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Presentation on theme: "CONFERENCE EVALUATION ADMINISTRATION OF SURVEYS & INTERVIEWS."— Presentation transcript:


2 MOST COMMON ADMINISTRATION CHANNELS Self-completed forms OnlinePrinted Interviews (face-to-face & by phone) IndividualFocus Groups

3 MANAGEMENT OF PRINTED SELF-COMPLETED FORMS (DURING THE CONFERENCE) Distribution already on seats by volunteers/hostesses at the entrance Collection use boxes which are highly visible, attractive and with an appropriate shape (standing ballot boxes are the best option) empty boxes regularly move location of boxes if needed Data Entry use standard coding sheets on Excel complete survey directly online (best option to reduce entry errors)

4 DATA ENTRY  Need a clear process if several persons enter data:  screening  numbering  entering data  archiving  double-checking data entry  Need appropriate training & supervision of data entry staff:  face-to-face training before starting  printed or online instructions  onsite support

5 MANAGEMENT OF ONLINE SELF-COMPLETED FORMS 1 Select a professional survey web application* that meets your needs, and invest enough time to get familiar to it 2Develop questionnaire on Word & contact list on Excel 3Enter questionnaire & import contacts 4 Format/design: tailored logo & headers, welcome & thank you pages, progress bar, previous & back buttons, page breaks with clear page titles 5Select strategic period*, week day* & time to launch survey

6 MANAGEMENT OF ONLINE SELF-COMPLETED FORMS (cont.) 6 Write the invitation & reminder emails, with a clear title & content: customized greetings (avoid ‘’Dear participant’’), survey purpose, confidentiality of feedback, completion deadline, who to contact in case of problems, possibility to edit responses, signature 7 Check yourself if all skip logics work properly 8Ask a few colleagues & people not familiar with the questionnaire to test it, and to check clarity of both invitation and reminder emails

7 MANAGEMENT OF ONLINE SELF-COMPLETED FORMS (end) 9Send invitation emails 10 Monitor number of responses per week and send reminder (1 or 2) at appropriate times 11Close survey 12Download results/reports (export to Excel)  Reply to emails in a timely manner  Be ready to send Word forms and enter responses yourself*  Allow for flexibility re. deadline extension In the meantime…

8 KEY ELEMENTS TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT WHEN PLANNING & CONDUCTING INTERVIEWS Type: structured or semi-structured Timing (when) & duration Channel: face-to-face or by phone Location(s) Selection of participants: random or pre-selection Special requirements for focus groups:  skilled moderator who will also record interviews, transcript records and analyze them,  sound proof meeting room,  careful selection of participants, and determination of group size & composition  over-recruitment by 20%


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