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Paul V. Carter Best practices in good times & bad I don't know what their problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.

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Presentation on theme: "Paul V. Carter Best practices in good times & bad I don't know what their problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce."— Presentation transcript:


2 Paul V. Carter Best practices in good times & bad I don't know what their problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.

3 Best of breed  Best practice…. ▪ look at the data »Listen to your team »Listen to your clients »Listen to your suppliers »Hire some new blood »Have a plan

4 Key topics  People  Training  Sales process  Sales pay plans  Pricing  Operations  Inquiry management  Service pricing  Services offered  Freebies kill  Collaterals  Web Site  Agreements  Renewals  Networks  Finally

5 People  Smarter than you  Give them time to learn  Give them real training  Challenge them  Coach them through mistakes  Give them the the big picture  Pay in line with your objectives

6 Training  Ensure you have a knowledge base  Create course work  Update your material  Don’t assume your team know.  Use vendors to help train.

7 Sales Process  Write it down  Train it  Use your best  Test your best  Use a sales presenter  Collaterals the are helpful  Use a price list  Incentives for team

8 Pay Plan  Have one  Review annually  It meets your goals  Reward winners  Reward term  Reward price  Reward services sold

9 Pricing  Price lists  Makes sense  Reviewed quarterly  Share it with partners  Use it during tours  Use it with clients expanding/renewing  Discount for term  No freebies

10 Operations  Respect service revenues  Use technology  Intranets  Make it easy to pay  Police services  Add services

11 Inquiry Management  Ratios Ratios Ratios  Brokers  Neighbors  Landlords  Clients  Signage  3rd Parties  Networking  Corporate Housing

12 Service Pricing  Monitor  Benchmark  Accept reality  Survey clients  Think outside box  Service clients  Find partners

13 Services Offered  Build your brand  Added value  Survey clients  Look ahead 5 years  Get paid  Partner

14 Freebies  Meeting room hours  Free months  Free fax lines  Month end only  Hubs  VOIP  Wi-Fi  Set up fees

15 Collaterals  Quality  Available  Current  In line with Objective  Downloadable  Call to action

16 Web site  Be seen  Rank on 1st page  Resource for prospects  Develop it  Intranet for clients and 3rd party revenues

17 Agreements  Re-design to be simple  Benchmark look & feel  Retainers no exceptions  Fewer freebies  Term  Train your team  Comments for exceptions

18 Renewals  Agreement terms  Don’t be timid  90 days notice  Increases  Month end always  Watch the promises

19 Network  We all need a little love, meet up  Be open, share  Better than you  Compete on location  ABCN  This weekend

20 Finally  In some industries the market leader is also the least expensive, thankfully not in ours.  Thank you very much.  Questions?


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