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Average Annual Fuel Oil Consumption on Campus Average amount of gallons used per year is 53,902.

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1 Average Annual Fuel Oil Consumption on Campus Average amount of gallons used per year is 53,902

2 Southampton College Energy Consumption Analysis Fig. 1. The main boiler by far uses the most amount of oil on campus. The Peconic dorms use the second most amount of fuel. Southampton College uses an average of 53,902 gallons of fuel a year, costing $50,613. Electrical Usage for Campus Housing Fig. 3. Comparison of the electricity consumption in the Southampton College dormitories. Most of the electrical use on campus goes towards lighting. The peak use at Montauk and Southold dorms is around 35,000 kwh. This is the most on campus with the exception of the Wood Hall. The College is currently using an average of 511,689 kwh, which costs the school $359,488 annually. Peak use in all dorms appears to occur in November. Large scale fluctuations mimic student occupancy on the semester system. Source: Energy Assessment For Long Island University, Southampton College. 23 December 2002, by Michael Pope, P.E., J.D. Objective: This poster displays how much fuel, gas, and electricity we use on campus and where the majority of it goes. Average Annual Fuel oil Consumption on Campus (2000-2003) Fig. 2. Most of the gas used on campus goes to the main power plant. The Federal dorms use twice as much gas than any of the other buildings. The College uses an average of 511,689 therms a year, costing the school $100,888. Methods: The campus uses both oil and natural gas for furnaces to heat buildings and hot water tanks. Consumption of oil and gas, as well as electricity, are monitored by meters. The readings on the meters are used for billing purposes. The information in this poster was generated from those billing statements. Average Annual Gas Consumption (2000-2003) Conclusions: Disregarding the main boiler and power plant, student housing is responsible for most of the energy consumption on campus. Dorms are occupied 24 hours a day for about 8 months a year. The Montauk and Southold dorms include more buildings and are able to occupy more students, resulting in higher usage than the Peconics and Bridgehampton dorms. The discrepancy as to why the Bridgehampton dorms do not follow the typical fluctuations in electrical use should be addressed. Heating and electricity are essential for our students and efforts should be made to help reduce any over-consumption. Electric space heaters should never be used, for they are very inefficient. Old or broken light fixtures should be replaced, and motion sensors should be used, as they are in the Natural Science building, so lights are only used when the area is occupied. The school pays a total utility bill of $600,000 a year for oil, natural gas, electricity, and propane. The best way to reduce energy use is to make the students aware of inefficient habits, like leaving lights on or leaving doors and windows open. Every little bit makes a difference. By Chris Grannelli and Ryan Tamashiro





7 Gas Consumption in Therms on Campus Total of 348,795 therms used on average, costing $183,857

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