete  All production boards have been delivered.  Production contract included: -10 Hall D -15 Hall B -1 each for Halls A & C Firmware version 1.0 and CODA3 library complete, but needs testing 13 Trigger Hardware Status Ben Raydo

14 Crate Trigger Processor VXS Connectors Collect serial data from 16 FADC-250 (64Gbps ) Hai Dong Jeff Wilson 2013 Production CTP New Front Panel I/O 14 Crate Trigger Processor ( CTP ) - Complete Production quantities (30) for Hall D All production boards pass (FCAT) Full Crate Acceptance Testing -CTP boards delivered to Hall D group Hall D L1 full crate energy sum is stable and is part of FCAT FCAT verifies that trigger data is aligned properly from all 16 FADC250 boards All Gigabit serial lanes operated in sync @2.5Gbps Clock counters, trigger counters on all boards verified to be in agreement Firmware for BCAL L1 pedestal subtraction defined and in development CTP  SSP fiber link ID firmware feature needs final test and library in progress Firmware versions for TOF, Tagger, and PS have been prioritized MTP Parallel Optics 8 Gbps to SSP

15 Signal Distribution ( SD ) - Complete  All production modules have been delivered and installed! 15 Trigger Hardware Status Nick Nganga

16  Flash ADC 250Msps ( FADC250 ) - See Fernando’s update also Production board delivery to JLAB groups is complete Production board repairs are progressing slowly (12 Hall D boards remain in repair status) “Mode 6” (TDC algorithm) has been corrected from initial release. New firmware for this mode has been tested thoroughly. -Readout data includes pulse integral value and time stamp value is high resolution (LSB=62.5ps; 6-bits) -This mode will be used for production Physics operations and will be required for maximum trigger rate  See Bryan Moffit’s DAQ site that contains the latest Jlab Module Manuals with notes for relevant firmware version -Firmware change request method (proposed) 1.Submit request to Hall D DAQ person 2.Hall D DAQ person sends to FE and DAQ group leaders 3.FE/DAQ groups will prioritize and organize relevant discussion meetings as required. 16 Trigger Hardware Status F. Barbosa H. Dong E. Jastrzembski Jeff Wilson

17 Global Crate Testing - Update Significant activities have been completed and are too numerous to list here Global Trigger crate has been tested TS  TD crate has been tested Firmware and CODA library development include an impressive amount of work! Global Trigger monitoring (GUI) plus remote configuration (firmware download) have been implemented and tested. Global Trigger crate and TS  TD crate have been moved to the Hall. 17-Feb Details: -TD and TS need to be installed in crate -SBCs need to be installed in crates -SBCs Network connection needed -Crate (fan tray) network interface needed -Connect Densi-Shield cables from GTP to TS 17 Scott Kaneta Ben Raydo William Gu B. Moffit 2.954us Measured full ‘round trip’ trigger latency

18 Trigger Fiber Optics Trigger System Fiber Optics (Q1 – FY14 procurement)  System diagrams have updated for Hall D  Thanks to Hall D group for installation help! 18 A. Stepanyan M. Taylor

19 What’s next? Activity 2543115 – Performance Testing Establish trigger distribution connections (Fiber) to all crates o Main FO trunk lines and patch panels installed o Install TD and TS boards in TD crate o Set required delays for each TI fiber length and measure trigger signal alignment between crates in each subsytem Global Crate o Establish CTP  SSP fiber link connections o Run deterministic test patterns to measure and verify L1 trigger alignment and scaler counts. o Measure and verify other Global Trigger system functions Prepare for cosmic ray trigger testing -FCAL only -BCAL with FDC (and CDC?) -Many other commissioning tests omitted here, 19

20 Summary Global Trigger and Trigger Distribution crates are installed Almost all FO trunk lines are installed and tested - Final patch cables need to be connected Firmware released for all boards, including new updates for FADC250 “TDC” feature Firmware development for BCAL cosmic ray trigger has started and other firmware developments have been prioritized. (See example below)  Tagger “Hit Count” algorithm, TOF, and Pair Spectrometer applications All production CTP have been fully qualified with FCAT Acceptance testing activities are complete for delivered production boards. Essential CODA library development and library release is complete for almost every board. A few boards will have their library released after final testing. Check out 12GeV Trigger hardware progress: Questions? 20

21 All sorts of cool stuff

22 All Trigger Modules Delivered! 2 Front End Crate FADC250, (FADC125), (F1TDC) Crate Trigger Processor Signal Distribution Trigger Interface Trigger Control/Synchronization Trigger Supervisor Trigger Distribution L1 Trigger ‘Data’ MTP Ribbon Fiber Trigger ‘Link” Control Clock, Sync MTP Ribbon Fiber Global Trigger Crate Sub-System Processor Global Trigger Processor

23 TI-1  Trigger Interface module can be configured to control up to 9 front end crates  This method allows for local control of a detector Sub-system.  TI needs to be configured for this mode with multiple FO Transceivers  Local control of CLOCK, SYNC, and Trigger signals  Global Trigger system signals NOT available  Perfect for initial testing of Detector sub-systems. (FCAL, BCAL) Fiber TI operating in TS mode William Gu 5 User Input/Output Front Panel (dECL) TI-2 TI-3 TI-4 TI-5 TI-6 TI-7 TI-8 TI-9

24 Full DAq Crate Testing Plans 17 Before deploying full crates with all required modules: Will test using “Playback” mode and CODA No input cables necessary; User defined signals loaded in front-end FPGA Deterministic test for all channels and Gigabit serial lane alignment check Verify TI  SD  Payload Board Synchronization and Clock Re-Use these tools for Hall commissioning effort Test station used for FINAL firmware verification and software ‘library’ development Bryan Moffit has created a preliminary plan and list of test functions See wiki link  This full crate test station in EEL109 is an essential infrastructure element needed to test and verify the front end and trigger hardware/software before installation in the Halls. Bryan Moffit Et al.

25 System Description Crate Trigger Processing Flash ADC Modules Detector Signals Sub-System Processing (Multi-Crate) Global Trigger Processing Trigger Supervisor (Distribution) TS -> TD -> TI Link 1.25Gb/s Bi-Directional BUSY Trigger Sync Trig_Comnd CTP -> SSP -> GTP L1 Trig_Data Uni_Directional Energy Sums 6

26 Noise in the FADC (No Readout during data taking) 03/21/2012CniPol Meeting 26 Single Event All Events

27 Noise in the FADC (Readout during data taking) 03/21/2012CniPol Meeting 27 Single Event All Events

28 Two DAQ Crate Testing: FY11 200KHz Trigger Rate! Pre-Production and 1 st article boards have been received and tested Significant effort for circuit board fabrication, assembly and acceptance testing System testing includes: Gigabit serial data alignment 4Gb/s from each slot 64Gb/s to switch slot Crate sum to Global crate @8Gb/s Low jitter clock, synchronization ~1.5ps clock jitter at crate level 4ns Synchronization Trigger rate testing Readout Data rate testing Bit-Error-Rate testing - Need long term test (24 - 48 hrs) Overall Trigger Signal Latency ~ 2.3us (Without GTP and TS) Readout Controller Capable of 110MB/s - Testing shows we are well within limits

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