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Working with the Media. Publicity Planning Coordinated with other church programmes Known to key leaders, staff & volunteers Flexible to meet local opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with the Media. Publicity Planning Coordinated with other church programmes Known to key leaders, staff & volunteers Flexible to meet local opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with the Media

2 Publicity Planning Coordinated with other church programmes Known to key leaders, staff & volunteers Flexible to meet local opportunities Consistent with denominational authorities & other local churches.

3 What should a Community Relations Plan Be? Understood by all congregational members Simple & practical enough to be implemented Resourced Monitored, measured and adjusted regularly

4 Template for your Publicity Plan Situational Analysis Aim Key messages Audiences Methods and Tools Strategy Budget Evaluation

5 Your Situation. (Be honest) A short description of the current state of relations with the local community. It should review previous community relations activities, noting past successes and recommended improvements.

6 Aim. Why tell your story? To make specific individuals & groups aware To influence attitudes in your area To secure support To correct misconceptions To tell the great news that God loves your neighbourhood!

7 Key Messages No more than three key messages Each message in 20 words or less Use clear language – no church jargon Messages must be comprehensive

8 Audiences Internal audiences – groups, committed members, pew warmers, holiday visitors, your denomination Specific community groups Individuals & families seeking faith Individuals able to influence community opinions

9 Methods & Tools Common methods for delivering key messages to target audiences:  Mass media stories  Multi-media (internet/CD-Rom/videos)  Publications (books/brochures/posters)  Events  Merchandise?

10 Questions? Time frame? Costs? Motivation? Budget & Evaluation?

11 Useful further reading

12 Equipping the Church to tell its story www. 07 3882 3490 0414 823125

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