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Agenda A. Prayer/Welcome B. Introductions C. Updates 1. Project FIT 8-month screening dates and survey 2. Taking It to the Pews (TIPS) Church Recruitment.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda A. Prayer/Welcome B. Introductions C. Updates 1. Project FIT 8-month screening dates and survey 2. Taking It to the Pews (TIPS) Church Recruitment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda A. Prayer/Welcome B. Introductions C. Updates 1. Project FIT 8-month screening dates and survey 2. Taking It to the Pews (TIPS) Church Recruitment D. Resource Sharing Grandparent Support and Heart Health and You E. New Business NIMHD Grant Opportunity F. Shout Outs June 3, 2015

2 Share your name and Name of your organization

3 2015 Meeting Dates Meeting Time: Noon – 2pm  August 6 th (tentative)  September 3 rd  November 5 th

4 Project FIT Updates 8-month Survey Update DateLocationBaseline8-month% Retained80% Goal April 26 th Metropolitan Missionary Baptist 60 477848 May 3 rd Second Baptist 37 226030 May 17 th Trinity Temple COGIC 52 295642 May 31 st Boone Tabernacle COGIC 85 607168 8-month Screening Dates June 14 th Paseo Baptist Church8:30am-3pm Comparison June 21 st : Father’s Day June 28th St. James United Methodist Church 7am-1:30pm Comparison

5 Resource Sharing Co-Learning

6 TIPS Updates Church Recruitment Canaan Worship Center Christian Fellowship Baptist Church Christian Spiritual Church of Christ Friendship Baptist Church Glory Bible International & Heaven Sent Outreach Ministries New Bethel Church Palestine Missionary Baptist Church Victorious Life

7 Share the Journey ! G RANDPARENTS S UPPORT = GPS Palestine and partners are starting a support group for grandparents raising grandchildren

8 Heart Health & You 2- part study 1. a series of surveys and questionnaires about health (can be done in the community) 2. reading published health information (must be at UMKC) recording eye-movements recording heart rate $40 honorarium for participants SilverRoo Research Program, UMKC Joan McDowd, PhD ~ ~ 816-235-2490 (office) ~ 816-235-6817 (research) I need help finding adults age 55+ willing to participate. Suggestions?

9 National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) Title: Advancing Health Disparities Interventions Through Community-Based Participatory Research (U01) The overarching goals are to: 1.Enhance community capacity in research for which they will directly benefit 2.Support collaborative intervention projects addressing health disparities 3.Accelerate the translation of findings into improved health and health outcomes The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support promising community interventions using CBPR principles and approaches aimed at reducing and eventually eliminating health disparities.

10 NIMHD  $10,000,000 in FY 2016 to fund 20 awards  Appropriate research intervention topics include interventions to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors (e.g., physical activity, healthy diets) to prevent or reduce overweight/obesity and obesity-related complications (e.g., cardiovascular diseases, diabetes)  Multi-level interventions that include a combination of individual, group (such as peers, family members, etc.), and/or community- level intervention components.  Interventions that include health information technology applications (e.g. behavior monitoring tools, decision aids, health information portals, etc.) and/or social media elements.  Interventions that draw upon existing community strengths and resilience  Due August 3, 2015

11 Project FIT : A Multilevel Intervention Project Social Media Church Services Health Ministries Linkage to Care Church Telephone Tree Voice/Text/ Email Messages Educational Seminars on Diseases Health Eating/Cooking Classes Walking/Exercise Clubs Weight Loss Program Church Food Policy Ongoing Church Health Liaison Training Sermons Responsive Readings Testimonials Church Bulletins Brochures Videos Risk Checklist Resource List Commitment Card Physical Activity Health Screenings Appointment Planning/Linkage Linkage to PCP/Specialists Insurance Access Medication Adherence Goal Setting Project Aims: Increasing healthy eating and exercise, health screenings, and linkage to care Mode of Intervention Delivery Intervention Components How can we get more exposure to community members through church outreach ministries?

12 Proposed Health Promotion Strategies DIABETES Coordinate diabetes prevention and management seminars in African American churches in collaboration with local diabetes organizations. Offer church-based diabetes health screenings, including pastors modeling receipt of diabetes screening (blood sugar testing, foot checks). Promote/create church and community sports leagues for church and community youth and adults to encourage regular exercise. Prepare samples of healthy foods and complete meals featuring vegetables and fruits during church and community events. Provide educational games in church settings that promote physical activity, healthy eating, and diabetes care. Provide seminars on proper physical activity techniques and form (weight training, jogging, yoga). Encourage churches to adopt policies to serve healthy foods at church events. Provide healthy cooking classes for church and community members. Develop diabetes buddy programs to provide one-on-one support for persons living with diabetes. Develop church-community gardens and mobile gardens to increase availability of fruits and vegetables in inner-city communities. Provide outreach and home visits by community health workers to screen for diabetes and complications including wound care. Send text/email/twitter prompts to encourage church and community members to eat healthy and do daily exercise activities (walking, gardening, weight training). Encourage church members to sign physical activity and healthy eating commitment cards. Have pastor or a church member model active movement during praise and worship.

13 Proposed Health Promotion Strategies HEART DISEASE AND STROKE Train families to incorporate healthy eating into their home meals and family exercise in their daily lives. Offer church-based weight loss programs for church and community members. Promote and coordinate price-reduced memberships to YMCA, local gyms, and other exercise facilities. Provide free counseling services to help church and community members quit smoking. Advocate for safer streets, trails, and parks for walking, bicycling, and other physical activities. Coordinate church-based and neighborhood walking groups. Have fruits and vegetables available during church meetings and after church services. Collaborate with schools to serve healthy cafeteria foods and vending machine snacks and to provide opportunities for physical activity for students. Create grocery stores in underserved Kansas City communities. Provide simple instructional guides on how to use smart phone apps to self-monitor and promote fitness and healthy eating goals. Promote Tobacco Quitline services that provide free phone coaching for persons who want to quit smoking. Encourage 10 minutes of active movement and stretching during Sunday school and ministry classes. Show videos on health eating outcomes and unhealthy eating outcomes during bible study, Sunday School, and ministry group meetings.

14 NIMHD U 01 Discussion Questions 1.Discuss pilot study intervention strategies that had great promise, but were not implemented or not implemented well:  How can these strategies (e.g., church physical activity and walking programs, cooking classes, increased DPP and LTC enrollment) be strengthened? 2.Review the Diabetes and Heart Disease/Stroke intervention strategies from the needs assessment survey, particularly high ranking strategies:  Are there strategies that should be given further consideration for inclusion that could be feasible within the grant timeline? 3.What other strategies were not included in the pilot study or the needs assessment, but should be considered for inclusion in the refined intervention? 4.How can intervention strategies be delivered to community members with greater exposure?

15 Next TENTATIVE CAB Meeting: August 6, 2015 Noon – 2 pm Calvary Temple Baptist Church

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