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CS Board of Governors Orientation Standards Activities Board (SAB) John Harauz VP for Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "CS Board of Governors Orientation Standards Activities Board (SAB) John Harauz VP for Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS Board of Governors Orientation Standards Activities Board (SAB) John Harauz VP for Standards

2 Outline Objective/Goal/Mission of Board Overview of Board Structure - Org Chart w/ officers Benefits for Volunteers Looking back Looking forward Opportunities for Volunteer Leaders

3 Standards Activities Board Role and Vision “To provide an organizational framework and conducive environment within which to develop broadly accepted, sound, timely, and technically excellent standards that will advance the theory and practice of computing and information processing science and technology.”

4 4 IEEE Standards Association (SA) Nearly 900 active industry standards, 200 in CS 700 in development, 100 in CS 15,000 volunteers, 5,000 in CS CS-SAB with IEEE SA expanding international reach –IEC and IEEE joint branding and joint development agreements –IEEE is sector member of ITU –IEEE Regional Standards Activities : IEEE Region 7 - Canada IEEE Region 8 - Europe, Middle East, Africa IEEE Region 9 - Latin America IEEE Region 10 - Asia and Pacific A principle driven standards development process gives IEEE standards a high level of validity and is a primary reason they generally enjoy widespread industry acceptance.

5 Principles of IEEE Standards Development Process Due process requires highly visible procedures for standards creation. Model procedures exist for the Sponsors and working groups that formulate standards. Openness ensures all interested parties have an opportunity to participate in the standards development process. Consensus requires that most of those in a group constituted to ballot a standard approve of it. Balance says that balloting groups must include interested parties but avoid an overwhelming influence by any one party. Right of appeal allows anyone to appeal an action at any point, before or after a standard is approved.

6 SAB Goals Support Standards development within Computer Society and IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Continue to further and encourage the use of established Standards –Ensure that Society standards provide true value to practitioners and their organizations, are relevant, are affordable, and provide a consistent view of the state of the practice. –Improve vitality of standards groups to become more market-oriented, developing standards that respond to identified customers wants –Increase our professional membership and prestige worldwide

7 SAB Goal: International Coordination & Harmonization Coordination Improve and “regularize” IEEE CS participation in various JTC1 subcommittees (Liaison Types A or C) Strengthen SAB Sponsors relationships with IFIP Harmonization Continue JTC1/SC7 harmonization with software and systems engineering standards Move new technology areas into TAB and SAB for international concurrence with JTC1 Jim Moore, International Chair

8 SAB Roster 2009 Vice President- John Harauz –Vice-Chair Robby Robson –Past Chair - John Walz –Secretary - Debbie Brown Committee Chairs –Awards - David Schultz –Policies and Procedures - Robby Robson –Products & Services - Pam Jones –Vitality - Pam Jones –Strategic Planning - Francois Coallier

9 SAB Roster 2009 – Standards Committee Sponsor Chairs Design Automation (DASC) - Victor Berman Environmental Assessment (EASC) - Holly Elwood & Wayne Rifer Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) - Jim Odell Information Assurance (IASC) - Jack Cole Learning Technology (LTSC) - Don Holmes Local Area Networks/MAN-P802 (LMSC) - Paul Nikolich Microprocessor and Microcomputers (MSC) - Bob Davis, Paul Eastman Portable Applications - POSIX (PASC): (PASC) - Lowell Johnson Simulation Interoperability (SISO-SAC) - James Kogler Software & Systems Engineering Standards (S2ESC) - Paul Croll Storage Systems Standards (SSSC) - Curtis Anderson Test Technology Standards (TTSC) - Rohit Kapur SAB Sponsored Projects - Paul Eastman Game Technology (GT) Standards Committee Study Group - Bret Wilson

10 SAB Roster 2009 - Liaisons IEEE-SA Standards Board - TBD IEEE-SA SCC20 Test and Diagnosis for Electric Systems - John Sheppard IEEE-TA ad hoc Committee on Standards - John Walz CS Technology and Conferences (T&C) - Jack Cole CS Chapters Activities (CAB) - David Schultz CS Educational Activities (EAB)- David Schultz CS Electronic Products & Services (EPSB) - Pam Jones CS Publications (PUB) / Computer Standards Column - John Harauz CS Professional Practices Committee - John Harauz/ Francois Coallier CS Membership Committee - John Harauz TBDCS T&C New Practitioners Community of Interest - John Harauz CS T&C TCSE Software Engineering - Paul Croll CS T&C TCTT Test Technologies - Rohit Kapur CS History Committee - John Walz ISO/ IEC JTC1 Joint Technical Committee 1- Francois Coallier ISO/ IEC JTC1 SC7 Software & System Engineering - Jim Moore LETSI - Robby Robson The Center for Global Standards Analysis - Donald E. Purcell

11 Benefits for Volunteers Participating In Standards Development Activities BENEFITS TO INDIVIDUALS Professional Development and Continuing Education Opportunities –Improved skills in teamwork, negotiating, consensus building, management and leadership –Connection with a vast network of counterparts from leading world organizations –Access to a wide range of technical areas on technical needs to create next generation standards. –Learn from other experts Personal Recognition –Peer network recognition at International and IEEE-CS level –Acknowledgement in published standards –Author of ancillary IEEE-CS products

12 Benefits for Volunteers Participating In Standards Development Activities Company Benefits –Keep on the cutting edges of technology and latest standards developments and use this information to help coworkers and clients –Reduce learning curve for business unit prior to product development –Provide a strong presence for your organization in standards development to demonstrate corporate leadership in the field –Influence the development of standards to reflect your organization’s way of doing business and enhance the ability of your organization to compete effectively in the digital marketplace

13 SAB Finances & Meetings Budget for 2009 supports –Software & Systems Engineering Standards Activities (US TAG, S2ESC PSDO for JTC1/SC7) –Learning-Education-Training Systems Interoperability (LETSI) IEEE- ISTO Meetings –Game Technology Standards Workshop Feb 3 LAX Attract Orange County SIG members to SC on Gaming Technology –SAB, 20 March 2009, 9 AM - 5 PM, Piscataway, NJ (Following the IEEE-SA Board meetings) Free meeting room, parking, refreshments, Internet –SAB, 3 June 2009, 9 AM - 5 PM, Savannah, GA SAB Meeting reduced to 1 day from 2 days –SAB, 18 November 2009, Webcom

14 Looking back – greatest accomplishments Produced standards podcasts Round 2 Participated in CS Technology Summit Sought and received funding for CS Liaison to Federation for Learning, Education and Training Systems Interoperability (LETSI) Acting Board from two CS boards Worked standards history into History Committee web site Vitality – –Individual conference calls and Sponsor ExCom presentations on best practices and areas for improvement. –Worked on identifying improved communication and guidance between Technical Committees and Sponsors –Improving visibility of CS SAB within IEEE SA Web Updated Rochester and Buffalo Chapter presentations Initiated Wiki for SAB Handbook update.

15 SAB Key Initiatives 2009 1.Continue Standards Committee (SC) and Work Group vitality improvement. 2.Work systematically with Technology and Conference Activities Board to improve alignment and synergy between standards and technical activities. 3.Build a new Game Technology Standards Committee. 4.Organize a CS Practitioner’s Conference with a Standards stream. 5.Address MSC Leadership recruitment. 6.Update SAB Handbook.

16 Opportunities for Volunteer Leaders SAB Board members Liaison to other CS Boards & IEEE-SA Committees CS members Participation through: –Study Groups –Working Groups –Balloting groups

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