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February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 2 FACE TO FACE WITH EUROPEAN FUNDS Event as a successful tool of communication.

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2 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 2 FACE TO FACE WITH EUROPEAN FUNDS Event as a successful tool of communication

3 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 3 Presentations plan Examples of different types of events 1.Events concerning defined areas influenced by European Funds - Revitalisation campaign in Kujawsko-Pomorskie speaker: Joanna Araszewicz - Safe holiday with the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment speaker: Paweł Jaczewski 2.Events concerning general aspects - Picnic with European Funds in Lodzkie region speaker: Beata Chmielarz - European Funds Forum in Warsaw speaker: Magdalena Dziubek-Grudzińska

4 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 4 FACE TO FACE WITH EUROPEAN FUNDS Events – what for? to present European Funds effects + give occassion and encourage the public to gather information about European Funds = bring European Funds (and European Union) closer to society and prove that European Funds really change our life

5 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - Information and fun – ERDF in 10 cities Revitalisation campaign in Kujawsko- Pomorskie

6 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - over 70 mln euro for 32 cities 10 selected cities local activities

7 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - M ain g oals: involving local residents/direct beneficiaries informing people about our website

8 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - A ctivities: workshops for children (painting with their hands, painting t-shirts, making bubbles) photo point live tv programmes with guests and a quiz with special prizes, tv information programmes, articles in regional and local newspapers tent with our gadgets, stickers with the logo

9 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - F acts: over 4000 participants 1000 photos from the photo point over 2500 new visitors on our website preparation of a calendar and exhibition Added value creating less official image of our department

10 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 10 Safe Holiday with Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment event in cooperation with emergency services

11 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 11 Time and place: –August 2010 – summer camp for children affected by flood in south Poland, run by charity organization Cooperation: –charity organisation –police –fire and rescue service –emergency medical service Three sectors: –Blue, White, Red Content: –presentations and talks prepared by the emergency services –entertainment –handing out promotional gifts Safe Holiday with Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment

12 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 12 road safety talk demonstration of police equipment police car and motor display police dogs training Blue sector – Police Safe Holiday with Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment

13 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 13 first aid training ambulance display: equipment and functionality demonstration of rescue equipment White sector - Emergency medical service Safe Holiday with Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment

14 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 14 fire safety talk demonstration of rescue equipment fire trucks display: equipment and functionality water curtain Red sector - Fire and Rescue Service Safe Holiday with Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment

15 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 15 Positive reception: –children and youth –emergency services –media Low cost –gifts – i.a. reflective vests, first aid kit, 112 stickers, refreshments More such events in 2011 –in summer 2011 as a part of large events –in winter 2011 similar event: safe ice-rinks Summary

16 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - PICNIC OF EUROPEAN FUNDS in Lodz

17 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 17 Localization: 3-hectare Manufaktura Market Square, where all kinds of open-air events take place. It is new astonishing place renovated in the heart of the city of Lodz in Poznanski Textile Factory. PICNIC OF EUROPEAN FUNDS 27th June 2010, Manufaktura Market Square

18 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 18 Activities promoting Picnic: mediumistic patronage of 2 local TVs and 6 radios information broadcast in local radios advertisements and newspapers articles, colourful, four pages, insert and series of articles in local newspapers cooperation with the Internet portals posters, leaflets, invitations, information and advertisements on outdoor screens in Manufaktura PICNIC OF EUROPEAN FUNDS 27th June 2010, Manufaktura Market Square

19 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 19 On the stage there were: whole day musical concerts circus shows, cabaret quizzes about European Union and Regional Operational Programme for the Lodzkie Voivodship presentations of best practices in Regional Operational Programme for the Lodzkie Voivodship There were also a lot of attractions beside the stage: Information Avenue, motors, police cars and fire engine exhibition, Health Square (blood donation point, mammography, first aid shows) a lot of attractions for children (Mini Zoo, Police Academy of Safety, led by animators, whole day games and entertainment for children) free entrance to Museum of Art photo exhibition of projects realised thanks to European Funds PICNIC OF EUROPEAN FUNDS 27th June 2010, Manufaktura Market Square

20 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 20 III EUROPEAN FUNDS FORUM

21 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 21 III EUROPEAN FUNDS FORUM The biggest national event in the field of European Funds organised from May 2008 in Warsaw - educational part: conferences and workshops - promotional part: exhibitions, stands, performances, presentations of beneficiaries

22 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 22 III EUROPEAN FUNDS FORUM Forum gives the opportunity to: - present the institutions involved in implementation of European Funds (100 stands) - award the winners of the competitions organised by the Ministry of Regional Development (Poland Even More Beautiful, Eurolider) ; - discuss and exchange information and best practices (4mini -conferences); - present beneficiaries and their achievements

23 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 23 FACE TO FACE WITH EUROPEAN FUNDS The main hints: -Organise attractive programme for kids – they will make parents to attend -Do not count for rewarding media coverage (unless you find media partner) -Do not be afraid of the new tools – each year the public is more and more demanding -Be careful with gadgets (dont give them for free - be demanding)

24 February 17, 2014Ministry of Regional Development - 24 Joanna Araszewicz, Marshals Office of Kujawsko- Pomorskie Voivodship – j.araszewicz@kujawsko- Barbara Chmielarz, Marshals Office of Lodzkie Voivodship – Pawel Jaczewski, Ministry of Regional Development - Magdalena Dziubek-Grudzinska, Ministry of Regional Development –

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