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Unit 7 – Eye, Ear, and Musculoskeletal System

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1 Unit 7 – Eye, Ear, and Musculoskeletal System
Terry Bond Adjunct Faculty Kaplan University

2 What is due this at the end of this unit?
Discussion participation Seminar participation – synchronous through tonight’s seminar or another flex seminar or asynchronous via Option 2 post Quiz

3 Anatomy of the Eye Describe the functions of these anatomical parts
Iris Pupil Sclera Cornea Retina Lacrimal glands Aqueous humor Vitreous humor

4 Did you know? When an image passes through the lens of the eye – the image is actually upside down. The optic nerve picks up the image and the brain then corrects the visual and “rights” the image. Cool, Huh!

5 Anatomy of the Ear The ear provides us the ability to hear and balance
There are 3 parts of the ear: inner ear, middle ear, and external ear

6 Combining Word Forms for Ears and Eyes
Corne/o Kerat/o Ocul/o Opthalm/o Audi/o Labyrinth/o Myring/o Tympan/o Ot/o

7 Disease and disorder – built from word parts
Conjunctivitis Diplopia Keratitits Opthalmalgia Opthalmologist Labyrinthitis Otalgia Otopyorrhea Tympanitis Otitis media or externa

8 Disease and disorders – not built from word parts
Astigmatism Cataract Glaucoma Macular degeneration Vertigo Acoustic neuroma Meniere’s disease

9 Diagnostic terms Opthalmoscope Optometry Tonometer Otoscope Audiogram
Typanometer Audiometry

10 Abbreviations OU - both OS - left OD – right EENT ENT OM

11 Let’s talk: Musculoskeletal System
Name major organs of the musculoskeletal system: Cranium/skull Vertebrae Spinal column Large bones, e.g. femur, radius, sternum, ribs Small bones, e.g. metacarpals,

12 Structure of bone Periosteum – outermost layer of bone
Compact bone – the hard layers of bone tissue that lie beneath the periosteum Cancellous (spongy) bone – contains spaces which appear like a sponge and encased in layers of compact bone Endosteum – membranous lining of hollow cavity of the bone Diaphysis – shaft of the long bones

13 Skeletal bones Maxilla Vertebrae Sacrum Clavicle Sternum Humerus
Carpal bones Pelvis Femur Fibula Tibia Ulna Radius

14 Joints Help hold our bones together and provide ability to move
Meniscus Synovia Tendon Ligament Articular cartilage

15 Muscles Muscles are attached to the bones to help make movement possible, also located in internal organs such as the heart, intestines, stomach, blood vessels to help fluids and nutrients move

16 Medical terms Arthritis Fibromyalgia Kyphosis Myasthenia Osteomyelitis
Tendonitis Scoliosis Bunion Fracture Herniated disk Osteoporosis

17 Diagnostics Arthroscopy Electromyogram (EMG)
Magnetic resonance imagining (MRI) Bone scan Bone densitometry

18 Questions?

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