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Internet Ministry Department Presents

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1 Internet Ministry Department Presents

2 Online base in Singapore is one of the most connected and advanced communities in terms of digital usage in the world Sources: AC Nielsen, Commscore, TNS, TGI, IDA, ADMA Richard Reising President of Artistry Marketing in Dallas, Texas Rationale-1 80 to 85 percent of people are finding their church based on websites, and that websites are replacing the yellow pages as a key mode of church advertising.

3 Rationale-2 TJC Singapore Web Identity - to improve landing chances on search engines, SCB IM bought a new website domain The primary purpose of this site is to be the ultra local evangelism site for Singapore. To reach out to the Singapore community more effectively. We could use this to publicize our local evangelism activities and place contact information for people to reach out to us.

4 Proof of Concept Allow search engines to find our contents : indexes To achieve Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for site contents : first-page

5 What have we done Keyword Exercise Schedule Keyword Posting Contents  Q&A every Mon & Thurs  Monthly Sermon  Evangelistic Services

6 Demo of TrueJesusChurch.SG 1.Featured article (i.e. transcribed evangelism sermons) every month 2.Questions and Answers taken from Q&A books from both Taiwan GA and USGA 3.Upload Videos on this site and YouTube 4.Event Announcement for Singapore upcoming Evangelistic Services 5. “Contact Us” for site visitors to ask questions or request gospel series tracts

7 Google Analytics Traffic Pattern Unique User Visits Content Overview  Individual pages Traffic Sources  Referring Sites  Search Engines Visitors Country

8 Skills and Roles Required Content team  Articles writers  Q&A content editor (keyword optimized) * 13-Feb Training for content writers arranged. Video production team  Content writers with good bible knowledge  Copyrighter and/or Editor  Producer/Artist (video/images/music, animation, transition) Technical team  Platform support  Follow up on internet queries & request for tracts

9 What more could be done… Quality Contents on the web Quality Videos on our basic beliefs Understand Evangelism Plans More “Link Juices”  Video contents to target more keywords  Articles on online article websites  Members involvement in Web Blogs/Facebook

10 IM Dept Limitation Responsibility of contents in Other projects  eLibrary development  Member Database Sys development (pending bugs fixing & Phase 2 dev-i.e. family tree & pastoral module)  IA Members Site Administration  Weekly Devotionals  COV Platform (internet enquiries)  for Mizo contents support

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