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What set of circumstances brought the State? 4 different theories coming your way!!

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2 What set of circumstances brought the State? 4 different theories coming your way!!

3 Force Theory: State was born by force One person or small group claimed control over an area and forced all within it to submit to that person or group rule Once established you had the presence of the characteristics of a state

4 Evolutionary Theory Developed naturally out of the early family The head of the family was the “government” making all the decisions Family became a network of families, then a clan, and then became a tribe Once agriculture was established the state was born

5 Divine Right Theory: Accepted in the Western World from the 15th century through the 18th century Held that God had given those royal births a “divine right” to rule. People must obey their ruler, not to was defying God Theory was challenged which led to the development of democracy

6 Social Contract Theory: Origin lies in a “social contract”: Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau developed it during the Enlightenment People lived in a state of nature, strength and intelligence gave you safety Overcame this with agreeing with one another to create a state, giving up some rights to promote the well being of all It was a voluntary act of free people, to serve only the will of the people, the sole source of political power for the state

7 Review Question: What is the most convincing theory for the evolution of the state?


9 Marxists Theory: All societies are divided into classes on the basis of the relationship of people to the economy Capitalist (bourgeoisie) Workers Farmers Intellectuals Which ever class dominates the economy controls the government “is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie” in the U.S.

10 Power Elite Theory: Argues that nongovernmental elite makes most of the major decisions − Corporate Leaders − Top military officials − Key political leaders − Communication/Media leaders − Labor leaders Government again is controlled by a few power elite, most of whom are outside of the government They act together to serve only their interest − “The Establishment”

11 Bureaucrats Theory: Controlled by those who operate government agencies from day to day All institutions, governmental and non governmental, have fallen under the control of large bureaucracies, their expertise makes the government work Anyone can come to power, but government agencies control the day to day functions

12 Pluralist Theory: No single elite can rule the government Everything is scattered into so many hands no one group can rule Local, state, federal governmental institutions Political resources are sufficiently divided amongst such different kinds of elites, that all or almost all have a chance to effect policy They are responsive to their followers.

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