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Cranial Nerves. Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves Cranial Nerves Special Sense Nerves I,II,VIII Somatic Motor Nerves Eye—III,IV,VI.

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Presentation on theme: "Cranial Nerves. Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves Cranial Nerves Special Sense Nerves I,II,VIII Somatic Motor Nerves Eye—III,IV,VI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cranial Nerves

2 Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves Cranial Nerves Special Sense Nerves I,II,VIII Somatic Motor Nerves Eye—III,IV,VI Tongue--XII “Rest of body” nerves IX,X,XI Face and jaws VII, V

3 Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves Head I: Skull—a framework to hang on Overall organization of skull Base of the skull—the hard part Developmental view Cranial nerves out (to “targets”) Head II: Throat targets Head III: Special Sense targets Head IV: Cranial nerves in depth

4 Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves Nerve “targets” in head SENSORY SpecialGeneral Smellskin Visionteeth Hearingeye tongue oral cavity nasal cavity middle ear throat meninges MOTOR MusclesGlands eyessalivary extrinsicsweat intrinsiclacrimal jawsmucous facial expression larynx tongue throat ear

5 Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves Base of the skull—cranial nerves out Ethmoid (olfactory) I. Olfactory Sphenoid (optic) II. Optic III. Oculomotor IV. Trochlear VI. Abducens Temporal (otic) VII. Acoustic/Auditory/ Vestibulocochlear Face/Jaws V. Trigeminal VII. Facial Throat (rest of body) IX Glossopharyngeal X. Vagus XI. Spinal Accessory XII. Hypoglosal

6 Cranial nerves


8 Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves Special Sense Nerves Internal auditory meatus (temporal) Inner earVIII. Auditory Optic canal (sphenoid) RetinaII. Optic Cribiform plate (ethmoid) Olfactory epithelium I. Olfactory EXIT FROM CRANIAL CAVITY TARGETNERVE

9 Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves M&M, Table 14.3

10 Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves Somatic Motor Nerves (eye muscles and tongue) EXIT CR. CAVITYTARGETNERVE Hypoglossal canal (occipital) Intrinsic, extrinsic mm. of tongue XII. Hypoglossal “Sup.,med.,inf.rectus Inferior Oblique Levator palpebrae superioris III. Oculomotor (Also parasympathetic to ciliary mm, constrictor pupillae) “Lateral rectusVI. Abducens Sup. Orbital fissure (sphenoid) Superior oblique m. (with trochlea) IV. Trochlear

11 Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves



14 Cranial nerves


16 Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves “Rest of body” nerves (all exit from jugular foramen)

17 Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves


19 VII: Facial Nerve (exits cranial cavity with VIII--internal auditory meatus) Facial muscles (five branches fan out over face from stylomastoid foramen) Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Mandibular Cervical “chorda tympani” (crosses interior ear drum to join V 3 ) Taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue Submandibular, sublingual salivary glands Lacrimal glands

20 Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

21 V: Trigeminal (3 nerves in 1!) V1. Ophthalmic Exits with eye muscle group (superior orbital fissure, through orbit to superior orbital notch/foramina) Sensory to forehead, nasal cavity V2. Maxillary Exits foramen rotundum through wall of maxillary sinus to inferior orbital foramina) Sensory to cheek, upper lip, teeth, nasal cavity V3. Mandibular Exits foramen ovale to mandibular foramen to mental foramen Motor to jaw muscles--Masseter, temporalis, pterygoids, digastric Sensory to chin Sensory to tongue

22 Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves


24 Cranial Nerves I:Olfactory II:Optic III:Oculomotor IV:Trochlear V:Trigeminal VI:Abducens VII: Facial VIII:Vestibulocochlear Acoustic IX:Glossopharyngeal X:Vagus XI:Accessory XII: Hypoglossal

25 Mnemonic On Old Olympus’ Tower Top A Fin And German Viewed A Hop


27 CN I: OLFACTORY Cranial nerve I Function: smell Clinical test for damage: determine whether a person can smell something aromatic

28 CN II: OPTIC Cranial nerve II Function: vision Clinical test for damage: tests peripheral vision and visual acuity Effects of damage: blindness in part or all of the visual field

29 CNIII: OCULOMOTOR Cranial nerve III Function: eye movements, opening of eyelid, constriction of pupil, focusing, proprioception Clinical tests for injury: differences in pupil size; pupillary response to light; eye tracking Effects of damage dropping eyelid, dilated pupil, double vision

30 CNIV: TROCHLEAR Cranial nerve IV Function: eye movements and proprioception Clinical test for injury: ability to rotate eye inferolaterally Effects of damage – double vision, patient tilts head toward affected side

31 CN V: TRIGEMINAL Cranial nerve V Function: sensory nerve of the face Clinical test for injury: corneal reflex; sense of touch, pain, and temperature; clench teeth; move mandible side to side Effects of damage: loss of sensation and impaired chewing

32 CN VI: ABDUCENS AND CN VII: FACIAL Cranial Nerve VI Function: Eye movements Clinical test: lateral eye movement Effects of damage: inability to rotate eye laterally; at rest – eye rotates medially because of action of antagonistic muscles Cranial Nerve VII Function: facial expression; sense of taste Clinical test: motor functions – close eyes, smile, whistle, frown, raise eyebrows; taste Effects of damage: inability to control facial muscles; distorted sense of taste

33 CN VIII: VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR Cranial Nerve VIII Function: hearing and equilibrium Clinical tests: test hearing, balance, and ability to walk a straight line Effects of damage: deafness, dizziness, nausea, loss of balance, and nystagmus

34 CN IX: GLOSSOPHARANGEAL AND CN X: VAGUS Cranial Nerve IX Function: swallowing, salivation, gagging; touch, pressure, taste, and pain sensations from tongue, pharynx, and outer ear Clinical tests: gag reflex, swallowing, and coughing Effects of damage: difficulty swallowing Cranial Nerve X Function: swallowing; taste; speech; respiratory, CV, and GI regulation; sensations of hunger, fullness, and intestinal discomfort Clinical tests: test with cranial nerve IX Effects of damage: hoarseness or loss of voice; impaired swallowing and GI motility

35 CN XI: ACCESSORY AND CN XII: HYPOGLOSSAL Cranial Nerve XI Function: swallowing; head, neck, and shoulder movements Clinical tests: rotate head and shrug shoulders against resistance Effects of damage: impaired movement of head, neck, and shoulders; paralysis of sternocleidomastoid Cranial Nerve XII Function: tongue movements of speech, food manipulation, and swallowing Clinical test: tongue function Effects of damage: difficulty in speech and swallowing; atrophy of tongue; inability to stick out (protrude) tongue

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