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Collaboration between Newcastle University MSc Health Sciences & Northumbria University Master of Public Health.

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1 Collaboration between Newcastle University MSc Health Sciences & Northumbria University Master of Public Health

2 MSc Health Sciences- Newcastle 60 credits core modules +60 credits optional modules +60 credits dissertation

3 Core Modules Fundamentals of Research (20) Medical Statistics (20) Health & Health Care Policy (10) Health & Society (10)

4 Optional Modules- Newcastle Health Promotion (10) Advanced Research Methods (20) Applied Epidemiology (20) Public Health Protection (10) Health Economics (10) Health Care Quality (10)

5 Optional Modules - Northumbria Partnerships working for Health (20) Health Development – a global perspective (20)

6 MSc Public Health - Northumbria 100 credits core modules +20 credits optional modules +60 credits dissertation

7 Core modules * Population Health & Well Being (10)  Epidemiology & Health Protection (20)  Partnerships Working for Health (20)  Leadership & Management in Public Health (20)  Research Skills: Approaches to Evidence & Enquiry (10)  Research Skills: Design & Methods (20)

8 Optional modules- Northumbria * Social Marketing for Health (20)  Health Development: A Global Perspective (20)  Physical & Mental Health for Disaster Management & Development (20)  Identifying & Managing Own Learning (20)

9 Optional modules - Newcastle  Health Protection (10)  Health Economics (10)

10 Memorandum of agreement Established Sept 2004 for initial period of 5 years - subject to yearly review Up to 40 credits may be studied from either programme Students admitted to Newcastle or Northumbria degree – degree awarded is NOT joint

11 Memorandum of agreement * Modules assessed by University that teaches them – their external examiner may comment on scripts * Mappings of levels Pass/Merit/Distinction between institutions * Student progress decided at University where student registered

12 Memorandum of agreement Financial arrangement – ‘knock for knock’ - if numbers greater for one University, charge an agreed fee per module

13 Degree Programme Directors Denise Howel – Newcastle Joan Aarvold – Northumbria


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