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Project manager report paul drumm CM16 October 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Project manager report paul drumm CM16 October 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 project manager report paul drumm CM16 October 2006

2 2 pd - CM16, October 2006 MICE Schedule Overview June  October

3 3 pd - CM16, October 2006 Target run Target ready for test When and how much is subject to discussion  baseline is one shift

4 4 pd - CM16, October 2006 MICE Schedule Overview

5 5 pd - CM16, October 2006 Long Shutdown Schedule End dates have advanced: Beam available at the start of August! Time for beam line commissioning in August & September...Subject to negotiations Instrumentation (TOF/CKOV) can still be installed September onwards...if we make the right plans

6 6 pd - CM16, October 2006 Milestones Beam components –Stands in synchrotron hall ISIS engineering –Design complete –Detailed drawings by end 2006 –Manufacture by end March –Decay Solenoid engineering EID engineering (MB+) –Platform, Rail system ~ complete –Detail ~1 mo  end November –Manufacture ~ 3 mo  end March

7 7 pd - CM16, October 2006 Milestones Beam Components –Equipment in hall: Liverpool (PC) –Work just starting: concept well advanced –3 mo design & detail  end of year –3 mo manufacture  end March ’07 –MICE Platform System: EID follow on from solenoid work –3 mo design & detail  end march –3 mo manufacture  end June

8 8 pd - CM16, October 2006 Milestones Hall Infrastructure –Structural Changes – in discussion Stairs, Trench Cellar & Floor levelling Platforms etc –Waiting for details to come back to feed into programme  Hardest to effect –Hydrogen R&D will move from hall (conflict) –Cryogenic commissioning of solenoid will be in final position to minimise changes (schedule gain) –What tasks can be “postponed” to accelerate schedule and not increase risk?  Clearly those needed for phase 2 Discussions with potential Manufacturer

9 9 pd - CM16, October 2006 Milestones Hall Infrastructure –Water: combination of existing supplies and New plant – design starts ~May ’07  potential risk  high level promise Mitigation – temporary system TBD and 6 mo design & installation  Oct 07 –Electrical: Distribution in hand Power supplies by end of ‘06

10 10 pd - CM16, October 2006 Milestones Hall Infrastructure –Cryogenics: Delivered and commissioned due by end of ’06  priority –Shielding Layout in progress – 1 mo Available at DL - delivered and cleaned in the early new year and into spring;

11 11 pd - CM16, October 2006 Instrumentation ToF, Ckov –Installation design

12 12 pd - CM16, October 2006 Instrumentation ToF, Ckov –Installation design

13 13 pd - CM16, October 2006 Beam line & Target at CM15 –Beam lineBeam line Ok on front end Alternative suggestion for matching  –TargetTarget Focus on risk (mainly to ISIS)! PID – following this meeting Revisit hall & Magnetic shielding Reviews

14 14 pd - CM16, October 2006 Project Metrics Request from executive board It is requested that the major components of MICE review their budgets, commitments and spend. The information should cover both material and staff use (the latter in terms of staff numbers rather than staff cost). If there is no current budget, please give me an indication of budget requests. The aim is to have this information in time for the collaboration meeting and will be presented in summary to the Collaboration board. It is likely to become a standard request prior to each collaboration meeting. Target: Booth Beam-line: Drumm Hall: Drumm ToF: Bonesini CKOV: Summers Tracker: Long Spectrometer Solenoid: Virostek AFC: Lau MuCal: Vittorio DAQ: Graulich Software: Ellis Hydrogen R&D: Ivanyushenkov Absorber R&D: Ishimoto RF R&D: Moss RFCC (MICE): Virostek Let me know what have I forgotten! Comparison of reality with plans budgets (staff/cash) vs availability vs performance to date Can be difficult to estimate

15 15 pd - CM16, October 2006 MICE User Access Procedures Procedure to be used when there is a need for –Radiation badge –Swipe card (as opposed to a visitors pass) ISIS user support office: –Prior registration is required –Notice of arrival is required – gets you on site –Card issued for duration of visit by ISIS users’ office –Film badge issued by Health Physics Don’t all rush at once: –We have two sets of guinea MICE Target test (real) Tracker (no badges will be issued)

16 16 pd - CM16, October 2006 Details See talk on Monday –MICE will have own set of cards numbered, no photo –Cards and Badges issued for duration must be returned to ISIS on departure Some progress on office space & meeting room; project admin support

17 17 pd - CM16, October 2006 Drawing publishing TJSY MICE Experiment Designers Hall & Infrastructure Components Experiment Components

18 18 pd - CM16, October 2006 Drawing publishing TJSY MICE Experiment Designers Hall & Infrastructure Components Experiment Components

19 19 pd - CM16, October 2006 Drawing publishing TJSY MICE Experiment Designers Hall & Infrastructure Components Experiment Components Feed- back

20 20 pd - CM16, October 2006 Drawing publishing CN WL SY TJ TJSY MICE Experiment Designers Hall & Infrastructure Components Public Repository Experiment Components Feed- back

21 21 pd - CM16, October 2006 Drawing publishing CN WL SY TJ TJSY MICE Experiment Designers Hall & Infrastructure Components Public Repository Experiment Components Feed- back Monthly meetings

22 22 pd - CM16, October 2006 Drawing publishing Procedure The official reference masters will be at RAL. The act of submitting a drawing to the central repository causes (after checking) the drawing to become official. Stephanie is the MICE experiment drawing coordinator, and is responsible for checking and for informing others of any changes. Tony Jones is, likewise, the hall & infrastructure drawing coordinator. Stephanie/Tony will bring the drawings to the attention of Wing/Chris respectively. Chris is charged with the overall coordination of the integration into the hall and the central drawing registry. Wing is responsible for the MICE experiment integration. The responsible engineer has an obligation to issue drawings to Stephanie or Tony as appropriate. This process constitutes the “publishing” mechanism for MICE drawings.

23 23 pd - CM16, October 2006 Schedule End dates have advanced: Beam available at the start of August! Time for beam line commissioning in August & September...Subject to negotiations

24 24 pd - CM16, October 2006 Would those attending the PID review please let me know!

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